"RESULT_CODE_MISSING_DATA" at Chromium build launch at Win10 - windows

I built my own version of Chromium using official instruction with very slight changes in the code that do not touch the core things. When I try to launch it on Windows 10 (tried Home and LTSC), is shows "RESULT_CODE_MISSING_DATA" error on each page, including internal ones, like "settings".
The build works on Windows 10 correctly if I launch it with "compatibility to Windows 8" option, but that's a bad option as it launches with additional borders, maybe it's because of Metro UI:
enter image description here
The build launches on Windows 7 well without any additional changes.
I tried to build 82.x.x.x and 81.x.x.x builds, they all emerge this error on Windows 10.
I tried to do builds on multiple OS (Win7, Win10), the error still presents.
my args.gn:
is_debug = false
is_component_build = false
enable_nacl = false
symbol_level = 1
target_cpu = "x86" # I tried x64, same problem
blink_symbol_level = 1
proprietary_codecs = true
ffmpeg_branding = "Chrome"

Ok, after several build tries I built chromium well-working after removing the is_component_ffmpeg=true flag from args.gn.
Thanks Asesh for helping.


Chromium custom build running too slow

I have followed instructions here:
to compile chormium on Windows 7 x64.
It takes some long time to compile, but the problem is not the slow compiling, the problem is in fact that when the browser i built, it runs very, very slow. Is uses much more RAM then usual Chome and it even cannot run on Virtual Machine with 3GB of RAM (shows error).
How can I compile Chromium that can run normally without performanse problems?
If you built it according to instructions then I suppose the problem was in "is_debug = true".
In case you want build browser for normal usage try to change this string from dev manual from:
gn gen out/Default --args="is_component_build = true is_debug = true"
gn gen out/Default --args="is_official = true"
"is_officail" flag makes a lot of optimizasions.
see https://www.chromium.org/developers/gn-build-configuration
for full gn-docs
you most likely need
is_official_build = true
is_debug = false
dcheck_always_on = false
blink_symbol_level = 0
symbol_level = 0
in your gn args.

Unable to compile Firefox OS

Sorry about the vagueness of the question title, but I've been having problems compiling Firefox OS and am unsure where to turn (I know there's Bugzilla but I'm not sure if what I'm experiencing is a bug or not)
Basically, I've been trying to compile the latest Firefox OS from source using the official instructions. I'm trying to build a system that supports the languages en-GB, en-US and tr (with en-GB as the default). My .userconfig is as follows:
export MAKE=
export CC=gcc-4.6
export CXX=g++-4.6
# GAIA l10n
export LOCALE_BASEDIR="$PWD/locales"
export LOCALES_FILE="$PWD/locales/languages_some.json"
# Gecko l10n
export L10NBASEDIR=$PWD/gecko-locales
export PATH="$PATH:$PWD/compare-locales/scripts"
export PYTHONPATH="$PWD/compare-locales/lib"
The contents of languages_some.json is as follows:
"en-GB" : "English (GB)",
"en-US" : "English (US)",
"tr" : "Türkçe"
compare_locales contains an unmodified clone of this repo, and gecko-locales contains clones of en-GB and tr locales from the official repository (there is no 'en' or 'en-US' repository).
Now, I'm not 100% sure where the error is. I have tried searching Google for any suspect lines, but nothing has come up.
I have posted full output as a GitHub Gist. Suspect lines as far as I can tell (this is my first time compiling either Firefox or a mobile phone OS) are:
2015-03-16 16:43:12: stackwalker.cc:125: INFO: Couldn't load symbols for: |
2015-03-16 16:43:12: basic_code_modules.cc:88: INFO: No module at 0x2ab95ac94aa0
(then followed by a lot of 'No module at ...' errors)
System JS : ERROR file:///opt/src/B2G/gaia/b2g_sdk/34.0a1-2014-08-12-04-02-01/b2g/components/nsHandlerService.js:120 - NS_ERROR_FAILURE: Component returned failure code: 0x80004005 (NS_ERROR_FAILURE) [nsIProperties.get]
This error is repeated a fair few times throughout the code, but I can't tell if it's harmless or if it's stopping the build.
There's also a bunch of lines about missing translations, but I imagine they're just harmless. I have tried to cut them down as much as possible (by adding the missing translations) but the problem persists.
Oh yes, and in case someone asks, I have been running with my phone plugged in, and it is visible on adb devices. I have also tried removing the out and backup-inari directories.
System specs, PC:
Debian Sid, mostly up-to-date, but running with an old version of make (build refuses to run on any version newer than 3.8)
GCC 4.6 and 4.9. export CC=gcc-4.6 set in .userconfig
G++ 4.6 and 4.9. export CXX=g++-4.6 set in .userconfig
Original ZTE Open. This originally came with FFOS 1.0, but I have since upgraded to 1.1 by flashing the official ROM.

Portable Browser Issues when deploying R Shiny App

I've built a complex Shiny interface that pulls from an internally networked ODBC table and allows a user to interact with the data through their browser. The company is on Windows 7 Enterprise and IT only supports IE 9. Some users have chrome installed in their user folders, some have firefox, some use IE 9. I followed a tutorial from R-Bloggers (here: http://www.r-bloggers.com/deploying-desktop-apps-with-r/) and it runs on my machine using a portable Chrome browser downloaded from PortableApps.com. Great. Unfortunately the interface has not started on ANYONE else's machine that has their own local Chrome browser installed.
Following the tutorial, I use the following vb script:
Rexe = "R-Portable\App\R-Portable\bin\Rscript.exe"
Ropts = "--no-save --no-environ --no-init-file --no-restore --no-Rconsole"
RScriptFile = "runShinyApp.R"
Outfile = "ShinyApp.log"
strCommand = Rexe & " " & Ropts & " " & RScriptFile & " 1> " & Outfile & " 2>&1"
intWindowStyle = 0 ' Hide the window and activate another window.'
bWaitOnReturn = False ' continue running script after launching R '
CreateObject("Wscript.Shell").Run strCommand, intWindowStyle, bWaitOnReturn
This script calls the following code in my R file:
message('library paths:\n', paste('... ', .libPaths(), sep='', collapse='\n'))
chrome.portable = file.path(getwd(),'GoogleChromePortable/App/Chrome-bin/chrome.exe')
launch.browser = function(appUrl, browser.path=chrome.portable) {
message('Browser path: ', browser.path)
shell(sprintf('"%s" --app=%s', browser.path, appUrl))
shiny::runApp('shiny', launch.browser=launch.browser)
It works on my computer just fine... I DO have chrome installed locally, but I'm calling the Portable Chrome executable. It worries me that the two are sharing prefs or something, e.g. I notice that a hash from the Preferences file in my installed version, specifically:
"chrome_url_overrides": {
"bookmarks": [ "chrome-extension://eemcgdkfndhakfknompkggombfjjjeno/main.html" ]
...matches the same json entry from the Portable Chrome installation:
"chrome_url_overrides": {
"bookmarks": [ "chrome-extension://eemcgdkfndhakfknompkggombfjjjeno/main.html" ]
Why do these long random strings match? Am I barking up the wrong tree for wondering about this? I don't know why these strings match if they are two separate installations of Chrome executables, one of which is supposed to run completely independently from anything on the machine.
Here's a set of errors from one machine:
.../Desktop/TestApp3/GoogleChromePortable/App/Chrome-bin/chrome.exe[9100:9408:0716/141934:ERROR:gpu_info_collector_win.cc(103)] Can't retrieve a valid WinSAT assessment.
[9100:9408:0716/141934:ERROR:component_loader.cc(138)] Failed to parse extension manifest.
[9100:1716:0716/141946:ERROR:get_updates_processor.cc(214)] PostClientToServerMessage() failed during GetUpdates
Here's a set of errors from a second machine:
[5220:3384:0714/142128:ERROR:component_loader.cc(138)] Failed to parse extension manifest.
[5220:7600:0714/142130:ERROR:external_registry_loader_win.cc(136)] File C:\Program Files\Coupons.com CouponBar\chrome\Coupons.com.crx for key
Software\Google\Chrome\Extensions\cnpkmcjgpcihgfnkcjapiaabbbplkcmf does not exist or is not readable.
[5220:2120:0714/142140:ERROR:get_updates_processor.cc(214)] PostClientToServerMessage() failed during GetUpdates
[5220:3384:0714/142413:ERROR:CONSOLE(122)] "Could not find value for secondaryUser", source: chrome://resources/js/load_time_data.js (122)
[5220:3384:0714/142413:ERROR:CONSOLE(122)] "[undefined] (secondaryUser) is not a boolean", source: chrome://resources/js/load_time_data.js (122)
[5220:3384:0714/142425:ERROR:CONSOLE(122)] "Could not find value for secondaryUser", source: chrome://resources/js/load_time_data.js (122)
[5220:3384:0714/142425:ERROR:CONSOLE(122)] "[undefined] (secondaryUser) is not a boolean", source: chrome://resources/js/load_time_data.js (122)
[5220:3384:0714/142442:ERROR:navigation_entry_screenshot_manager.cc(167)] Invalid entry with unique id: 12
It seems like Chrome is doing different things on different computers and is not actually acting as a standalone browser... but likely interacting with the browser installed on their respective computers via the registry or some other "under the hood, active" communication. Maybe, since I installed the portable executable on my machine, a bunch of my local extensions or preferences were automatically updated to the portable's preferences, etc. and subsequently this is causing a conflict on every other machine??
Can I shutdown Chrome's extensions or extra functions like the calls to the updater? Is there a better standalone portable browser that functions well with Shiny for this type of "deployment" purpose? Can I fix this or is this a lost cause?? This should be obvious but I'll say it anyway: it is definitely not economically efficient to ask the non-technical types to install R, then RStudio, then confirm their working directory structure, then call the runApp() command via the Script window...
I started with those same articles, but developed the RInno package to solve this exact problem, i.e. when you want to share your desktop Shiny app with non-technical users who can't be expected to mess around with all those details.
To get started:
Then you just need to call two functions to create an installation framework:
create_app(app_name = "myapp", app_dir = "path/to/myapp")
This will create an installation wizard that runs like any other program, but installs your shiny app on a Windows desktop computer. If you would like to include R for your co-workers who don't have it installed, add include_R = TRUE to create_app:
create_app(app_name = "myapp", app_dir = "path/to/myapp", include_R = TRUE)
It defaults to include shiny, magrittr and jsonlite, so if you are using other packages like ggplot2 or plotly, just add them to the pkgs argument. You can also include GitHub packages to the remotes argument:
app_name = "myapp",
app_dir = "path/to/myapp"
pkgs = c("shiny", "jsonlite", "magrittr", "plotly", "ggplot2"),
remotes = c("talgalili/installr", "daattali/shinyjs"))
If you are interested in other features, check out FI Labs - RInno

Delphi XE2 Firemonkey sample app not running on a MAC

I am trying to run a sample Firemonkey app on a Mac, but I am getting this message in the mac:
dyld: Library not loaded: #rpath/libcgunwind.1.0.dylib
Referenced from: /Users/nobre/Applications/Embarcadero/PAServer/scratch-dir/rafael_colucci-Nobre/Project37.app/Contents/MacOS/Project37
Reason: image not found
dyld: Library not loaded: #rpath/libcgunwind.1.0.dylib
Referenced from: /Users/nobre/Applications/Embarcadero/PAServer/scratch-dir/rafael_colucci-Nobre/Project37.app/Contents/MacOS/Project37
Reason: image not found
dyld: Library not loaded: #rpath/libcgunwind.1.0.dylib
Referenced from: /Users/nobre/Applications/Embarcadero/PAServer/scratch-dir/rafael_colucci-Nobre/Project37.app/Contents/MacOS/Project37
Reason: image not found
I used this tutorial to add a OSX platform:
New Mac and Rad Studio XE2
More info about the error:
Process: Teste2 [34270]
Path: /Users/User/Applications/Embarcadero/PAServer/scratch-dir/rafael_colucci-VM/Teste2.app/Contents/MacOS/Teste2
Identifier: Teste2
Version: ??? (???)
Code Type: X86 (Native)
Parent Process: launchd [94]
Date/Time: 2011-09-01 19:36:26.246 +0100
OS Version: Mac OS X 10.6.8 (10K540)
Report Version: 6
Interval Since Last Report: 3908 sec
Crashes Since Last Report: 4
Per-App Crashes Since Last Report: 4
Anonymous UUID: 58C242CA-C324-4A23-86ED-96D93C7C1A84
Exception Codes: 0x0000000000000002, 0x0000000000000000
Crashed Thread: 0
Dyld Error Message:
Library not loaded: #rpath/libcgunwind.1.0.dylib
Referenced from: /Users/User/Applications/Embarcadero/PAServer/scratch-dir/rafael_colucci-VM/Teste2.app/Contents/MacOS/Teste2
Reason: image not found
Binary Images:
0x8fe00000 - 0x8fe4163b dyld 132.1 (???) <4CDE4F04-0DD6-224E-ACE5-3C06E169A801> /usr/lib/dyld
Model: VMware Virtual Platform, BootROM 6.00, 1 processor, 30 GHz, 1 GB, SMC 1.30f3
Graphics: VMware SVGA II, VMware SVGA II, PCI, 16 MB
Network Service: Ethernet, Ethernet, en0
Parallel ATA Device: VMware Virtual IDE CDROM Drive
SCSI Device: SCSI Target Device # 0
USB Device: VMware Virtual USB Hub, 0x0e0f (VMWare, Inc.), 0x0002, 0x00200000 / 3
USB Device: VMware Virtual USB Keyboard, 0x05ac (Apple Inc.), 0x020b, 0x00210000 / 4
USB Device: VMware Virtual USB Mouse, 0x0e0f (VMWare, Inc.), 0x0003, 0x00100000 / 2
Some screenshots:
I just installed the Delphi XE2 Trial and I'm getting the same issue - unable to start a FireMonkey application on Mac OS X because of the missing libcgunwind.1.0.dylib.
However, I believe I know what the problem is. This file should be inside the ($BDS)\Redist\osx32 folder ready to be deployed with your Delphi OSX application. But, if you only installed the Delphi XE2 product instead of the complete RAD Studio XE2, these redistributable files will be missing, e.g. not installed at all.
Wherever this specific file is mentioned in the documents, it's in relation to C++Builder. So if this really is the issue, it's probably a (not so small) oversight on Embarcadero side.
To answer your question - I believe if you install the C++Builder XE2 trial, or the whole RAD Studio XE2 package, you should get these redistributable files.
If you go to the directory where PAServer was installed on you Mac, you should see that libcgunwind.1.0.dylib is present there.
The installer tries to help by creating a paserver.command file. If you launch using this, it should set your library path correctly so the above file is found.
If you've moved your PAServer location, just manually update the paserver.command file with the appropriate paths and run.
Runtime error 231 at 000169AD
this is a problem under VMWare, see
Workaround is copy FMX.Filter.pas to your project directory and modify:
function FilterByName(const AName: string): TFilter;
i: Integer;
Result := nil;
if Filters = nil then
if GlobalUseHWEffects then
for i := 0 to Filters.Count - 1 do
if CompareText(TFilterClass(Filters.Objects[i]).FilterAttr.Name, AName) = 0
Result := TFilterClass(Filters.Objects[i]).Create;
function FilterClassByName(const AName: string): TFilterClass;
i: Integer;
Result := nil;
if Filters = nil then
if GlobalUseHWEffects then
for i := 0 to Filters.Count - 1 do
if CompareText(TFilterClass(Filters.Objects[i]).FilterAttr.Name, AName) = 0
Result := TFilterClass(Filters.Objects[i]);
and in dpr set GlobalUseHWEffects := False;
This is because VMWare and emulating graphics hardware
You have to install the PA Server here follow these instructions
Installing and Running the PA on Mac OS X
Embarcadero's instructions on starting the remote server seem to be incorrect. Use the paserver.copmmand file to start the server. Then my project ran fine.
Then Deploying. Change the build configuration to Release instead of Debug. You have to copy the libcgunwind.1.0.dylib to the Redist\osx32 directory or the release will fail. Then tried build/release again. The "project".rsm file is in the debug directory and not in the release directory. I copied the .rsm file to the release directory, Deployed and it worked. This was the case with my own demo project and the controlsDemo project. Either one worked the same way.
A bit rough start but everything is working. Don't know why they put a menubar on the controls demo since it is not very mac-like. Change it to a main menu and everything works great.
I have solved this for me. I was clicking the green run button in the ide which is 'run without debugging'.
Click the run button next to it, which in XE2 is the run button us older people are used to.
If think you need to open a cmd window and do the following command to populate the Redist folder, after that the the Deployment Manager will locate the necessary files:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Embarcadero\RAD Studio\9.0\Redist> redistsetup default
Deployment Manager has a "Reconcile" button to refresh the list.
console "Hello, World"
release - works fine (Hello, World) appears in Platform Assistant
terminal window
debug - same as release
empty 2D Form
release - Runtime error 231 at 000169AD
debug - seems to run (bouncing Spartan Helmet icon in dock) but
the form never appears
empty 3D Form
release - Platform Assistant terminal window shows "invalid pixel
format" and "invalid context" messages but form appears and menu bar
has "Project1" in it
debug - same as release
These errors mean that you run your application under MacOS that was installed on Virtual Machine. Installation of MacOS on VM conflicts with license, and therefore Embarcadero does not plan to support the VM environment.
Just click paserver.command instead of just paserver..
It works!
U can even add -password=(your password) , at the end of the last line inside paserver.command (after the last " . then it starts without asking for password.
Make sure there is a space after the path to the paserver in your paserver. Command before the -password part. For instance, my password is firemonkey and the line is as follows:
"/Users/firemonkey/Applications/Embarcadero/PAServer/paserver" -password=firemonkey
Then, make sure you run the paserver from the paserver.command file.
Check the new "Redist" folder in the RAD Studio installation path. Your application needs some files from it.
Running the paserver.command helped with the first problem but most of it is the I think a missing file.
Checking deploy, the file libcgunwind.1.0.dylib in ($BDS)\Redist\osx32 folder was greyed out so I copied the file from the PAServer on the mac and refreshed now the app runs fine stand alone :)
Just copy and run the application from the PAServer folder. Remember that to install and run PAServer you should do this http://docwiki.embarcadero.com/RADStudio/XE2/en/Installing_and_Running_the_Platform_Assistant_on_the_Target_Platform#Mac%3a_Installing_and_Running_the_Platform_Assistant_.28paserver.29_on_a_Mac

What causes ClickOnce URLDownloadToCacheFile failed during installation?

I'm getting the following error when installing my ClickOnce application via firefox. It doesn't happen with IE on the same computer. I swear I've installed it via firefox before. This is a Windows 7 machine.
The following properties have been set:
Property: [AdminUser] = true {boolean}
Property: [ProcessorArchitecture] = Intel {string}
Property: [VersionNT] = 6.1.0 {version}
Running checks for package '.NET Framework 2.0 (x86)', phase BuildList
Running external check with command 'C:\Users\luke\AppData\Local\Temp\VSDEF1A.tmp\DotNetFX\dotnetchk.exe' and parameters ''
Process exited with code 1
Setting value '1 {int}' for property 'DotNetInstalled'
Reading value 'Version' of registry key 'HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer'
Read string value '8.0.7600.16385'
Setting value '8.0.7600.16385 {string}' for property 'IEVersion'
The following properties have been set for package '.NET Framework 2.0 (x86)':
Property: [DotNetInstalled] = 1 {int}
Property: [IEVersion] = 8.0.7600.16385 {string}
Running checks for command 'DotNetFX\instmsia.exe'
Result of running operator 'ValueExists' on property 'VersionNT': true
Result of checks for command 'DotNetFX\instmsia.exe' is 'Bypass'
Running checks for command 'DotNetFX\WindowsInstaller-KB893803-v2-x86.exe'
Result of running operator 'ValueExists' on property 'Version9x': false
Result of running operator 'VersionLessThan' on property 'VersionNT' and value '5.0.3': false
Result of running operator 'VersionGreaterThanOrEqualTo' on property 'VersionMsi' and value '3.0': true
Result of checks for command 'DotNetFX\WindowsInstaller-KB893803-v2-x86.exe' is 'Bypass'
Running checks for command 'DotNetFX\dotnetfx.exe'
Result of running operator 'ValueNotEqualTo' on property 'DotNetInstalled' and value '0': true
Result of checks for command 'DotNetFX\dotnetfx.exe' is 'Bypass'
'.NET Framework 2.0 (x86)' RunCheck result: No Install Needed
Launching Application.
URLDownloadToCacheFile failed with HRESULT '-2146697211'
Error: An error occurred trying to download 'http://croppy.lukehunter.net/download/croppy.application'.
The following is the howto from Microsoft, but this doesn't apply to firefox. There is no redirection happening either.
If a user has set Internet Explorer
Advanced Security option "Warn if
changing between secure and not secure
mode" on the deployment target
computer, and if the setup URL of the
ClickOnce application being installed
is redirected from a non-secure to a
secure site (or vice-versa), the
installation will fail because the
Internet Explorer warning interrupts
Internet Explorer calls either LaunchApplication or ShOpenVerbApplication procedure from dfshim.dll behind the scenes, whereas Firefox plug-in (as well as a standard bootstrapper created by Visual Studio 2008-2010, which could also produce this rare error) uses a different, out of date technique to launch ClickOnce applications. (Note, that LaunchApplication requires at least .NET Framework 2 SP 2.)
To avoid such error one could redirect Internet Explorer to a deployment manifest (.application) and all other browsers to a custom installer (.exe) that would install .NET Framework if necessary and then call ShOpenVerbApplication.
Hmm, after using IE to install, then uninstalling, I was able to install via firefox again. Odd.
The following worked for me:
Within the local distribution package CLICK ONCE a web.config file was generated on line clientCache that was the problem, in which altered as follows for CHROME and IE8 and now run the file:
<clientCache cacheControlMode="UseMaxAge" cacheControlMaxAge="1.00:00:00" />
I've had this and it to resolve it was to disable the firewall. I sadly don't know what Firewall settings it was, I just disabled the lot and it ran/installed without issue.
After exhausting firewall options on this issue, I found that my excutable was pointing to the IP Address of the Application Server. When I changed the site deployment and consequently the executable to the FQDN of the server instead of the IP Address, the installer worked first time.
Simple Solution, on cmd execute setup.exe /URL=http://< Production  URL>/
