How to stream app logs to a cloud platform - spring-boot

Hi I am looking on how to stream application logs from a Spring boot application to a cloud. To elaborate:- Suppose I have a spring app to be deployed as a pcf application for which I need to send the logs generated from the application to an external cloud platform.

You can configure appenders for loggers like logback, log4j2 to stream logs on external cloud platforms like aws cloudwatch with ease.


Scaling for spring boot application using spring cloud

I am using spring boot with Kubernetes and Eventhub. To connect with Azure Eventhub i use spring cloud stream. What is the math to determine the number of pods assuming non reactive spring boot application with apache tomcat?
Edit 1: to reframe my question, how do you factor in spring boot performance , request rate , user count, etc while scaling the pods?
In general the number of pods can be managed with a Deployment in Kubernetes. For more information you can see here In a Deployment you tell Kubernetes how many Replicas you want, which means how many Pods should be running. I don't know what you mean with non reactive spring boot application with apache tomcat. I also don't know about spring cloud stream.

How can i read all application logs from AWS cloudwatch using spring boot

I'm using AWS lambda functions with spring boot and i able to see my all logs in AWS cloudwatch.
But now I want to get all those logs generated by my application.
Because I want to send those log files via mail.

Where is logs for Spring Cloud Data Flow Stream

I am using Spring Cloud Data Flow Stream. I have launched 3 spring boot apps as a stream. namely source, processor & sink.
How can i see the logs of these spring boot apps? thanks
Apparently you can look at http://localhost:9393/runtime/apps to see stdout in attributes to see where the logs are

Does Elastic APM support Spring Cloud Stream

I am very new to Elastic APM and not sure how it can support different frameworks. I can see that from the documentation APM supports Spring Boot. I have tested a Spring Boot application with the APM and it looks promising. I was wondering if APM supports Spring Cloud Stream as well. Spring Cloud Stream provides Event Driven Architecture by using Spring Boot and messaging middleware. Middleware can be Kafka, RabbitMQ, etc.
I am not familiar with what is Elastic APM, but if it says it supports Spring Boot, then it means it supports any spring-boot-based framework which Spring Cloud Stream is.

Download logs from Pivotal CloudFoundry metrics API

Is there a API to download PCF logs from PCF metrics? I don't like the way that PCF metrics present to me, I would like to use splunk or other tools to analyzing logs.
I could use download button in metrics but I it's too manual.
Any application running on Cloud Foundry can stream it's logs to any syslog comptabile service. Splunk has a syslog collector so you can follow the instructions here app log streaming Details for configuring this on PCF are at enter link description here
