Use keyboard TAB to access downloads in the IE download window - windows

When I download a file, via some link/button on a webpage, the IE download window turns up (see picture, it's Dutch).
With the keyboard TAB key you can tab through the files on the window. But for each file there are buttons to Open or Save the file. How can I access these buttons via the keyboard ?

You could use the Tab key, Arrow Keys and the Enter Keys. More details information, please refer to the following steps:
Use Ctrl + J to open the IE Download views
Use Tab key to select the download file
Use the left arrow (back arrow)and the right arrow (forward arrow) to select the option in the horizontal direction. To the Dropdown options, we could use the up arrow and down arrow to select item (The selected items will have a dashed border).
Click the Enter key to open the file.
[Note] After clicking the Enter key, there might be have some security prompt, you could also the Tab key and Enter Key to Click the related button.
The screenshot as below:


Is there no Ctrl+drag selected text to copy it available in Visual Studio Code?

Is it possible to drag and drop a selected text by pressing and holding a modifier key in Visual Studio Code? Usually, this is Ctrl+Drag. But doesn't seem to work.
If you have the default configuration, there's no need for CTRL key. Just selecting the text and dragging it in place (using left mouse click) does the job.
Version: 1.64.2
Try command (⌘) + click. I believe Apple's "CTRL" key is the "⌘" key, and its "ALT" key is "CTRL" (that's why you right click was happening; ALT + click = right click).

What is the shortcut key to always open a file on the left / right pane in Xcode?

In earlier versions of Xcode, I could consistently open a file either in the left or right window depending on whether I press alt / option when I click on the file.
In the current version (13.0), depending on which is the currently "active" pane, pressing alt/option and clicking causes a file to be opened in the other pane, meaning sometimes it opens on the right, and other times on the left, depending on which pane was originally active.
Is there a shortcut key, so that I can always open a file in the right pane, or left pane, regardless of which is the active pane ?
Thanks to I have found the way :
Just go to preferences -> Navigation and change the settings to use primary editor instead of focused editor.

How to navigate vscode save changes before closing dialog without using mouse?

In macOS vscode, when I close a file that has some changes made to it, I get a dialog on top. How do i navigate the buttons here with just my keyboard?
The screenshot doesn't show it but it defaults to the Save button.
I don't know if VS Code follows normal Mac conventions but, if it does, Return should select the default button (Save, presumably); Escape should cancel; and Command-D or possibly Command-Delete should select Don't Save.
Also, if you have System Preferences > Keyboard > Shortcuts > Full Keyboard Access set to "All controls", the Tab key should move focus among the buttons and Space will press the one with focus. If you don't normally have that set that way, Control-F7 will toggle it on.

Rearrange Code shortcut in Resharper doesn't work in VS2015

When I try to use the shortcut for moving lines up/down (Ctrl+Alt+Shift+↑/↓), it highlights the code and shows the tooltip message "Use Up/Down to move text line" but nothing happens. If however I try the same command via the menu bar (Resharper > Edit > Rearrange Code > Move Up) it moves the selected lines as expected.
I used to use this feature all the time so I find this bug very annoying. Apparantly, others also experience this (see comments for Resharper move line up down not working) but I haven't been able to find a solution for it. Resetting keyboard layouts and reapplying VS keyboard schemes doesn't work.
Has anyone been able to resolve this issue?
Reason of this is issue (when you are logging to machine with VS and Resharper via Remote Desktop) is that Ctrl-Alt-Left Arrow/Ctrl-Alt-Right Arrow combinations are not sent to your virtual machine
There are two workarounds:
My first soultion (change combination see below)
You can use AutoHotKey script as stated in thread:
Reason is
duplication of the same hotkeys which could be found in 'Shortcut currently used by:' combobox
Fix is
I described process for _MoveRight shortcut - for other shortcuts it works the same
STEP 1 Check for conflicting changes
go to Tool --> Options --> Keyboard
in field 'Show commands containing' find your command (moveright in example)
click in field 'Press shortcut keys' press ALT + RIGHT ARROW
in field Shortcut currently used by you will find conflicting shortcut -
STEP 2 Now we need to delete this shortcut
in field 'Show commands containing' write Edit.CompleteWord
you should see ALT + RIGHT ARROW shortcut in field 'Shortcuts for selected command
click Remove button
STEP 3 Now we need to add our shortcut to _MoveRight function
in field 'Show commands containing' find your command (moveright in example)
click in field 'Press shortcut keys' press ALT + RIGHT ARROW
click Assign

How to recover windows encrypted files?

I have a partition for photos and at some point one of my little brothers encrypted almost half of the photos(via Right click on folder-> properties -> advanced -> encrypt).So now i have some 15 folders with photos that i can't open. I did not observe the change and i changed the OS. Now when i try to open a photo it says "Access denied!". The photos appear now with green title and in properties, they have the encrypted radio button checked and grayed. Is there any chance to recover these files?
Please try below step to enable the encrypt radio button.
In my case I checked with window 8 OS.
1. Press Windows Key + R combination, type put regedit in Run dialog box and hit Enter to open the Registry Editor.
2. In the left pane of Registry Editor, navigate to:
3. In the right pane of above shown window, look for the NtfsDisableEncryption named registry DWORD(REG_DWORD), since you’re facing the issue, you’ll find that this DWORD having its Value data set to 1. Double click on the same DWORD to modify:
4. In the above shown window, change the Value data to 0. Click OK. You may now close the Registry Editor and reboot to get fixed.
For additional reference click this Enableing encrypt option
