Linkedin+Codeigniter : linkedin status update using codeigniter - codeigniter

could any one guide me on how can I update status on linkedin using codeigniter?
Any help appreciated thanks!

I implemented this library into CI to make sure a user could log in with his LinkedIn profile. Maybe you can also update the status of a user.
Implementing it in CI is pretty easy if you know your way around in CI.

I really like it when people write libraries for others to use and the code is commented/well thought out/well structured and is easy to follow.
I tried the other examples, but settled on this one.
Having banged my head for a long time on the POS code of Sudhir and the code above. Yes I can change my opinion, because when I started to work on it, it just doesn't work!.
Although I am new to CI, I managed to do the same as P.T and implemented the lib into CI.
The simple-linkedinphp class works like a charm.
I can now authorise an app, authenticate, get profile details and even post to linkedin.
I even posted a comment on Sundir's blog that it doesn't work and he deleted the comment! Stay away, well away if you don't want any headaches!


Service worker, caching a graph query request

so I'm getting in the world of service workers, found it complex for my level, and despite I manage to cache my physical files in my vue 3 project. I'm struggling with the way of caching the response from headless CMS, there is a lot information around about in general most of then very old, at the beginning I tried using workbox, then I read that you cannot catch graph response or post response(correct if I am wrong), in addition I was having a lot of issues trying to include the script with the vue 3 project and some error about some array, so ended up building the sw from scratch and it worker pretty well so far. Now I'm facing the issue with the graph response, so far I have read it's not easy which is quite discouraging when u read it from more experienced people. I have found some examples and lot of user asking the same question here some with no response as well, and so far I found an interesting response(3 years old), however I am not sure if this actually applies for my case if is deprecate. He provides a code example, however is not providing information about what exactly does the script, you can see the response here
So I am assuming the URL that needs to be provide is the url to my graph API in this case the one provide for CMS. And the in the variable cachedResponse under the catch, do I need to provide the query variable, meaning the const that I am using to call the graph? I have to mention I am not using apollo nor axios just a normal graph inclusion.
Also when I tried to run this code, at the beginning I got an issue with the script from dexie.js and had mime issue which I tried to correct with some suggestion from here. Which did not work for me. I thought that was my sw cache playing bad, however I cleaned it got same issue.
So so far have been a long way, It seems there is not magic formula, but if I can receive an advice or different approach from what I have been trying so far, would be very welcome. Thank you in advance for the help : )

how to send a request to google home\assistant like IFTTT+webhooks

Please direct me the right way. I'm stuck with some documentation issue. Going to code a small service with Google HOME for everyone to add a new phrase and make a POST request or answer with specific "TEXT" (like IFTTT run with WEBHOOKS) (fe: "Hey Google switch my kitchen light" -> service will send POST request to my own HTTP server). I know that IFTTT works but - I would to code the target service for tiny cases with fast response.
I tried to understand all Google Assistant layers - but still no luck and didn't find the clear path.
What I learned are:
1. connect to Google Account using OAuth 2
2. .... save the phrase and action for that in my DB - it's ok and simple way
3. ...??? how to send and to where? in (json?) a specific format
4. receive the answer from google home to understand the right case and make my action.... (for example: turn on\off the kitchen light)
It should be not so hard as I can image.... anyway Please help :).
Appreciate your time and answers and have a nice day!
To learn about extending the Google Assistant, you should look into the documentation for Actions on Google:
Although it also seems like you want to use it for Smart Home:
You can run the Smart Home sample if you want to see how it works:

powershell exchange 2010 grab body of email and set to variable

i am trying to get the body of an email and set it to a variable with powershell by using get-mailbox. the reason im not doing it an easier was is it is blocked on the network to get the body from outlook. im completly lost. ive tried export but thats to pst. ive tried doing a search query with logging but thats a bust also. im pretty lost anything to point me in the direction would be great.
As far as I know, Get-Mailbox won't do that, unfortunately. It'll get you information about the mailbox, but not it's contents. If you want to work w/ the contents of a mailbox, and you can't use Outlook, your best bet is probably the Exchange Web Service (EWS).
There is a way to do this but it really depends on how much you are willing to work to make it possible.
The best way that I could think of is using the EWS API. It's messy and it takes a while to learn so you will probably need to put some time and effort into making the script (unless you can find someone else who has).
Basically I got all of these links by doing a google search for "Powershell EWS API"
Here is another similar question:
How to check an exchange mailbox via powershell?
Here is some more help with how to use the API (it's kinda tricky):
Here are some examples to work off of (the first one is closest to what you are looking for):
Hope that helps!

Correct place to exend FLOW3 Bootstrap?

currently I am trying to register a Doctrine-Eventlistener for every request in my FLOW3-Package. Some research pointed me to the Package.php, but unfortunately the ObjectManager is not available when the boot()-Method is called.
I searched the whole FLOW3-Documentation without luck
Any hints on which is the right place to do package-wide setup with access to the object manager?
thanks and best regards
Your are bit to early in the bootstrap to get every object, I have a problem, maybe related to yours, you can check my bug report on
Why do you need a Doctrine Eventlistener, maybe you can use AOP to have this kind of feature ?

Codeigniter: Is DX_Auth outdated?

I tried installing DX_Auth in CI 2.1.0 and it's throwing errors everywhere. I took a look at some of the files and much of it is written for PHP 4. Should I be using a different auth library instead?
Things I noticed:
Uses Classname instead of __construct. However, this is easy to change
DX has a plugins folder while CI does not. Is this the equivalent of the *third_party* folder?
Also, there is no $this->load->plugin() which to load the DX plugin folder
Took a look at DX_Auth.php and saw it says (c) 2008. hasn't been updated since 2008?
This is my first time using an Auth library. Should I be using a different library instead of DX_Auth?
Personally I have stuck to using Tank Auth and it is up to date IMHO.
Details are here:
Also changelog etc; here:
Try ion_auth:
It is updated frequently and works correctly with latest version of CodeIgniter.
Few years back I used DX Auth. It worked great!
3 months ago, again I had to use authentication library in one of my (Code Igniter) projects. When I searched for DX auth, found very little information. Even I couldn't access their users manual that was well written. After searching for a while, I found the code on github. Now, I've Implemented it with CodeIgniter 3 without any issue. However, I stuck in some places due to lack of documentation. But it's not a big issue.
DX auth is getting a new refraction and upgrading the library, but still it isn't outdated, you can use the library functionality's without any issues.
Simply modify the Controllers and Models by adding a postfix CI_
DX Auth is now on GitHub
