How to recover windows encrypted files? - windows

I have a partition for photos and at some point one of my little brothers encrypted almost half of the photos(via Right click on folder-> properties -> advanced -> encrypt).So now i have some 15 folders with photos that i can't open. I did not observe the change and i changed the OS. Now when i try to open a photo it says "Access denied!". The photos appear now with green title and in properties, they have the encrypted radio button checked and grayed. Is there any chance to recover these files?

Please try below step to enable the encrypt radio button.
In my case I checked with window 8 OS.
1. Press Windows Key + R combination, type put regedit in Run dialog box and hit Enter to open the Registry Editor.
2. In the left pane of Registry Editor, navigate to:
3. In the right pane of above shown window, look for the NtfsDisableEncryption named registry DWORD(REG_DWORD), since you’re facing the issue, you’ll find that this DWORD having its Value data set to 1. Double click on the same DWORD to modify:
4. In the above shown window, change the Value data to 0. Click OK. You may now close the Registry Editor and reboot to get fixed.
For additional reference click this Enableing encrypt option


Use keyboard TAB to access downloads in the IE download window

When I download a file, via some link/button on a webpage, the IE download window turns up (see picture, it's Dutch).
With the keyboard TAB key you can tab through the files on the window. But for each file there are buttons to Open or Save the file. How can I access these buttons via the keyboard ?
You could use the Tab key, Arrow Keys and the Enter Keys. More details information, please refer to the following steps:
Use Ctrl + J to open the IE Download views
Use Tab key to select the download file
Use the left arrow (back arrow)and the right arrow (forward arrow) to select the option in the horizontal direction. To the Dropdown options, we could use the up arrow and down arrow to select item (The selected items will have a dashed border).
Click the Enter key to open the file.
[Note] After clicking the Enter key, there might be have some security prompt, you could also the Tab key and Enter Key to Click the related button.
The screenshot as below:

How to navigate vscode save changes before closing dialog without using mouse?

In macOS vscode, when I close a file that has some changes made to it, I get a dialog on top. How do i navigate the buttons here with just my keyboard?
The screenshot doesn't show it but it defaults to the Save button.
I don't know if VS Code follows normal Mac conventions but, if it does, Return should select the default button (Save, presumably); Escape should cancel; and Command-D or possibly Command-Delete should select Don't Save.
Also, if you have System Preferences > Keyboard > Shortcuts > Full Keyboard Access set to "All controls", the Tab key should move focus among the buttons and Space will press the one with focus. If you don't normally have that set that way, Control-F7 will toggle it on.

disable the printscreen keyboard option from windows

Is there any way to disable the
Print Screen
button from keyboard (without breaking it the key of-course). I am using the windows 7.
I need it because increase the security of my database which is used by few employees.
You can disable any key if you manipulate the scancode map registry key. A small tutorial with explanation of the settings can be found here (a more detailed explanation of the scancode map here).
For the print screen key in particular you can create a new textfile containing:
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Keyboard Layout]
"Scancode Map"=hex:00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,04,00,00,00,00,00,2a,e0,00,00,37,e0,\
and save it as disable_printscreen.reg. You can then import it, as it is described here.
If you want to undo your changes you can make a file with the content:
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Keyboard Layout]
"Scancode Map"=-
Or delete the key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Keyboard Layout\Scancode Map manually.
As with all changes in the registry be sure that you understand what you are doing and make a backup first.
EDIT: Sorry the link I had posted first was not good enough.
Steps to disable the print screen key:
Click Start, click Run, type "regedt32" (without the quotation marks),
and then click OK.
On the Windows menu, click "HKEY_LOCAL_ MACHINE on Local Machine".
Click the System\CurrentControlSet\Control folder, and then
double-click the Keyboard Layout folder.
On the Edit menu, click Add Value, type in "Scancode Map" (without the
quotation marks), click REG_BINARY as the Data Type, and then click
Type "0000000000000000040000002AE037E0000037E00000540000000000" (without
the quotation marks) in the Data field, and then click OK.
Close the Registry Editor and restart the computer.

Windows Explorer: How to create additional button?

Explorer of Windows 7 uses a new light-blue bar with buttons like "Organize", "Share", "New Folder" etc.
How can I create a new button ? Do I need to create a plugin for explorer.exe, and if, how do I do it (using Visual Studio .NET) ?
Or is it a simple registry key I have to set which points to an exe or bat?
Thanks in advance and best regards
It's a registry key, but not quite so simple. You have to do several steps to add one button.
You may have noticed that the Win7 Explorer adjusts its toolbar to match the content that is being displayed. For example the buttons shown for the control panel folders are different than the ones for documents or the music library folder. You can find a large list of different folder types under the registry key
Click on each UID shown there to find out what folder type it is for. For example here you see the entry for folders in the generic library type:
So the first thing you have to do is to find the folder type for which you want to add your own button.
Once you found the right UID, you might have to take ownership of those keys. Otherwise you won't be able to modify them:
Right-click on that key and choose Permisssions...
Click the Advanced button.
Click the Owner tab.
Under Change Owner to: select Administrators.
Click Apply and verify that "Current Owner" is set to Administrators.
Click OK to save the change.
Back in the Permissions dialog, click Administrators and then click (to check it) Full Control
Click OK to save the settings and close the dialog box.
The next step is to create the keys and values necessary for your own button:
Add a new key, TasksItemsSelected
Add a new key, TasksItemsSelected\0
Create a new GUID (use guidgen.exe) for your command.
add the key TasksItemsSelected\0\<yourguid>, then add the strings Title and InfoTip and give them the appropriate values. You can also set an icon here, using the string Icon with the value pointing to an icon file.
Add the keys TasksItemsSelected\0\<yourguid>\shell\InvokeTask\command
as default value of the command key, enter the command you want to execute.
Now your registry entry should look something like this:
When the command runs, it will receive at least two parameter values.
%1 -- The path of the folder that was being displayed
%2 -- The pathname of the file that was selected.
If you select more than one file before clicking the mycommand button, then the subsequent filenames will be in subsequent parameters.
And last but not least: if you want to add your own button for situations where nothing is selected, do everything as mentioned above, but use the registry key TasksNoItemsSelected instead of TasksItemsSelected

Open Dialog preserving settings

How does one preserve the settings in the Open Dialog box? For example, I would the Open Dialog to remember that I chose the Details view and sorted by date modified.
Microsoft didn't see fit to give us any documented way of doing this, but some people have figured out bits of the puzzle. This link shows how to set the view, but not how to get the current setting:
I'm not quite sure about this about isn't it an OS setting. If the user choose their Folder Preferences such as then Windows will remember or not. In this case from accessibility and usability point of view this is User's preferences.
You could inherit from the dialog's class and then see what can be overriden to do the persistence of its state.
Simple non-technical solution.
This worked for me (WinXP SP3) in some cases but not all. Since you don't have the option of changing things in a common Open dialog, you can try to do it in Windows Explorer.
Open Windows Eplorer. If you want to change the sort order, go to the details view and click on the column to sort, normally Name, but you may want to sort by Date. Now change
the view back to whatever you want. Now select "Tools" then "Folder Options". On the General tab, for "Tasks" select "Use Windows classic folders," for "Browse folders" select "Open each folder in same window." Now click the "View" tab. Scroll down and check the box for "Remember each folders view settings." If it's already checked, uncheck it then check it again. Click the "Apply" Button at the botton of the window. Click the "Apply to All Folders" button near the top. These settings may show up in your Open dialog. Having done this you can now change the settings in Windows Explorer or any other Folder window that allows you to change them and that Folder window should remember them. This fixed the Open dialog in my qraphics editor but not in my video editor.
