Convert Visual Studio exe-project in lib-project - visual-studio

I am developing an application (exe) in c++ with visual studio. I am not that experienced. Now, I came to the conclusion that it might be better to compile the general program functionality into an lib or dll file, which I then would use in a different visual studio project, where I basically implement the functions from the lib files for the more specific purpose of my project. With my current setup, I get the impression that I am starting to mix the gerenal functionality with the specific problem statement.
Basically I am asking for a way to convert my current full visual studio project into two separate projects, one for the gerenal lib files representing the classes and program modules, and one for the specific problem implementation. Is it possible to also keep everything in one visual studio project (edit: solution) for convenience?


F# VS2019 Windows Forms

I'm learning F# and I'm just trying to build Animate a pendulum program.
Here's the code:
As far as I understand, VS 2019 doesn't support WinForms in F# (maybe, I'm wrong), so I have error messages, trying to copy/paste that code:
What should I do?
Thanks a lot !
If you're looking to use Winforms on .NET core, you'll need to do the following in your project:
Open the project file (double-click on the node in Visual Studio)
Change the Sdk to Microsoft.NET.Sdk.WindowsDesktop
Ensure you have this OutputType: <OutputType>WinExe</OutputType>
Add the following property to the top-level PropertyGroup: <UseWindowsForms>true</UseWindowsForms>
There won't be a visual designer to use, but you should have access to the APIs.
Unfortunately, there is no Winforms designer in Visual Studio 2019 for F# projects of any type, and Winforms can only be easily accessed (as far as I know) in .Net Framework (NOT .NET Core) projects they can be accessed as per #Phillip Carter's answer.
However you can still make Winforms programs easily by manually adding the references to your .NET Framework project, or (more easily) by manually compiling with the F# compiler, fsc.
The Fast Way
The easiest way to do this is simply compile the source code with the F# compiler from a single source file with fsc.exe. The F# compiler will automatically resolve dependencies for things like System.Windows.Forms and a lot of other commonly used namespaces. You can also provide lots of compiler directives for requiring other resources as well.
Example using VSCode, with various extensions:
Another Way
Start a new F# console .NET Framework project (don't pick .NET Core).
Right click on "References" in the Solution Explorer and click "Add Reference..."
Under assemblies, look for "System.Windows.Forms," select it...
And also select "System.Drawing" and then hit OK
Now you have access to both of those namespaces.
Before you run the project in Visual Studio, you should replace
Application.Run( new PendulumForm( Visible=true ) )
let main _ =
Application.Run( new PendulumForm( Visible=true ) )
This way you (and VS) know where main actually is. It's not necessary for this small of a program to actually run it, but as your projects get larger VS will complain more about where things are located in your project.

Visual Studio 2015 not linking static libraries from C++/CLI projects

I work on a large system (10+ EXEs and 50+ DLLs). The entirety of this system was written in C++ up until around 2005, when we began migrating components to the .NET framework.
It would help our migration efforts tremendously if I could switch individual DLL projects to C++/CLI and provide both a legacy unmanaged API and a new managed API into the same DLL.
This approach worked when we first started, but then broke soon after. Visual Studio does not appear to support two C++/CLI projects linking to each other via the unmanaged API.
Is there any way to get this to work beyond the brute-force approach of adding export libraries from one project as content to another? That's what project dependencies are supposed to handle already.
Perhaps #pragma comment in the native header files would be useful. For that to work you need each project configured to write its generated import library into a common area that can be added to the library search path, but it saves you from having to manually add lib files as linker inputs, or as project content items. Also, it makes keeping release and debug library versions separate more easily, since you can just have a different search path for each configuration, instead of having to add each individual library twice to every single consuming project.

How to use Omake build system for a Visual studio 2010 project

I have a project, which works fine in VS-2010. And runs fine.
But I want to create a make-file by using Omake. How to build the same in Omake.
I have gone through all the documentation of Omake, but it does not say how to make it.
My VS-2010 project contains .c, .cpp, .h, .rc MFC and many subdirectories too.
There is no direct way to convert a project from VS to Omake: you have to write the 'OMakefile's by hand since the two build systems (MSBuild is behind VS) and concepts are somewhat different. Once the OMakefile's are working, you can always create a Visual Studio project of type "Makefile" that calls the omake utility behind the scene.
If the reason for change is that you want to make the projet multi-platform (well, I doubt so since you use MFC), you may consider CMake, a widely-used project generation tool. CMake can generate both Makefiles (GNU) and VS projects, depending on the platform, from a project description.

Visual Studio, library source when debugging

Just maybe trivial, maybe stupid question.
I have two solutions:
1) The main app
2) The sets of libraries
The first solution is accessible via the SourceSafe with the dll files(from the 2 solution) placed in its lib directory.
In order to debug the main app with the ability to jump to the source code of the libraries from the 2 solution Do i have to add the projects from 2 to 1? And Is it the only one option?
Even if I added (if it is possible to add with omitting certain projects in the SC) projects from 2 to 1 solution, I would have to change dll references in the app which is controlled via SourceSafe and I would mess it up for my colleagues.
What Can I do?
To debug all you need is that all third-party dlls have their corresponding pdb in the same directory. When you step into a third-party function for which you have pdb, Visual Studio will prompt you for the source, At this time you may browse to a local or network share where you have a the third-party source.
The place I used to work for used .NET Reflector to step through external DLLs. It's a Visual Studio add-on that uses reflection to allow you to debug through the source code of .NET binaries (actually their MSIL reversed equivalents) and is pretty simple and efficient when it comes to non-obfuscated code.

What type of extension for VS (and how) to make, to generate C# or C++ code from some text [more so a model]?

I am new to Visual Studio Extensibility and want to make an addin/extension which shall do the following:
It should read all the files with a specific file extension (assume "*.ump").
It should process the text/code/whatever in the files.
It should create new Class/Code file with some code in it. [The code will be produced in step 2, just need to know how to do it?]
Yet, I have been racking my brains through extensibility, saw the single file generators .... and addins which go through ProjectItems and can detect the file extension,
BUT I HAVE NOT BEEN ABLE TO FIND a complete tutorial, guide or explanation as to how or what to do!!
Please help...
You don't want to read all files with a specific file extension in Visual C++ project nor standard Visual C# project. You may do that with hand-made MSBuild project (included in the solution).
In Visual C++ projects, there is a way to define custom tools. They are run as separate processes, so you can implement them in anything you want. Studio will ask you whether you want to define a tool (they are defined in special xml files; studio has dialog for editing them) when you add a file with extension unknown to it. In Visual C# projects, just manually write a MSBuild tasks and insert them into the project.
Do whatever you want. IIRC the generated files will have to be included in the project though. Well, for MSBuild, just tweak the project to your heart's desire, but in Visual C++ they have to.
You can combine MSBuild (csproj,vbproj) and VisualC++ projects in a single solution, so I recommend using separate.
If you ever find out you need to compile for different target where you can't use Visual Studio, you'll be glad that you have stand-alone tool you were just calling from Studio and not something that embeds in it.
