Problem when removing index.php from url - mod-rewrite

dont worry it is not an another how to remove index.php from url question!! :D
i researched and made according to tutorials; here is my source
im sure about all steps, but when run it, i dont see any error messageā€¦ url changes like
but it always display homepage :/ thats weird!!
what can be problem? any idea?
thanks a lot! appreciate helps!!

if it always displays the home page it could be that your application isn't configured properly.
Check the system/application/config/config.php file and find the $config['uri_protocol'] option.
If you notice, in the comments there are a number of options you can try. I've found that sometimes on different servers I need to try different options before it will work (I think it's something to do with the PHP configuration, the AUTO option doesn't always get it right).


TYPO3 HTTPS://www. redirects to Page Not Found

Hope that someone can help me solve this strange https:// behaviour in TYPO3 8.7.2 (and 7.6)
All https:// referrers are working fine. The only one giving a problem is the which produces an url like this: which results in a TYPO3 error: Page not found! ??
I have all rewriting in my Vhost. Only some basic TYPO3 rewrite stuff in the .htaccess file. And some basic TS lines in the config.
The same https request on an other TYPO3 8.7.2 system is working ok! Both settings in the VHost and TSconfig are equal.
So where to look for here? Any idea? Thanks.
your domain duplication can have multiple reasons:
have you configured config.absRefPrefix = / (or have you inserted your domain?)
don't use baseURL!
are your rewrites clean? (no missing protocols?)
do you generate links without protocol?

404 Not Found1 error on Magento

I am fresher for Magento. Learning the concepts by implementing the below url.
I have gone through the first four steps.While implementing on my local,i will get error as
Whoops, our bad...
The page you requested was not found, and we have a fine guess why.
If you typed the URL directly, please make sure the spelling is correct.
If you clicked on a link to get here, the link is outdated.
When i browse this url http://localhost/magento/test/index.
Can anyone help me please?
Thanks :)
Open the table core_config_data in your database and change the value http://localhost/magento/test/ by
Clear cache and check your site.

discover if mod_rewrite is working (MAMP + codeigniter)

I'm experimenting (and having problems!) with codeigniter.
In particular, links do not work.
even if they are correct (eg. http://localhost/ci-book/welcome/cat/3, where welcome is controller, cat the method), they can't be open and chrome says "Oops! This link appears to be broken...."
Someone suggested to check that mod_rewrite is working. How can I do that?
I'm using Mamp.
First, check that the basic URL without mod_rewrite works: http://localhost/ci-book/index.php?welcome/cat/3
Then setup mod_rewrite, restart httpd, and attempt to navigate back to your URL. If it works (or at least, if part of the page loads with errors), then mod_rewrite is working.

URL Rewrite with Joomla on IIS7

I have Joomla 1.5.9 running on IIS7. I'm now experimenting with the SEO Settings from the Joomla global configuration page.
First I toyed with Search Engine Friendly URLs (that gets rid of the queries part of URLs); that works fine.
I also tried to enable the "Use Apache mod_rewrite". I installed "Microsoft URL Rewrite Module for IIS 7.0" and added the web.config as per . When clicking on menu links, this seems to work in that I no longer see index.php in the URL. The address bar updates to what appears like the right URL, but the content shown is always that of the home page. I tried both in IE and Google Chrome with the same result. Refreshing the page after loaded made no difference.
I tried re-starting IIS7, it didn't make a difference.
Edit: After I followed the suggestion below (followed instructions at :turned on fast cgi, modified php.ini, and imported rewrite rules instead of putting them in a web.config myself), I now get 404's instead of just showing the home page's content. The URL still appears to be correctly rewritten. So, different behavior but still doesn't work. I'm not sure this is useful information, but these two fields are shown in the 404 page:
Requested URL http://localhost:80/joomla_course/seasonal-specialties
Physical Path C:\inetpub\wwwroot\joomla_course\seasonal-specialties
Should the physical path be the 'non-rewritten' URL? Or is it expected that that it be like this?
Edit 2: Oho! I found someone with the same issue posted on Joomla forums: . No answer there either, though.
Any idea on how to diagnose (or even better, fix :) ) this?
I got this to work now. The key was to make sure FastCGI is used to run php (as per ), and making sure that the "Use Apache mod_rewrite" is enabled. If "Use Apache mod_rewrite" is turned off but the rewrite rules are present in IIS7, then the HTML shows up but none of the styling or images.
The requirement for using FastCGI is weird (and contradicts what is suggested in , which is what I used to setup php in the first place). Everything seems to work when not using FastCGI, except for the URL rewriting.
It seems that either importing the rules (as suggested in or manually adding them to a web.config file (as suggested in ) will work.
It looks like there is something wrong with the rules in the web.config. Just going from a comment on the article you linked you are not the only one having this issue. I would remove the web.config and then follow the steps outlined here.

How can I test if IIRF works?
My webhost installed IIRF for me and I am convinced that they did not do it correctly. I've tried numerous examples including one that I know works with apache's mod_rewrite but I can't get anything to work with IIRF. Is there rule or configuration option that you guys have that you know of that will show whether or not the thing is working correctly?
Even something like rewrite all urls to will will help me right now. I hope you guys realize the reason I came for your help. I can figure out how to do the rewrite rules on my own but I don't know if the errors are because of me or the webhost. I have limited options as well since I am on a shared webhost.
The new version of IIRF, v1.2.16 R3, includes a StatusUrl directive that will give you a status page if you do an HTTP GET on it. It looks like this:
If you get that page, then IIRF is running.
This is tested and working with IIRF:
RedirectRule ^.*$ [I,R=301]
It will match any URL and redirect to Google.
