google spreadsheets - filter a cell by it's address - google-sheets-formula

I am using the filter function to find non blank values, the classic:
To find all the column A headings that have a non-blank value in column B.
But I would also like to always include the last value regardless of it's ISBLANK, something like:
=FILTER(A2:A99, (CELL("address",A2:A99)="$A$99") OR NOT(ISBLANK(B2:B99)))
But this gives me an error, leading me to the strange question of how do I get this to work:
=FILTER(A2:A99, CELL("address",A2:A99)="$A$99")
Or something similar?

As CELL function does not play well in array formulas, you can get addresses as strings for cells like this:
As for your original problem, you can just add the last cell as the last row:
={FILTER(A2:A98, NOT(ISBLANK(B2:B98))); A99}
Or a dynamic version:
=FILTER(A2:A99, (NOT(ISBLANK(B2:B99))) + (ROW(A2:A99) = (ROWS(A2:A99) + ROW(A2) - 1)))


how to ARRAY specific cells based on rules?

is there a (maybe a one (?) formula)-way how to pick all green cells (but only those which has numbers and excluding 0) in a row and put/list them in an array to that coresponding row ??
example: in cell AO1 there will be formula that will list these results:
AO1 = 647
AP1 = 2806
AQ1 = 15490
AR1 = 32105
AS1 = 33808
something like array of constants but constant will be a cell reference... I can only think of a hard way to doing it like make a table/grid of all green cells and then array them, but not sure how could I exlude things from arraying (things like: skip empty cell and skip cell that is "<1" )
edit: in another words: cell AO1: =arrayformula({$p$1;$r$1;$t$1;$v$1;$x$1;$z$1;$ab$1;$ad$1;$af$1;$ah$1;$aj$1;$al$1};and dont array empty and "<1" cells)
If the row are fixed could simply use filter on all the rows
like this : (I used the range you give in your question)
And for the K and the unique you can add them like this:
{$p$1;$r$1;$t$1;$v$1;$x$1;$z$1;$ab$1;$ad$1;$af$1;$ah$1;$aj$1;$al$1}>0))&" K")

AddField function does not work as expected

I have the following block of code that iterates through the fields of each table and adds the fields of the current table respectively in order to create a number of tableboxes.
'iterate through every table
For i=1 To arrTCount
'the arrFF array holds the names of the fields of each table
arrFF = Split(arrFields(i), ", ")
arrFFCount = UBound(arrFF)
'create a tablebox
Set TB = ActiveDocument.Sheets("Main").CreateTableBox
'iterate through the fields of the array
For j=0 to (arrFFCount - 1)
'add the field to the tablebox
TB.AddField arrFF(j)
Set tboxprop = TB.GetProperties
tboxprop.Layout.Frame.ObjectId = "TB" + CStr(i)
TB.SetProperties tboxprop
The above code creates the tableboxes, but with one field less every time (the last one is missing). If I change the For loop from For j=0 To (arrFFCount - 1) to For j=0 To (arrFFCount) it creates empty tableboxes and seems to execute forever. Regarding this change, I tested the field names with the Msgbox(arrFF(j)) command and it shows me the correct field names as I want them to be in the tableboxes in the UI of QlikView.
Does anybody have an idea of what seems to be the problem here? Can I do this in a different way?
To clarify the situation here and what I have tested so far, I have 11 tables to make tableboxes of and I have tried with just one of them or some of them. The result I am seeing with the code is on the left and what I am expecting to see is on the right of the following image. Please note that the number of fields vary for each table and the image has just one of them as an example.

Use cell text to define vlookup datatable range

In the image above, how do I replace the portion "Tom.A:C" in the vlookup function with the text in cell B2 + .A:C ?
Where "Tom" is the name of a sheet in my workbook and I want to lookup a value in the second column of that sheet.
The formula
Then, in your example, you must write it like this:
=VLOOKUP(A2, TOM ! [Range of the sheet], 2, FALSE)
I did not understand the first time exactly what was the question, so here it is the answer:
The formula
=VLOOKUP(lookup,indirect(concat(<cell with sheetname>,<"!"|".">,"<CELL RANGE IN ALL LOOKING SHEETS>")), column, match)
Then in your example:
=VLOOKUP(A2, indirect(concat(A2,".","A:C")), 2, 0)
First you need to concatenate the value of the sheet and range that you want, then with indirect, you take that string value and use it as a valid reference.

How to get an array of values where columns match multiple criteria

I have a table of data similar to:
where I'd like to get just the shapes which match a set of given criteria (in this case week=2 and colour=blue).
I can return the first result using index and match like:
but I'd like to return the all matching values (eg square and triangle) in to the range F3:Fsomething. This would preferably be done using a formula that returns a range and isn't "copied-down", as a list of all possible shapes isn't known beforehand.
How can I modify this formula to achieve this?
See if this works:
=FILTER (C2:C14, B2:B14=F2, A2:A14=F1)
to do multiple criteria you want to use * like so
=FILTER (C2:C14, (B2:B14=F2) * (A2:A14=F1))
and if you want the results all in the same cell with a delimiter, use TEXTJOIN
=TEXTJOIN(", ",TRUE,FILTER(C2:C14,(B2:B14=F2)*(A2:A14=F1)))

jqGrid permutation array

In jqGrid I am trying to use the permutation array for saving the reorder state of the columns.
For eg. Basic column state is perm = [0,1,2,3,4] column 3 is hidden and column 0 is the checkbox. Now I have a custom context menu which I use to finally give me a perm array of [0,1,3,2,4]
I have read in the documentation that the permutation array needs to start with 1, is this right?
When I try using "remapColumns" functions of the jqgrid and pass the perm array, it works fine. But if I try hiding and showing columns a couple of times, the column order is getting messed with.
Please help me understand what these indices for the permutation array stand for? Are they column indexes for visible columns? Should hidden columns be part of array? What happens in case of frozen columns? In some examples I have seen perm = [0:1, 1:3, 2:2, 3:1]
What is the correct way? I am using grid.jqGrid("remapColumns", perm, true);
Try to use also the last parameter of the function
grid.jqGrid("remapColumns", [0,1,3,2,4], true, false);
permutation, updateCells, keepHeader
