Invoicing in laravel - laravel

Does know how to use this kind of invoicing, or can someone give suggestion, how to generate invoice?. Please I need help

it's ;extension=intl in php.ini. change it to extension=intl


Joomla Canonical Url Wrong

My sites show as canonical ulr this:
which is wrong.
I don't know how to fix it.
Can someone help me?
Thanks christoforos
Sorry it was my mistake.
In the Sef Component I had fill the canonical url with the wrong value.
Hope someone else find it helpful.

How to use Queues in Laravel Project Code without Artisan commands?

I am learning Queues in Laravel I want a practical learning I didnt get exactly what i want still. Please anyone explain me about this.
You should take reference from below URL.

configure memchaced in codeigniter 2.1.0

i am new to codeigniter, can any one help me to how to configue Memcached in codeigniter 2.1.0, or any detailed notes with examples. i really need it please help me.
Thanks in advance
May be this would help you:

Problem when removing index.php from url

dont worry it is not an another how to remove index.php from url question!! :D
i researched and made according to tutorials; here is my source
im sure about all steps, but when run it, i dont see any error messageā€¦ url changes like
but it always display homepage :/ thats weird!!
what can be problem? any idea?
thanks a lot! appreciate helps!!
if it always displays the home page it could be that your application isn't configured properly.
Check the system/application/config/config.php file and find the $config['uri_protocol'] option.
If you notice, in the comments there are a number of options you can try. I've found that sometimes on different servers I need to try different options before it will work (I think it's something to do with the PHP configuration, the AUTO option doesn't always get it right).

How to enable index.php file in CodeIgniter?

We used the CodeIgniter framework to build our site. Currently, it seems someone hack on and set the index.html as default.
Can anyone tell how to set index.php as default?
Please review the site at Any suggestion will be appreciated.
Dung Nguyen
You're advertising don't you ?
and CodeIgniter is built by Experts not by you, so they can think better than you. no chance some one can hack in codeigniter. it's a Big Deal
Goto config/config.php, Change this
$config[base_url] = "";
