How can i read all application logs from AWS cloudwatch using spring boot - spring-boot

I'm using AWS lambda functions with spring boot and i able to see my all logs in AWS cloudwatch.
But now I want to get all those logs generated by my application.
Because I want to send those log files via mail.


GET and POST Spring boot rest api with aws Lambda

I have a spring boot application with GET and POST request which is working fine. Now I want to use aws lambda. I have check various article and github project for converting serverless application but didn't find any useful.
I tried with simple application which accept string as input and it is running in aws lambda but my requirement is having json input for multiple POST requests.
If anyone can help me with how to test and run multiple POST request.

Spring Actuator Running inside EKS and AWS cloudwatch

I have enabled actuator end points in my springboot microservice which is deployed inside AWS EKS pod. Now i want to push health information to AWS cloudwatch. Can someone please guide me on how to achieve this.

How to stream app logs to a cloud platform

Hi I am looking on how to stream application logs from a Spring boot application to a cloud. To elaborate:- Suppose I have a spring app to be deployed as a pcf application for which I need to send the logs generated from the application to an external cloud platform.
You can configure appenders for loggers like logback, log4j2 to stream logs on external cloud platforms like aws cloudwatch with ease.

Using Spring cloud config server in AWS lambda

I have created a lambda which is responsible for creating a springboot application using aws-serverless-java-container-springboot2 dependecy. this lambda is triggered by SQS event.I am parsing inputsteam for the input sqs event to get the required details. It is then converted to api call so SQS messages will then handled by spring controller to perfrom business logic.
We already have cloud config server created for common configuration and I am trying to use the same within my lambda application. To make use of cloud config 2 changes are done
Include cloud-starter-config depdency in pom
specicy app name,cloud url with region in bootstrap yml
when I deploy this lambda , the depencies are not resolved , meaning the property values from config server are not read in springboot application.
Could not find much details about cloud config and lambda support. what am I missing?

Download logs from Pivotal CloudFoundry metrics API

Is there a API to download PCF logs from PCF metrics? I don't like the way that PCF metrics present to me, I would like to use splunk or other tools to analyzing logs.
I could use download button in metrics but I it's too manual.
Any application running on Cloud Foundry can stream it's logs to any syslog comptabile service. Splunk has a syslog collector so you can follow the instructions here app log streaming Details for configuring this on PCF are at enter link description here
