How to write a deep link in Robo Script? - firebase-test-lab

Is there any way to write a deep link in Robo Script?
I would like to do the deep link after testing My Script before Monkey while testing in Test Lab..
Does anyone know?

As of now, there is no way to add deep links into a Roboscript, but there is a feature request for this.


Where to find complete documentation for Cloud code?

Parse cloud code guide provides a start but Where to find complete documentation?
Thanks to flovilmart from Parse community to point out
Why i might have missed it because it is JS SDK so i thought may be develop Parse in JS front end !!
Taking closer look at methods i realized it is cloud code.

hyperledger composer: Calling a REST API (GET) from Transaction Processor Functions

Would like to make a GET call out of a transaction processor functions.
Found docu how to make a post call here:, but nothing about making a GET call.
Any idea appreciated, thanks!
Unfortunately, there isn't any way at present to do a GET. As the link you provide suggests the POST is an experimental feature and we would welcome feedback suggestions so raising a git issue at would be good way to provide feedback, suggestions and use cases/

Jmeter load testing on a HTTP URL

I want to perform load testing using jmeter tool on the below url, How can i achieve this,
How can i achieve this?
Glad to know that you chose Jmeter, which i love, for your load testing requirements.
Please refer to the tutorials below to get some basic idea.
& Ofcourse,
When you come up with your own script and if it does not work as expected, Then ask your questions here to get them clarified!!

Can we add custom action to HtmlLoggerState

I'm using VS2013/CodedUI and my palybacksetting is as follow:
Playback.PlaybackSettings.LoggerOverrideState = HtmlLoggerState.AllActionSnapshot;
I also have a 3rd party tool that I have integrated to my code that does some action that codedui can't...Iw an to be able to log those steps into the ActionLog.html file with where codedui capture the actions and screenshot.
I searched a lot but didn't find anything on how we can achieve this.
thanks in advance for any help
I posted a response over here: Writing Custom HTML Logs
It sounds like there's not a good way to do this. You can get the path to where the html file lives and write a custom logger from there. I'm not sure it'd be safe to try and write to it while your test is executing, but perhaps once your test is complete.

Linkedin+Codeigniter : linkedin status update using codeigniter

could any one guide me on how can I update status on linkedin using codeigniter?
Any help appreciated thanks!
I implemented this library into CI to make sure a user could log in with his LinkedIn profile. Maybe you can also update the status of a user.
Implementing it in CI is pretty easy if you know your way around in CI.
I really like it when people write libraries for others to use and the code is commented/well thought out/well structured and is easy to follow.
I tried the other examples, but settled on this one.
Having banged my head for a long time on the POS code of Sudhir and the code above. Yes I can change my opinion, because when I started to work on it, it just doesn't work!.
Although I am new to CI, I managed to do the same as P.T and implemented the lib into CI.
The simple-linkedinphp class works like a charm.
I can now authorise an app, authenticate, get profile details and even post to linkedin.
I even posted a comment on Sundir's blog that it doesn't work and he deleted the comment! Stay away, well away if you don't want any headaches!
