F# VS2019 Windows Forms - visual-studio

I'm learning F# and I'm just trying to build Animate a pendulum program.
Here's the code:
As far as I understand, VS 2019 doesn't support WinForms in F# (maybe, I'm wrong), so I have error messages, trying to copy/paste that code:
What should I do?
Thanks a lot !

If you're looking to use Winforms on .NET core, you'll need to do the following in your project:
Open the project file (double-click on the node in Visual Studio)
Change the Sdk to Microsoft.NET.Sdk.WindowsDesktop
Ensure you have this OutputType: <OutputType>WinExe</OutputType>
Add the following property to the top-level PropertyGroup: <UseWindowsForms>true</UseWindowsForms>
There won't be a visual designer to use, but you should have access to the APIs.

Unfortunately, there is no Winforms designer in Visual Studio 2019 for F# projects of any type, and Winforms can only be easily accessed (as far as I know) in .Net Framework (NOT .NET Core) projects they can be accessed as per #Phillip Carter's answer.
However you can still make Winforms programs easily by manually adding the references to your .NET Framework project, or (more easily) by manually compiling with the F# compiler, fsc.
The Fast Way
The easiest way to do this is simply compile the source code with the F# compiler from a single source file with fsc.exe. The F# compiler will automatically resolve dependencies for things like System.Windows.Forms and a lot of other commonly used namespaces. You can also provide lots of compiler directives for requiring other resources as well.
Example using VSCode, with various extensions:
Another Way
Start a new F# console .NET Framework project (don't pick .NET Core).
Right click on "References" in the Solution Explorer and click "Add Reference..."
Under assemblies, look for "System.Windows.Forms," select it...
And also select "System.Drawing" and then hit OK
Now you have access to both of those namespaces.
Before you run the project in Visual Studio, you should replace
Application.Run( new PendulumForm( Visible=true ) )
let main _ =
Application.Run( new PendulumForm( Visible=true ) )
This way you (and VS) know where main actually is. It's not necessary for this small of a program to actually run it, but as your projects get larger VS will complain more about where things are located in your project.


Convert Visual Studio exe-project in lib-project

I am developing an application (exe) in c++ with visual studio. I am not that experienced. Now, I came to the conclusion that it might be better to compile the general program functionality into an lib or dll file, which I then would use in a different visual studio project, where I basically implement the functions from the lib files for the more specific purpose of my project. With my current setup, I get the impression that I am starting to mix the gerenal functionality with the specific problem statement.
Basically I am asking for a way to convert my current full visual studio project into two separate projects, one for the gerenal lib files representing the classes and program modules, and one for the specific problem implementation. Is it possible to also keep everything in one visual studio project (edit: solution) for convenience?

How to get NuGet options in Visual Studio 2017 Community?

I am struggling with creating NuGet packages. I am using Visual Studio 2017 Community edition.
I have seen a couple of videos that show a "Pack" option on the menu when right-clicking the project in Solution Explorer. However, I do not have that option. Is this one of the features in the other (non-Community) versions of Visual Studio? I believe I have also seen a "create NuGet package on build" option mentioned somewhere. I cannot find that either.
I have tried various ways of using nuget, dotnet, and msbuild from the command line(s), but haven't had much success. Very frustrating.
Any help is appreciated.
If you really want to use Visual Studio, I would recommend installing an extension that helps you with that problem. For example, this one. The options people have in videos depend on the extensions they have installed. For you, it is the same.
Alternatively, just use the command-line tooling for this as explained here or for .NET Core here or here.
dotnet/msbuild pack is only available for SDK-style projects, but I believe works for all versions of Visual Studio, as well as on the command line. .NET Core introduced these SDK-style projects, which can be identified by <Project Sdk="Microsoft.NET.Sdk">. If your project (.csproj if it's a C# project) doesn't have the Sdk property or import Microsoft.NET.Sdk in either of the two other ways, then it's not an SDK style project and doesn't support packing in this way. Another obvious difference between the two styles of projects is that SDK projects are only a few lines long from the new project template and don't list files in the project, whereas old style projects are typically a full screen long, even from a new project template with only a single class file, and it does list individual files in the project. If you want to continue with this project type, you'll need to use nuget.exe pack and you'll probably want to create a .nuspec file to define some of the package metadata.
However, using SDK style projects is the future, it just takes time for all of Microsoft's existing project types to migrate. It's much simpler to use, so personally I would avoid old style projects unless you're using a project type (like ASP.NET, not ASP.NET Core) that doesn't support it.
All of this is confusing for anyone new to the .NET ecosystem. My recommendation is 1. when you install Visual Studio, when making your workload selections, make sure in the component list that .NET Core is selected, whatever the newest version of .NET Core that is available at the time of installation. When creating a new project in Visual Studio, always select the .NET Core version, or .NET Standard version of any new project template, even if you want to target the (Windows) .NET Framework, in which case you edit the .csproj and change <TargetFramework>netstandard2.0</TargetFramework> to <TargetFramework>net45</TargetFramework>, although I would recommend multi-targeting possible by adding a s to the element name and using a semi-colon separated list: <TargetFrameworks>net45;netstandard2.0</TargetFrameworks>. So, avoid the "Class Library (.NET Framework)" template, instead use "Class Library (.NET Standard)" and then change the target if you have to.
#zivkan led me down the right path. Changing my project types to .Net Core from .Net Framework made all the options I mentioned in my original post available. No extensions were needed.
My .Net Core class library project now has the Pack and Publish options available on the project's context menu. In addition, there is a another tab (Package) on the project properties page. On that page there is a "Generate NuGet package on build" option along with version, name, tags and other properties.
I have done much .Net framework development, but have been ignoring .Net Core and the newer options. I guess I need to dig in and learn about them.

Jump to the definitions in external dependent packages from Visual Studio Code

I'm new to Visual Studio Code (on Mac). We are using it to develop ASP.NET Core MVC applications in C#. When I hit F12 on a symbol, like classes, interfaces or variables, VS Code will jump to the definition of that symbol if the definition exists in the source files, sweet. However nothing will happen if the definition is from an external dependency. If I did this with Visual Studio on Windows, in this situation the default behaviour is jumping to the definition provided by its metadata. Is there a similar way in VS Code to do this, rather than doing nothing in this case? It would be very helpful during development.
The new OmniSharp C# extension for VS Code for >=.NET Core 1.0 now has this feature. If there is no source code available then jump to the definition provided by its metadata. (Since OmniSharp C# extension 1.6.0 for VS Code which I used. But the legacy OmniSharp C# extension for DNX doesn't have this feature)

Visual Studio quickstart for *nix / OS X / Xcode developers

I've been writing C/C++ for years using Xcode and am very comfortable with *nix systems. Now I'm working with people who only understand Windows; I've decided to try to learn that environment too.
I was thinking that google would be my best friend, but even the terminology for VS is sufficiently orthogonal to that of Xcode that I can't make any headway. (E.g., what's the equivalent of "Add new Target to project" for VS?)
Can anyone point me to a guide to VS for Xcode practitioners? I've seen lots of translators going the other direction.
I do not know of any XCode to VS Guide, but according to XCode Documentation:
A target specifies a product to build and contains the instructions for building the product from a set of files in a project or workspace.
The analogous concept in Visual Studio would be a project. In Visual Studio, a project contains code files, assets and settings which compile into an output of some sort. (Could be an executable, a DLL, a website, or a few other options...) Projects can reference other projects or other external libraries (System or user libraries) which are all delivered together at compile time.
A solution contains multiple projects which can be related (referenced) and compiled and linked together.
When you first start VS, it will ask you to Open or Create a project. It usually will automatically create a solution and automatically add the project to it. To add additional projects, you can right click the solution in the "Solution Explorer" and add another project.
Hope this helps
I believe what you're looking for is the Build Configuration Manager in Visual Studio. (It's been a while since I've used XCode). As I recall a "Target" in Xcode is how you want the project built. In VS you get a Debug and Release configuration by default but you can use the Build menu and choose "Configuration..." to create more.
I don't know of a tutorial for XCode users but Kate Gregory has some nice beginner screencasts on pluralsight for using Visual Studio 2010. Those may get you over some learning curve hurdles. I think they have a 30 day free trial. If you move on to .NET development they have a lot more that can really help you get up to speed quickly.
Quick Terminology
In Visual Studio you typically create a Solution. A solution can consist of any number of Projects. You can add projects for .DLLs (libraries), services, applications (gui and console based). You can have multiple applications but can only designate one as the Startup Project.
In my typical project I start with the GUI and Add a project of the type I want. Then I often add a library project for new code that I think I can use across multiple applications. Existing code in both supplied libraries and ones you've built are added as References. You can right-click on References in the Solution Explorer and select Add References.
In XCode (when I used it) your IDE consisted of two pieces, XCode and Interface Builder. In Visual Studio you can build interface elements directly in Visual Studio ( but there is also a tool called Blend that allows for UI creation and modification). There are THREE major types of interfaces web (usually an ASP.NET application), WinForms and WPF. I think of WinForms as the equivalent of what you build in IB. WPF is the most recent addition and has lots of advantages but a somewhat steep learning curve.
This is probably oversimplified because VS does so much and I'm mostly familiar with the C# and C++/CLI capabilties. However it also supports Visual F#, Iron Python, Iron Ruby, Visual Basic, Sharepoint, Office Integration,Silverlight, XNA, etc.
Visual Studio is very extensible. There are lots of extensions to make it integrate with other tools. There are also a couple of extremely useful extensions that make refactoring and writing code easier, my personal favorite is ReSharper from JetBrains.

Changing the F# tools Visual Studio 2010 uses

I rebuilt F# with few syntax additions. I was able to tell VS2010 to use them for F# Interactive and for building, but the code editor still claims I'm making errors (even though the project builds just fine).
Is it even possible to change this? If it is - how?
As far as I know, there is no way to change the IntelliSense service used by F# in Visual Studio. The Visual Studio component isn't a part of the open-source release and it has a reference to strongly-signed FSharp.Compiler.dll. I'm not sure if there is some way to trick .NET to load a different assembly instead (specifying bindingRedirect in app.config requires the same strong name). If you find some way, let me know :-) I'd like to use it with my modified version of F# too.
If you want to get some IntelliSense for your modified F#, you can use the F# MonoDevelop plugin. The plugin is open-source and you can change the F# version used in the Services/FSharpCompiler.fs file (see the source on GitHub).
