Delphi XE2 Firemonkey sample app not running on a MAC - macos

I am trying to run a sample Firemonkey app on a Mac, but I am getting this message in the mac:
dyld: Library not loaded: #rpath/libcgunwind.1.0.dylib
Referenced from: /Users/nobre/Applications/Embarcadero/PAServer/scratch-dir/rafael_colucci-Nobre/
Reason: image not found
dyld: Library not loaded: #rpath/libcgunwind.1.0.dylib
Referenced from: /Users/nobre/Applications/Embarcadero/PAServer/scratch-dir/rafael_colucci-Nobre/
Reason: image not found
dyld: Library not loaded: #rpath/libcgunwind.1.0.dylib
Referenced from: /Users/nobre/Applications/Embarcadero/PAServer/scratch-dir/rafael_colucci-Nobre/
Reason: image not found
I used this tutorial to add a OSX platform:
New Mac and Rad Studio XE2
More info about the error:
Process: Teste2 [34270]
Path: /Users/User/Applications/Embarcadero/PAServer/scratch-dir/rafael_colucci-VM/
Identifier: Teste2
Version: ??? (???)
Code Type: X86 (Native)
Parent Process: launchd [94]
Date/Time: 2011-09-01 19:36:26.246 +0100
OS Version: Mac OS X 10.6.8 (10K540)
Report Version: 6
Interval Since Last Report: 3908 sec
Crashes Since Last Report: 4
Per-App Crashes Since Last Report: 4
Anonymous UUID: 58C242CA-C324-4A23-86ED-96D93C7C1A84
Exception Codes: 0x0000000000000002, 0x0000000000000000
Crashed Thread: 0
Dyld Error Message:
Library not loaded: #rpath/libcgunwind.1.0.dylib
Referenced from: /Users/User/Applications/Embarcadero/PAServer/scratch-dir/rafael_colucci-VM/
Reason: image not found
Binary Images:
0x8fe00000 - 0x8fe4163b dyld 132.1 (???) <4CDE4F04-0DD6-224E-ACE5-3C06E169A801> /usr/lib/dyld
Model: VMware Virtual Platform, BootROM 6.00, 1 processor, 30 GHz, 1 GB, SMC 1.30f3
Graphics: VMware SVGA II, VMware SVGA II, PCI, 16 MB
Network Service: Ethernet, Ethernet, en0
Parallel ATA Device: VMware Virtual IDE CDROM Drive
SCSI Device: SCSI Target Device # 0
USB Device: VMware Virtual USB Hub, 0x0e0f (VMWare, Inc.), 0x0002, 0x00200000 / 3
USB Device: VMware Virtual USB Keyboard, 0x05ac (Apple Inc.), 0x020b, 0x00210000 / 4
USB Device: VMware Virtual USB Mouse, 0x0e0f (VMWare, Inc.), 0x0003, 0x00100000 / 2
Some screenshots:

I just installed the Delphi XE2 Trial and I'm getting the same issue - unable to start a FireMonkey application on Mac OS X because of the missing libcgunwind.1.0.dylib.
However, I believe I know what the problem is. This file should be inside the ($BDS)\Redist\osx32 folder ready to be deployed with your Delphi OSX application. But, if you only installed the Delphi XE2 product instead of the complete RAD Studio XE2, these redistributable files will be missing, e.g. not installed at all.
Wherever this specific file is mentioned in the documents, it's in relation to C++Builder. So if this really is the issue, it's probably a (not so small) oversight on Embarcadero side.
To answer your question - I believe if you install the C++Builder XE2 trial, or the whole RAD Studio XE2 package, you should get these redistributable files.

If you go to the directory where PAServer was installed on you Mac, you should see that libcgunwind.1.0.dylib is present there.
The installer tries to help by creating a paserver.command file. If you launch using this, it should set your library path correctly so the above file is found.
If you've moved your PAServer location, just manually update the paserver.command file with the appropriate paths and run.

Runtime error 231 at 000169AD
this is a problem under VMWare, see
Workaround is copy FMX.Filter.pas to your project directory and modify:
function FilterByName(const AName: string): TFilter;
i: Integer;
Result := nil;
if Filters = nil then
if GlobalUseHWEffects then
for i := 0 to Filters.Count - 1 do
if CompareText(TFilterClass(Filters.Objects[i]).FilterAttr.Name, AName) = 0
Result := TFilterClass(Filters.Objects[i]).Create;
function FilterClassByName(const AName: string): TFilterClass;
i: Integer;
Result := nil;
if Filters = nil then
if GlobalUseHWEffects then
for i := 0 to Filters.Count - 1 do
if CompareText(TFilterClass(Filters.Objects[i]).FilterAttr.Name, AName) = 0
Result := TFilterClass(Filters.Objects[i]);
and in dpr set GlobalUseHWEffects := False;
This is because VMWare and emulating graphics hardware

You have to install the PA Server here follow these instructions
Installing and Running the PA on Mac OS X

Embarcadero's instructions on starting the remote server seem to be incorrect. Use the paserver.copmmand file to start the server. Then my project ran fine.
Then Deploying. Change the build configuration to Release instead of Debug. You have to copy the libcgunwind.1.0.dylib to the Redist\osx32 directory or the release will fail. Then tried build/release again. The "project".rsm file is in the debug directory and not in the release directory. I copied the .rsm file to the release directory, Deployed and it worked. This was the case with my own demo project and the controlsDemo project. Either one worked the same way.
A bit rough start but everything is working. Don't know why they put a menubar on the controls demo since it is not very mac-like. Change it to a main menu and everything works great.

I have solved this for me. I was clicking the green run button in the ide which is 'run without debugging'.
Click the run button next to it, which in XE2 is the run button us older people are used to.

If think you need to open a cmd window and do the following command to populate the Redist folder, after that the the Deployment Manager will locate the necessary files:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Embarcadero\RAD Studio\9.0\Redist> redistsetup default
Deployment Manager has a "Reconcile" button to refresh the list.

console "Hello, World"
release - works fine (Hello, World) appears in Platform Assistant
terminal window
debug - same as release
empty 2D Form
release - Runtime error 231 at 000169AD
debug - seems to run (bouncing Spartan Helmet icon in dock) but
the form never appears
empty 3D Form
release - Platform Assistant terminal window shows "invalid pixel
format" and "invalid context" messages but form appears and menu bar
has "Project1" in it
debug - same as release
These errors mean that you run your application under MacOS that was installed on Virtual Machine. Installation of MacOS on VM conflicts with license, and therefore Embarcadero does not plan to support the VM environment.

Just click paserver.command instead of just paserver..
It works!
U can even add -password=(your password) , at the end of the last line inside paserver.command (after the last " . then it starts without asking for password.

Make sure there is a space after the path to the paserver in your paserver. Command before the -password part. For instance, my password is firemonkey and the line is as follows:
"/Users/firemonkey/Applications/Embarcadero/PAServer/paserver" -password=firemonkey
Then, make sure you run the paserver from the paserver.command file.

Check the new "Redist" folder in the RAD Studio installation path. Your application needs some files from it.

Running the paserver.command helped with the first problem but most of it is the I think a missing file.
Checking deploy, the file libcgunwind.1.0.dylib in ($BDS)\Redist\osx32 folder was greyed out so I copied the file from the PAServer on the mac and refreshed now the app runs fine stand alone :)

Just copy and run the application from the PAServer folder. Remember that to install and run PAServer you should do this


How to fix AdsError 1792 (0X700) for TwinCAT 3

I am using a Windows PC as my Development PC (XAE) and another Windows PC as my Remote PC (XAR). I have connected them successfully. It is shown in the picture below.
But, this error appeared when I tried to Activate the configuration after connecting to the Runtime PC. This error AdsError: 1792 (0X700) appeared on both (Development PC and the Runtime PC simultaneously).
I have already done the TCP and UDP settings.
Kindly view the event viewer error picture.
Please reference the following link
If you are using versioned C++ project, you should check the "Sign TwinCAT C++ executables (*.tmx)" checkbox. Otherwise you get an error such as
ERR | 12/14/2021 10:24:58 AM 051 ms | 'TCOM Server' (10): Error loading repository driver 'C:\TwinCAT\3.1\Boot\Repository\C++ Module Vendor\StateMachineDrv\\StateMachineDrv' - hr = 0xc0000603

Failed to open macos disk image file using virtual box

At the outset I would like to thank you who ever answers this question.
I am getting the following error message while opening a mac os .dmg file using virtual box.(I am trying to run a mac os(mojave) using virtual box on a windows 10 machine with the ultimate goal of creating a ios app using this arrangement)
Failed to open the disk image file ...\Desktop\macOSUpdCombo10.14.2.dmg.
Could not open the medium '..\Desktop\macOSUpdCombo10.14.2.dmg'.
VD: error VERR_VD_DMG_INVALID_HEADER opening image file 'C:..\Desktop\macOSUpdCombo10.14.2.dmg' (VERR_VD_DMG_INVALID_HEADER).
Result Code: E_FAIL (0x80004005)
Component: MediumWrap
Interface: IMedium {4afe423b-43e0-e9d0-82e8-ceb307940dda}
Callee: IVirtualBox {9570b9d5-f1a1-448a-10c5-e12f5285adad}
Can any one please help me in resolving the issue?
I do not think this can be done, the only way/workaround is to buy a machine running Macos.

Epson JavaPOS ADK Install not completing

In trying to install the Epson JavaPOS ADK the program never finishes. Looking at the log file seems that the program is looking for files that do not exist, and therefore cannot manipulate them. After installation "completes" the file C:\opt\EpsonJavaPOS\Uninstall_Epson JavaPOS ADK_1.14.0.0\.com.zerog.registry is created. Not sure what I've done to mess this up.
Log exerpts
Modify Text File - Single File: No Target Chosen
Status: ERROR
Additional Notes: ERROR - Unable to locate ASCII text file to be manipulated. Deferring...
Modify Text File - Single File: No Target Chosen
Status: ERROR
Additional Notes: ERROR - Unable to locate ASCII text file to be manipulated. Deferring...
Install Action: InstallAnywhere Variable
Install Action: InstallAnywhere Variable
Check Disk Space: /opt\EpsonJavaPOS
Additional Notes: NOTE - Required Disk Space: 40,268,671; Free Disk Space: -1
Install Action: Jump To: Next Unit Package Con't -- Prev: NO JUMP
Modify Text File - Single File:
Status: ERROR
Additional Notes: ERROR - Unable to locate ASCII text file to be manipulated. Deferring...
System Setup
Windows 10
Java 1.8.181
JavaPOS ADK v1.14W
There are bug fixes that may be involved in JavaPOS ADK 1.14.3W.
[Bug fix]
- The bug is fixed that the installation of JavaPOS ADK fails in the latest Java VM on Windows10.
The latest version is 1.14.6 W, so please try it.
EPSON JavaPOS ADK (for Windows OS) Ver. 1.14.6W
for me, i found out that the installer does not play nicely with Java 8 and Windows 10. After I used Java 7 as the parameter for LAX_VM, it installed correctly. You may need to switch to another user if the installer keeps skipping installation steps though.

Atmel AVR Studio 6 using Arduino Uno (ATmega328p) and FreeRTOS

Hey there all,
I want to begin working with freeRTOS using my Arduino Uno which uses the ATmega328p on Atmel AVR Studio 6.
I am working on windows 7.
I went into this tutorial:
which describes how to install and prepare the Atmel AVR Studio 6 to work with ATmega328p.
I failed to understand what should I do in step 5A , which tells to do the following:
Go to Tools -> External Tools...
Create the new tool with these settings:
Title: Serial Program
Command: C:\arduino-1.0.1\hardware\tools\avr\bin\avrdude.exe
(Change that to match your arduino installation folder and locate avrdude.exe)
-CC:\arduino-1.0.1\hardware\tools\avr\etc\avrdude.conf -patmega328p -carduino -P\.\COM3 -b57600 -Uflash:w:"$(ProjectDir)Debug\$(ItemFileName).hex":i // *
NOTE: I do have the avrdude.exe installed on my computer at this location:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Arduino\hardware\tools\avr\bin\avrdude.exe
So my questions are:
1) On the line * , what does -CC mean, does it needs to be within the arguments or the initial directory (within the External Tools dialog box)?
2) As it is mentioned , the path to the avrdude.conf (indeed in my case) goes through the X86 folder , so how does the line I need to enter there should be (cause it is mentioned there something about double quotes)?
3) After I will solve all of these problems how/where/does AVR Studio 6 has a "simple generic template" project to get started with freeRTOS ?
I ran into this tutorial (which uses different board) , can I "follow" it although I am using another board (my ATmega328p)?
Thanks allot in advance,
1) -C is an option to the avrdude executable to specify the configuration file. The second C is part of the filename: C:\.
2) If the path to the configuration file has a space in the name, then it will get messed up when passed as an option to avrdude.exe. (The path will end with the space, and the rest will be junk that causes the command to fail.)
To get around spaces in a string, surround the string with quotes.
-C"C:\a directory with spaces\a filename with spaces in it.conf"
3) is beyond the scope of Stack Overflow (recommending a tool or resource.)

flex 4.6 mobile project debug error using air 3.4

i've followed this in order to flashbuilder 4.6 to use air sdk 3.4. no problems, or hiccups with the update.
the only problem is when i try to debug a mobile project using this sdk, either for android or ios i get the following error:
Process terminated without establishing connection to debugger.
invalid application descriptor: Unknown namespace:
Launch command details: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe\Adobe Flash
Builder 4.6\sdks\4.6.1\bin\adl.exe" -runtime "C:\Program Files
(x86)\Adobe\Adobe Flash Builder 4.6\sdks\4.6.1\runtimes\air\win"
-profile mobileDevice -screensize 640x920:640x960 -XscreenDPI 326 -XversionPlatform IOS "C:\Users\joao\Adobe Flash Builder 4.6\teste34\bin-debug\teste34-app.xml" "C:\Users\joao\Adobe Flash Builder 4.6\teste34\bin-debug"
i've also got this problem.
following is what i've done:
1:create a new empty mobile application and debug it runs
2:open the new app's '{appname}-app.xml' file , find the 'xmlns' property in application root node for example
<application xmlns="">
3:replace the row of your old application
So i think the problem is your air sdk can not support the 3.4 version
