Change built-in webserver to use 'Index.aspx' as default page - visual-studio-2010

When I run my application on localhost I get a directory listing and have to click on 'Index.aspx' to view the page.
I have already set the Set As Start Page to 'Index.aspx', which means when I press 'F5', 'Index.aspx' is opened.
This works fine, but when navigating through the site, if there is a link, such as '/FolderName', I get a directory listing, and have to manually change the URL to '/FolderName/Index.aspx'.
I believe this is because by default, the default page is 'Default.aspx'?
Is it possible to change this to 'Index.aspx'? It would save me a lot of time!

AFAIK this is not configurable. Your best option would be to rename all your index.aspx files to default.aspx. See the following link with an accepted answer to back up mine. Have fun with your renames :) application default file Index.aspx


Umbraco adds extra slash to beginning of page URL

Umbraco 7.12.4
Recently I renamed a node in Umbraco. It used to be called "Projects". I want it to be called "My Projects". After renaming it, no matter whether I put the name back to the original value or set an entirely new value, the following occurs:
Change page name
Click on properties. The Url appears correct, without an extra /
Access the website. The website works correctly
Access the website AGAIN. This page now redirects to http://my-projects and fails.
Click on properties. The Url now appears as in the image below.
I have checked routes. Cleared URL redirects. Emptied recycle bin. Tried page names that have never existed before.
Any ideas? I am pulling my hair out. Thanks!
The problem was related to a missing host name - look at comments :-)

Need to do a reset component backened in joomla - joomla in a subdirectory (CiviCRM)

According to docs, I should run this command to reset some of my CiviCRM stuff in Joomla:
However, we only used the Joomla & CiviCRM solution for our interal-business-facing side, and it's on a subdirectory of the main site.
However, whenever I run
it goes to the main website
Considering the public-facing side is wordpress based and doesn't accept joomla browser commands, fortunately it just goes to the main site. My question is, what do I need to do to alter the browser address to make it reach joomla's subdirectory instead of root?
Assuming you're in a version of CiviCRM from the past couple of years, don't worry about entering the URL: it's in the menu. Go within CiviCRM to Administer > System Settings > Cleanup Caches and Update Paths.
That menu item should correspond to:
Once you're there, you can check the paths and URL and hit Save to reset them. You can also go there to clear all the caches with the Cleanup Caches button.
Now, if you just moved the site from somewhere, there's the chance that the web server doesn't have permission to write/delete in the template cache, so you might need to go into your files and clear out:
everything within yoursiteroot/media/civicrm/templates_c (but not templates_c itself)
the file yoursiteroot/media/civicrm/ConfigAndLog/Config.IDS.ini

Why my changes on template files are not showing up?

I am working on Magento and trying to make some changes on one of the .phtml files. But my changes never reflect on the web site. I have tried the following things:
Clear Magento cache and delete cache storage
Open the path hint and make sure I am editing the correct file
Go to magento admin panel, System->Configuration->Design, and make sure templates, skin, layout and default folders are correct.
None of the above action worked. Is there anything else that I could do?
Thanks a lot.
Screen shot
First thing you would want to check is the cache. System > Cache Management. Disable the Layout and Blocks HTML output caches and refresh the frontend page where you've put your changes.
If cache isn't the problem there is a way to find out which template is rendered in a specific location because you may not be editing the correct file.
Go to System > Configuration, select your website from top left Current Configuration Scope, then go to Developer > Debug and set Template Path Hints to Yes.
After this, save your config and refresh the page where you want to modify the .phtml.
If you are working on a live environment make sure not everybody will be able to see the template paths by putting your IP in the Allowed IPs input from Developer Client Restrictions.
After you are finished with this re-enable the cache.

How do I edit my Joomla login page?

I am having some hard times trying to figure out what file on my server is creating the page located at "" I don't have a component directory but I do have a components directory. I dove into that and checked out the com_users/views templates but I wasn't able to edit anything that reflected changes on the page in question really. One thing to note is that if I modify the view.html.php file at 'components/com_users/views/login' it seems to affect the page, and it seems to want to load the content on the page from the line of code that reads:
$menus = $app->getMenu();
Any idea of how to edit this page?
This is the file you will want to edit if you intend on making style or layout changes to the login page.
The file that contains the functions for the login page and that I would not recommend editing is:
Thanks to GDP for providing the answer I was looking for:
"You may also want to check in the \html folder of your active template. if templates\yourtemplate\html\com_users exists, Joomla will be checking and loading from there if a matching view and file is found."

Changing joomla site address

I've copied an existing joomla site from one domain to another, but when I hit the menu items it redirects to the old domain articles. Where is the setting to change this?
Narkoz's answer isn't correct, there isn't an option to set your site domain in the joomla backend.
The problem isn't that joomla doesn't know your site URL, it gets that from you server, but rather the menu links are probably hard coded. Check your menu links in the backend and make sure the point to an "internal" link of some kind.
Set $live_site variable in your configuration.php file by adding this line:
$live_site = "";
Export the database to SQL file then open it with a text editor and do a search/replace
Search :
and replace it by :
Save your file and import it to the database.
