Prevent Windows 10 control html5 video playback - windows

I'm working on site that uses video that should not be stopped by user.
But when video is playing I can change system volume and I see system overlay in top-left screen corner where I can click 'pause' and pause video.
Are there any ways to prevent such behavior? I mean via html / js etc.
System: Windows 10
Browser: Chrome + Chrome-based

You cannot control this. Browsers and most operating systems give users the ability to stop media from playing. In the case of Windows 10, it's the OS that allows users to control the media, and there's zero you can do from the JavaScript layer to change that.


WebVR - How to display on the headset screen AND a monitor screen

I am displaying a WebVR scene in a browser.
But only the user with the headset (an oculus rift) can see the scene.
My question :
Is there a way to see on another screen what the user see ?
I would like to give advices to the user (you can do that, you can go here too, etc).
I use Open Broadcaster Software which can capture external monitors (like the Rift in extended mode) and individual windows. It's typically used for recording and streaming but you can use it for mirroring with its "Preview" mode. This works pretty well usually, although it does take some time to setup correctly and can be temperamental.
There are a couple of reddit posts about setup tips:
"Guide: Mirroring Rift display using OBS" by hargabyte:
"My recording settings for DK2 apps using OBS" by eVRydayVR:

How can I find a list of active plugins on a web page in a browser window

Say I open Youtube,and the video starts playing. How do I find out what in-browser and system plugins / resources are being used to play the music / video?
Asking because on my Firefox, about 50% of the time, when I open youtube, it starts playing the audio of the page in the background, even as the video loads. So when the video is playing, there's audio with it, but there's the same audio, with a small delay playing in the background.
I've tried disabling the extra flash plugin that most other guides about this recommend, and it hasn't helped. Now I want to find out what my browser is using to play the background music.
Simplest thing is probably to right-click on the video and check if the menu that appears is the typical Flash rc-menu or the browser native video right-click menu.

Window media Player issue in Firefox, Chrome, Internet explorer

I am facing a quiet funny issue with Windows media player, I am using default window media player installed on client local machine to view media in browser. I open it lightbox which is developed by me and it seems it have no issue with the that.
When I open any media in browser it shows white screen, if I switch a tab, resize the window, or inspect it etc. it starts playing the media (i.e. video/audio) otherwise it is keep on showing white screen...
Check this in jsfiddle
(Specially in Firefox)

vb6: looking for activeX audio component (load/play/display wav)

i'm looking for an activeX component which allows loading .wav files, displaying + playing it - and also is capable of displaying/setting the current playing position.
any ideas?
You can use either Windows Media Player right of the box (choose Components "Windows Media Player"). It can be used with or without the controls (select Custom from the properties menu to turn off the controls) and supports events for everything you need. It plays wav files, mp3 files, and on Windows 7 and newer operating systems AAC's out of the box (basically anything windows media player supports). If this doesn't float your boat, installing VLC gives you the VLC activex control, however redistributing it might have some issues.

How to capture actions taken on Windows Media Player

I want to programmtically detect the state of movie currently being played in Windows Media Player. i..e if the movie is maximized I need to find that it is maximized and put the word "MAXIMIZED" in text file, if the movie is paused I need to capture PAUSED in text file, if movie is stopped I need to capture STOPPED in text file.
The capturing needs to happen in the background i.e. totally transparent to end user as the user takes action while watching the movie on Windows Media player
I am planning to achieve this using Visual Basic 6.0
Kindly provide me inputs / pointers on how to go about this.
I think only way how to do this, is using Windows Media Player SDK.
Windows Media Developer Center
You have to create a Media Player plugin and access the state using the Media Player API.
Theoretically you could also do some external analysis of the Media Player, for example by enumerating its windows and handles and reading window texts, but that would be very "hacky" and most fragile.
Although creating a plugin sounds like a lot of work, it'll be the better solution in the long run.
