iPhone Parallax Background Image Resizing - joomla

I'm browsing but I can't find a solution. I have some parallax backgrounds as a dividers. In learning how to use the fixed background images, I discovered a potential issue with controlling how the background images display on mobile devices.
When I shrink my computer’s browser window, or load the sites into Responsinator, the backgrounds look fine. But when I view them on the actual iOS devices, they don’t look good. The mobile device just displays a highly zoomed-in portion of pixels that are in the center of the original image. There’s no resemblance to the desired background image, and it’s so enlarged that the pixelation creates a poor quality image.
You can check the site here:
Thanks in advance for any help.


Can you tell me know how my images look in Safari

I'm currently trying to test out this new css rule, which fixes the blurry retina image downscaling in Chrome.
I described the problem in detail here: Blurry downscaled images in the Chrome 84
The rule I applied to my img tags is this: image-rendering: -webkit-optimize-contrast
While it fixes the blurry problem in Chrome, I heard that it can mess up how images look in Safari. I'd really appreciate if someone who uses Safari on a Retina display (laptop) would check if images on this site are displayed correctly (nice and sharp). There should be no ripped/grainy edges or anything like that.
Looks good to me.. Would comment, not enough reputation points.

How to get blur effect without using BackdropFilter in Flutter?

I'm using an image as my background in my project in hand in flutter and to get a nice look, i have a applied a nice blur effect and white overlay with blendmode set to overlay to get a brightness effect. It works fine in my phone but I have tried phones with lower hardware and it lags horribly. I had a similar problem in my web project and it was simply solved by blurring the image once in canvas and getting it as an base64 dataUrl, in flutter though couldn't achieve this.
Can anyone help me with it?

How to set gif image as a launch image in xamarin forms

I want to show multiple images one after another in splash screen, So I decided to set multiple images are converted in to gif image and add this gif image as a launch image. Can we set gif as launch image. Please suggest any idea to beat this requirement. Thanks in advance.
According to Apple's guidelines it's not possible to use a GIF as/in a splash screen. Like I said in your other question, you can fake an animation by making your first view controller animated and setting it as the splash screen.
The UIImageView control in iOS has the ability to play a sequence of images one by one.

UWP doesn't use best scaled Splash Screen

I have all necessary scales in my project:
However, when I start my app, it doesn't seem to pick the best scaled Splash Screen. I'm starting in Release x86. It's always using the scale-100 splashscreen.
I used the right names for the SplashScreens and they are in the folder "Assets" in my project:
Do I have to 'activate' an option to enable the usage of variable Splash Screens? Or why does it always pick a Splash Screen that's too small?
The reason Windows is using the scale-100 asset in your case is because your desktop environment is set to 100% scaling. There's no need for it to use a higher-resolution asset because of this. But that's not the reason why your asset isn't stretching to fill the window.
Splash screens in Windows Store apps (including UWP apps) are unlike most conventional splash screens in that their images aren't full screen images. Usually, what you put in a splash screen image for a UWP app is the app icon or logo, which is then centered on the variable-sized window and superimposed over an optional background color, rather than itself stretched (since windows can be of arbitrary size, whereas your splash screen image may require a specific aspect ratio to display correctly). From Guidelines for splash screens:
Putting an image and background color together to form the splash screen helps the splash screen look good regardless of the form factor of the device your app is installed on. When the splash screen is displayed, only the size of the background changes to compensate for a variety of screen sizes. Your image always remains intact.
If you really need to display a full-screen image instead of the small splash screen, you can fully omit these images and use an extended splash screen.

Firefox renders bad with interlaced images?

I'm converting all the images on my website to interlaced, but i found a possible issue, under OSX 10.10.5 and Firefox 38.0.5
Interlaced PNGs that are bigger than the browser window (and so they are resized in automatic by the browser) display in a very low quality, like if they are displayed in one of the intermediate layers, and not in the final version. Zooming the image to 100% removes the problem, and changing the browser windows size removes the problem as well.
Here is an example of an interlaced image:
(you have to download it and open with firefox in a small window, so that the image zooms out)
This issue is happening in the 80% of the times I try the same operation.
The issue doesn't appear, instead, in jpeg progressive images.
Could you please confirm me the issue? I think it's very strange that I can't find any other people having my same problem.
