Image stretching in ios not working (ios) - nativescript

I've got an image and when I apply different stretch modes - aspectFill and aspectFit seem to work as fill mode.
This is ios.
What I'm trying to achieve is to fit a portrait photo w/ proper aspect - even if the device is in landscape mode.
I think aspectFit is the proper mode.
Any help?


Xamarin.iOS: Adding image in visual studio assets.xcassets imageset for both landscape and portrait orienatation

For my Xamarin.iOS project I am using LaunchScreen.Storynboard for showing launch screen. For adding images, I am using asset catalog. My application supports both orientations on iPad. However, when I open imageset in visual studio it shows only one #2x image for iPad which will be occupied by Portrait image. Now, for adding landscape image I have edited its Contents.Json file and added image details there. added image locally and also added its entry in projects .csproject file.
However, when I build and run application its only picking one image and applying it to both the orientations.
e.g. Its picking landscape image and applying it in both landscape and portrait launch screen image. Now, in portrait mode image is showing vertically stretched.
which is causing UI issue.
How to set image for both the orientations in visual studio xcassets imageset?
Any suggestion would be appreciated.
Thank You.
How to set image for both the orientations in visual studio xcassets
LaunchImage ImageSet is the old way which has been deprecated, we don't need to set storyboard or xib on Launch Screen, but it is nothing except image. We can't find a way to set LaunchImage ImageSet in the latest Visual-Studio.
Refer: Xcode 11 UILaunchImages has been deprecated, use launch storyboards instead Warning
Now, in portrait mode image is showing vertically stretched. which is
causing UI issue.
You should use auto-layout to layout your image in both landscape and portrait orientation so that it won't be stretched. See document here: Managing Launch Screens with Storyboards

How to get blur effect without using BackdropFilter in Flutter?

I'm using an image as my background in my project in hand in flutter and to get a nice look, i have a applied a nice blur effect and white overlay with blendmode set to overlay to get a brightness effect. It works fine in my phone but I have tried phones with lower hardware and it lags horribly. I had a similar problem in my web project and it was simply solved by blurring the image once in canvas and getting it as an base64 dataUrl, in flutter though couldn't achieve this.
Can anyone help me with it?

iPhone Parallax Background Image Resizing

I'm browsing but I can't find a solution. I have some parallax backgrounds as a dividers. In learning how to use the fixed background images, I discovered a potential issue with controlling how the background images display on mobile devices.
When I shrink my computer’s browser window, or load the sites into Responsinator, the backgrounds look fine. But when I view them on the actual iOS devices, they don’t look good. The mobile device just displays a highly zoomed-in portion of pixels that are in the center of the original image. There’s no resemblance to the desired background image, and it’s so enlarged that the pixelation creates a poor quality image.
You can check the site here:
Thanks in advance for any help.

Metro style,how to make my screen compatible for landscape and portrait mode?

I am new to metro style app.I designed a normal page in visual studio 2012 ultimate in landscape mode using only drag and drop tools.I run this page using Emulator.It runs well in landscape mode.but In Portrait mode,the contents of the page is not fitted automatically.Even it is not allowed to scroll the screen to see all the contents in the page.
I want a design fits for all screen resolution and different orientation. what should i do?
If any tutorial available please provide the link.
Are you talking about Windows Phone or WinRT?
Either way, you need to handle the orientation change yourself.
If you're doing WinRT, start here:
Optimizing for both landscape and portrait
and if you're doing Windows Phone, start here:
How to: Handle Orientation Changes on Windows Phone

iPad supported device orientations and landscape launch image

If neither (left or right) of the iPad landscape device orientations are supported, does the landscape launch image ever get shown?
I am currently working on a portrait orientation only app. I have not found a way to launch the app with the landscape launch image shown. So, i don't think that the landscape image will ever been shown. Still you should include it in your app bundle to pass the App Store approval process.
