jqGrid permutation array - jqgrid

In jqGrid I am trying to use the permutation array for saving the reorder state of the columns.
For eg. Basic column state is perm = [0,1,2,3,4] column 3 is hidden and column 0 is the checkbox. Now I have a custom context menu which I use to finally give me a perm array of [0,1,3,2,4]
I have read in the documentation that the permutation array needs to start with 1, is this right?
When I try using "remapColumns" functions of the jqgrid and pass the perm array, it works fine. But if I try hiding and showing columns a couple of times, the column order is getting messed with.
Please help me understand what these indices for the permutation array stand for? Are they column indexes for visible columns? Should hidden columns be part of array? What happens in case of frozen columns? In some examples I have seen perm = [0:1, 1:3, 2:2, 3:1]
What is the correct way? I am using grid.jqGrid("remapColumns", perm, true);

Try to use also the last parameter of the function
grid.jqGrid("remapColumns", [0,1,3,2,4], true, false);
permutation, updateCells, keepHeader


Array of value from multiple conditions

I wanna return an array of value from multiple conditions.
Currently formula is set to accept one condition.
The desired result is showed in the ad hoc worksheet
Edit : initial problem solved by player0. Thanks !
Previous post
I'm using curly brace to return an array of value with the IF formula. This works well. I wanted to use IFS function because i wanted to use more conditions.
With a similar table, only the 1st number is returned form the array.
I don't understand why.
Thanks !
delete range E2:L and use this in E2:
"1;2;3;4;5;6;7"; ";");;9^9)); ";"; 1; 0)))

np.where() with np.linspace()

I am trying to find index of an element in x_norm array with np.where() but it doesn' t work well.
Is there a way to find index of element?
x_norm = np.linspace(-10,10,1000)
np.where(x_norm == -0.19019019)
Np.where works with np.arange() and can find the index either first or last element of array creating by linspace.
The numbers generated by np.linspace contains more decimal places than the one you are pasting to np.where (-0.19019019019019012).
So it might be better to use np.argmin to find the nearest value and avoid rounding errors:
x_norm = np.linspace(-10,10,1000)
You can then go further and add np.where(x_norm==x_norm[idx]) to your code in case if you'll have array with duplicates.
Set the level of precision to 8 using np.round then use np.where to filter data as a mask then apply the mask to the array.
x_norm = np.round(np.asarray(np.linspace(-10,10,1000)),8)

Why is sort function not sorting in Google Sheets

I have on row one cell A1 = 3, E1=9, I1=4.
If in cell K1 I write: =CONCATENATE(A1:I1) I get 394
But if I try to sort the cells before concatenating them with =CONCATENATE(SORT(A1:I1)) I still get the same result. Why?
This is due to the principle of the SORT function, which sorts rows according to data in columns. It does not sort individual cells. The example in the link explains more.
If you want to get the result that you anticipate, transpose your data and place them: A1=3, A5=9, A9=4
and perform: =CONCATENATE(SORT(A1:A9, 1, TRUE)), which gives you 349.
Or if you need to stick with row, transpose the cells in between. Use your original cell configuration and perform: =CONCATENATE(SORT(TRANSPOSE(A1:I1), 1, TRUE))
Note: Those additional parameters are required according to the SORT function help, however it seems that 1 and TRUE are used by default if they are missing.

How do I do fill down with formula in reverse order in Google Sheet

When I fill down with formula starting with, say, =A9, it will auto fill with =A10, =A11, A=12, in incrementing order. But I want it to fill down in reverse order as =A8, =A7, =A6, how do I do that? In Excel, I can select 2 cells, =A10 and =A9, Excel will know to fill in reverse order.
You could use the SEQUENCE function within the formula
or even as
If you need to reverse the order of already existing values in cells you can use:
or even the following to exclude empty rows
try like this:
=SORT(ROW(A:A), 1, 0)
or if you want from 10 to 5
=SORT(ROW(A5:A10), 1, 0)
or to flip the column values:
=SORT(A9:A15, ROW(A9:A15)*N(A9:A15<>""), 0)

how to ARRAY specific cells based on rules?

is there a (maybe a one (?) formula)-way how to pick all green cells (but only those which has numbers and excluding 0) in a row and put/list them in an array to that coresponding row ??
example: in cell AO1 there will be formula that will list these results:
AO1 = 647
AP1 = 2806
AQ1 = 15490
AR1 = 32105
AS1 = 33808
something like array of constants but constant will be a cell reference... I can only think of a hard way to doing it like make a table/grid of all green cells and then array them, but not sure how could I exlude things from arraying (things like: skip empty cell and skip cell that is "<1" )
edit: in another words: cell AO1: =arrayformula({$p$1;$r$1;$t$1;$v$1;$x$1;$z$1;$ab$1;$ad$1;$af$1;$ah$1;$aj$1;$al$1};and dont array empty and "<1" cells)
If the row are fixed could simply use filter on all the rows
like this : (I used the range you give in your question)
And for the K and the unique you can add them like this:
{$p$1;$r$1;$t$1;$v$1;$x$1;$z$1;$ab$1;$ad$1;$af$1;$ah$1;$aj$1;$al$1}>0))&" K")
