Spring Actuator Running inside EKS and AWS cloudwatch - spring-boot

I have enabled actuator end points in my springboot microservice which is deployed inside AWS EKS pod. Now i want to push health information to AWS cloudwatch. Can someone please guide me on how to achieve this.


Service Discovery within Kubernetes

When deploying a set of SpringBoot microservice applications in a Kubernetes cluster, should I include any kind of service discovery client libraries in my SpringBoot application to leverage kubernetes-native-service-discovery? If not, how a caller service calls another microservice in the same cluster?
Thanks in advance.
A service in kubernetes can be invoked as mentioned below for example an http service. An service has to be created and associated with pod. Please refer kubernetes services documentation for various services.
No other changes are required from application end. Please refer kubernetes official documentation for resolution details

Spring cloud data flow in AWS EC2

Has anyone deployed Spring cloud data flow as an AWS EC2 instance with kafka binder in MSK? I'm looking for the feasibility of leveraging EC2 for SCDF.

Spring BOOT autoscaling with actuator metrics

I want to automatically scale my Backend Spring Boot application using actuator metrics such as: jvm.threads.live, jvm.memory.used, process.cpu.usage. My application is deployed in a kubernetes cluster, for this I use the HPA controller in my cluster. How do I get these metrics and configure my HPA yaml file to monitor and observe these parameters and add a threshold for each metric.
You can use prometheus adapter for k8s API to be able to use actuator's metrics in HPA. Here's an example of usage.
You need such an intermediate agent as Prometheus, as it does many necessary things for you, such as collecting these metrics from all pods within the autoscaling group, storing metrics, and providing query language to define an autoscaling policy.

How to deploy Spring Cloud Data Flow on AWS EKS

Are there any document for deploying Spring Cloud Data Flow on AWS EKS? I am looking for example or guide video about this problem.
There are no special instructions for running SCDF on EKS or any other K8s distribution. As far as you have a K8s cluster and the necessary service accounts, you will be able to provision SCDF on a given namespace.
You can either use the release-tagged deployment YAMLs directly or the SCDF's Bitnami Helm chart. Depending on your customization needs, you'll find the deployment YAMLs more flexible, though.

How can i read all application logs from AWS cloudwatch using spring boot

I'm using AWS lambda functions with spring boot and i able to see my all logs in AWS cloudwatch.
But now I want to get all those logs generated by my application.
Because I want to send those log files via mail.
