Window media Player issue in Firefox, Chrome, Internet explorer - firefox

I am facing a quiet funny issue with Windows media player, I am using default window media player installed on client local machine to view media in browser. I open it lightbox which is developed by me and it seems it have no issue with the that.
When I open any media in browser it shows white screen, if I switch a tab, resize the window, or inspect it etc. it starts playing the media (i.e. video/audio) otherwise it is keep on showing white screen...
Check this in jsfiddle
(Specially in Firefox)


Prevent Windows 10 control html5 video playback

I'm working on site that uses video that should not be stopped by user.
But when video is playing I can change system volume and I see system overlay in top-left screen corner where I can click 'pause' and pause video.
Are there any ways to prevent such behavior? I mean via html / js etc.
System: Windows 10
Browser: Chrome + Chrome-based
You cannot control this. Browsers and most operating systems give users the ability to stop media from playing. In the case of Windows 10, it's the OS that allows users to control the media, and there's zero you can do from the JavaScript layer to change that.

Videos only playing on page refresh in Safari

We're having issues with auto-playing the videos at the bottom of this page on Safari, both desktop and mobile:
The videos don't appear or play on the initial load of the page. If we click "Show controls", then the controls for the video appear, but the videos aren't available and the sizing of the video window is not correct (screenshot below). If we choose to copy the file address, then the proper mp4 file address shows. However, if we "open the video in new window", or re-load the page, the videos then appear and play as expected.
We assume this is some type of caching issue, but can't be certain.
This site was built on Wordpress and is being hosted on Pantheon. We have the Pantheon caching tool enabled. We're using the Beaver Builder page builder to maintain the page content.
If anyone has any ideas on what might be happening here and how we can resolve this, that would be greatly appreciated.

How can I find a list of active plugins on a web page in a browser window

Say I open Youtube,and the video starts playing. How do I find out what in-browser and system plugins / resources are being used to play the music / video?
Asking because on my Firefox, about 50% of the time, when I open youtube, it starts playing the audio of the page in the background, even as the video loads. So when the video is playing, there's audio with it, but there's the same audio, with a small delay playing in the background.
I've tried disabling the extra flash plugin that most other guides about this recommend, and it hasn't helped. Now I want to find out what my browser is using to play the background music.
Simplest thing is probably to right-click on the video and check if the menu that appears is the typical Flash rc-menu or the browser native video right-click menu.

YouTube iframe not appearing properly in OSX Firefox

I'm building an application which plays videos using the YouTube iframe API. You can see the application here.
I've run into a weird issue where the player works ok in Chrome/Safari but won't show the video correctly in Firefox (I'm using FF22 on OSX 10.7.5). You can click the play button and hear the sound but the video never appears.
Anyone got any ideas what might be wrong?
Some Observations
You can see the YouTube branding (which is part of the player) so it's there, it's just not showing any picture.
According to #ceasar in the answers, the player works on Win 7 FF22. I have another report which states that it also works fine on Ubuntu FF.
If I open up the FF developer console and click various nodes in the DOM tree of that window, the video will appear. Try clicking to see this effect (It's under body > div.wide > )
There is a transparent overlay over the video but I'm setting ?wmode=opaque on my iframe (like this question suggests) so that should be ok.
This question suggests that setting certain styling rules such as border-radius on the iframe can mess with it. I'm not doing anything like that.
In FF the youtube logo isn't showing but working okay (win7 FF 22). Also in the other browsers I cannot click on the youtube logo. This is against the youtube TOS and you could be banned for this so be warned

webview + html5 video is not working

I'm developing an application that has to display some html content that contains an html5 video (no flash/silverlight plugins). The html and the video are playing fine in safari, but when displayed inside the webview in my application i get a black box where the video should be. But the video seems to be playing, because if i click fullscreen, the video goes fullscreen and is correclty displayed, and also the audio is present, in fullscreen and non fullscreen mode. It seems like the video is played behind the page.
Maybe i'm missing something as a newbe?
does anyone has an html5 video correctly displayed inside a webview on a mac os x 10.6?
Thanks a lot!
