configure memchaced in codeigniter 2.1.0 - codeigniter

i am new to codeigniter, can any one help me to how to configue Memcached in codeigniter 2.1.0, or any detailed notes with examples. i really need it please help me.
Thanks in advance

May be this would help you:


Integrate 2Checkout with Laravel

Is there anyone here who already integrate 2Checkout with Laravel?
Thank you in advance!
A search at would help you find packages for Laravel.

Invoicing in laravel

Does know how to use this kind of invoicing, or can someone give suggestion, how to generate invoice?. Please I need help
it's ;extension=intl in php.ini. change it to extension=intl

How to Use API to post data on Heroku database?

How to Use API to post data on Heroku database? I am thinking that is it possible to connect my API from scrapinghub to Heroku databe?
Any idea please? Please help me thank you!
Thank you for helping me I already solve my problem by using requirement dependency on scrapinghub :)

Hello I am the beginner to laravel , I don't know how to start and run my first program kindly anyone can help me

Hello I am the beginner to Laravel , I don't know how to start and run my first program kindly anyone can help me
You can get a lot of useful information like video courses, forum here:
Or you can watch the laravel series on youtube from DevMarketer
And you can always check the official documentation of Laravel here.
Read full official documentation of laravel framework
Follow this, has all the info for beginners
Follow following Urls that will help you to study laravel step by step

Integrating Doctrine with PyroCMS

How do I integrate doctrine with PyroCMS?
I have been used doctrine with codeigniter but is not the same thing to integrate with pyrocms.
Can someone help me?
I can't see any reason why you could not just use Doctrine in the same way as you would with CodeIgniter. Nothing should block that. (Lead Developer of PyroCMS).
I did it ^^. if someone wanna know how to use doctrine with pyrocms as a helper (autoloaded or not) just read:
