can't navigate first uri segment (controller) in wamp - codeigniter

When i navigate to my main page in on localhost ( I have no problems. It displays the page as it should.
However, it asks to login, and when I click the link, it brings me straight back to the WAMP details page. It navigates to (
Any ideas why this is happening?

I use XAMP, but I think the environments are similar. The trick is to get the base url right.
What is your base url set to in config.php?
Mine look something like:
$config['base_url'] = "http://localhost/myWWWdirectory/MySpecificProject/";
where my CI files are in the 'MySpecificProject' folder.
On my machine, myWWWdirectory/MySpecificProject is in my htdocs folder.


Lektor server doubles subfolder in url without obvious reason

I am trying to export an existing php-based dynamic webpage into a lektor project which up to now really worked well.
Unfortunately one problem is giving me a headache:
While my navigation works perfectly with every page and subpage, links to subpages in the content section don't.
E.g. if I set a relative path like
[My Link to Subpage](/peter/personalinfo)
it is correctly shown in the browser view. If I hover the mouse over the link the browser shows the correct url
But if I click it I get
Not Found
The requested URL was not found on the server. If you entered the URL manually please check your spelling and try again.
and the url in the address field shows
So I click the correct url but the browser calls the wrong url and of course can't find anything there.
I don't understand how this doubling can happen. I naively would expect that if I clicked a link the browser would exactly look at that address. But it seems like the server is redirecting to the malformed url. And yes, it does so with any link to a subpage.
the navigation looks like this:
-- Personalinfo
-- Contact
-- Portfolio
-- Personalinfo
-- Contact
-- Portfolio
Any idea why this happens and how to change it?
Update: The problem doesn't appear with the built static page on a webserver.
there is an open issue (#997) that is already fixed and will be released soon. But you can fix this yourself, just append a slash at the end of your link [My Link to Subpage](/peter/personalinfo/)

Magento not showing images even if they are in the server

I've installed a Magento theme I bought and since the very first moment it doesn't load images. The weird thing is this:
The site show this:
If I get the url of the first image (Right Click: "Get image url") shows this:
I navigate to this url the images don't exist and I get a 404 error.
The weird thing is that that image is IN MY server and accessible from the server, like this:
As last thing in the root folder public_html I loaded the same image and that gets showed up:
I'm not understanding what I'm doing wrong....
Check the media folder for a .htaccess file and remove it.

Using a custom domain with a Heroku hosted app

I am trying to point a custom doamin provided by to my Heroku app. Everything works well unless I try to enter a direct URL past the normal landing page.
If I go to I get the right landing page and can navigate throughout the site. However, If I go directly to a URL deeper insite the site such as I get a 404 error. But, if I go to everything works fine.
Another ofdity is that when I go to no matter where I navigate the url is always diaplyed as with nothing ever trailing.
This ended up being an issue with's configuration. No matter what I tried I could not get the domain the redirect properly. I switched to GoDaddy and used the exact same configuration and everything worked great.

Moved joomla site to another host but doesn't work

I have recently moved my joomla site to another hosting. But now the site doesn't work. Shows blank page. Though the administrator's page (/administrator) is shown and works correctly. Have any ideas for what reason it can be?
Remove the .htaccess altogether
clear the cache and tmp folders
make sure db name, login and password are correct in the configuration.php
make sure the server path (tmp and logs folders) are correct
if you still get an empty page, make sure you're looking at the right log file. Turn php error logging on or display them.
post some more details here...

Set up a cms page for Magento

I've been trying to set up a CMS page in magento to be the home page, and it's just killing me - how hard should this be? no matter what I set up, I get a 404.
Can somebody tell me basic steps to set up a CMS page as the home page for a Magento install, living at:
I can't have the url key for the CMS page be empty, but setting the default page in the System->Config->Default Pages->CMS Home Page (which seems like it should work), still gives me a 404.
thx for any help
Hours of head banging later .... I’ve changed the parameter “Use Web Server Rewrites” on System -> Configuration -> Web from Yes to No. And it worked! My provider set this by default, so had to change it. Only downside is that I now get the /index.php extension added.
Did you check to make sure that the page was enabled and visible in your store view?
Ok - figured it out. In the System->Config->Web, the Default Web URL needs to be 'cms' (no quotes) - I guess that tells Magento to use the cms page instead of a default url.
In csm - pages create some html in the page, eg start simple with My Homepage.
Give it a name and take care the url is "home" (without the quotes.
Now go to system - configuration - web and select your homepage (name) from the dropdown where in lets you choose the homepage.
That should do it.
Your CMS Page Identifier should be home
I was running into the same issue. No matter what I did, the home page came back as a 404. I had it working on a test server (with a different database) and compared the options side by side. Absolutely nothing worked, the home page, named 'home' and the 'cms' was properly set, mod_rewrite working, htaccess file just peachy...but wouldn't work. after a few hours I saw that did, though I swear it hadn't been.
Finally I wiped the blood off the keyboard where I'd been smashing my head against it and went into url rewrite management and set id path to '/', request path to '/' and target path to '/home/' and it works like it should have all along. Hope this helps someone else!
