Visual Studio 2019 Debugging Causes Mouse Lag - visual-studio

Dealing with an extremely annoying issue and unable to find a resolution so far around the web.
Issue description:
Using Visual Studio 2019 Community Edition, and after a bit of debugging, stepping through code and inspecting objects in Quick Watch I notice that mouse movement begins to lag. Mouse pointer is still movable but is jumpy, like bad wireless mouse connection. Extremely annoying as I first though wireless mouse was at fault. But the issue goes away immediately after Visual Studio is closed. This is also very reproducible, although does not appear to happen right away, seems to happen after a few debug sessions.
Things I've tried:
Uninstalled all Visual Studio extensions
Reset all Visual Studio settings and performed "Repair" from VS Installer
Disabled Windows Defender, no other anti virus / spyware software is running
Updated Windows 10 to latest update
Updated Visual Studio to latest version as of now
If anyone has any suggestions on how to fix this, please share.
If you are experiencing the same issue, please add details about your environment in comments (Visual Studio edition & update version, .NET version of the project, Windows update version).

enter image description here
This is mainly caused by hardware acceleration feature which is caused by Grafics Card bugs.
The Visual Studio team has continued to notice a small but important series of performance and reliability issues that are caused by bugs in the installed graphics drivers. By default, Visual Studio automatically adjusts the visual experience in order to maximize performance and responsiveness across client configurations. Visual Studio also uses hardware graphics acceleration when it is available on the client. For most customers, these Visual Studio default settings provide the best user experience. However, some users have reported that manual adjustments to these settings can result in improved experience. This article describes how to make these adjustments in Visual Studio.
Solution :
Disable "Use hardware grafics acceleration if available" in visual studio settings (Tooles -> Environment -> General)
enter image description here


Visual Studio 2015 update 3 crashing after "Getting DataTip text..."

When debugging a C# application in Visual Studio 2015, I am very often getting this message when hovering the mouse over a variable:
After this it freezes and restart, making it impossible to debug.
Anyone have any clue?
Like that thread shared by duDE, please disable the option "Enable property Evaluation and other implicit function calls" under Tools->Options->Debugging->General.
It seems that checking this option:
Tools -> Options -> Debugging -> General: "Use Managed Compatibility Mode".
avoids Visual Studio 2015 from crashing but disables Edit and Continue... which is no good.
So, I am still looking for a better answer.
Datatips (mouse hover over variables in debug mode) not working in Visual Studio 2012 / Win 7 64bit
Visual Studio 2015 Debugging: Can't expand local variables?
Quoting the last one:
In Visual Studio 2012, we introduced a new managed debug engine that provides us the ability to more rapidly add new features compared to the older implementation. This can be seen by the number of features introduced in Visual Studio 2013 after only a single year including Managed Return Values, .NET 64-bit Edit and Continue, Async Callstacks Enhancements, and Improved Tasks Window to name a few. Unfortunately, there are still a couple scenarios that are not supported yet with the new debug engine, so in these cases you will have to switch back to the legacy engine. it seems that this is not new.
This issue should be fixed in Visual Studio "15" Preview 5 (available here. For Visual Studio 2015 Update 3 there are, unfortunately, no known workarounds other than those already mentioned.

Visual Studio 2013.2 Performance Issues

Recently I've been having some major performance issues with my Visual Studio 2013.2 Ultimate. Doing anything in Visual Studio (editing a code file - each mouse click / key press has a delay of 1-2 seconds, navigating in Visual Studio menus - the who environment is very unresponsive)
I have tried a number of things to improve the performance - I have uninstalled the custom AddIns, I have tried switching on and off "Automatically adjust visual experience based on client performance". I have not quiet gone as far as doing a complete reinstall of Visual studio - and hoping I wouldn't have to go that way.
Is there any other way to debug the performance issues of Visual Studio? I have not had any issues with it in the past - but it is driving me absolutely insane.
Any recommendations are greatly appreciated!

Weird window layout behavior of Visual Studio 2008 and 2010

I am experiencing a weird behavior of visual studio 2008 and VS 2010. I had only Visual Studio 2008 on my machine having OS windows Server 2008 R2, at point i did some window layout reset and post that visual studio's window layout is acting strange, it is getting docked or un-docked if i debug a solution. I re-install the visual studio 2008 but problem still exists...Strangely i have newly installed Visual 2010 pro and it seems to have the same issue. I am wondering which system file got corrupted and y it is only with Visual Studios. Please help.
This is normal behavior, actually, for all versions of Visual Studio. There is nothing wrong with your computer or your installation.
Visual Studio has at least two different window layout modes. One of them is the design-time mode, and the other one is the debugging mode.
When you start debugging, the environment switches to the debug mode. In the default configuration, that will cause windows to rearrange themselves (some that were hidden appear, some that were visible disappear, others just change position). into a layout that is deemed "optimal" for debugging code.
The idea is that different window layouts are likely to be optimal for different purposes. In design mode, I might want the Toolbox and Properties windows to be visible. I don't need those at all in debug mode, and would rather devote my screen space to the Immediate, Output, and Auto Variables windows instead.
It can be confusing, because you have to rearrange your windows twice, once for each mode. The good news is that any changes you make will "stick", meaning that they will be saved and re-used each time you enter that mode.
If you really don't like it, just arrange your environment so that it is identical in both modes.
Related: Can I save the window layout in Visual Studio 2010/2012/2013?

Graphics glitches in Visual Studio 2010

I'm having graphics issues with Visual Studio 2010. When I open a solution only part of the UI renders. Entire sections like the solution explorer will be missing.
This only happens after I've had Visual Studio running for a while and have opened/closed a variety of solutions.
It "feels" like some sort of a GDI handle leak because the problem goes away once I reboot.
I'm running Windows 7 Ultimate - 64 bit. I've updated my graphics drivers, installed the latest patches, etc. I can't find any postings about this on stackoverflow or doing a variety of Google searches.
Any ideas?
It's a known issue, seems like no fix is coming in SP1, see & the workaround described at (disabling HW-Acceleration & Visual Experience adjustment did the trick for me).
Try also to update the graphic driver to their latest version.
The Visual Studio 2010 UI has been rewritten from the ground up in WPF. Myself and a couple of other devs in our team are experiencing the same issues (various hardware and software but my software is the same as yours). In our case closing and reopening VS solves it with no reboot required.
It's a cracking product but roll on SP1.
Running Visual Studio under Administrator (Run as Administrator) fixes the problem for me.

Upgraded VS 2010 Ultimate - Modeling Project - Layer Diagram freezes visual studio

I just updated VS 2010 from Professional to Ultimate, specifically to gain access to the Architecture Modeling utilities.
After successfully creating a new Modeling Project, I have been unable to create a usable Layer Diagram. Each time the VS designer shows the diagram, VS freezes, requiring a forced close via Task Manager.
I have done a VS 2010 complete repair/reinstall, but continue to have the same issues.
I do have Resharper and Telerink JustCode installed along with some power tools.
If anyone has had similar experiences, I would love to hear how you managed to solve them.
Looks like Telerik is incompatible. Disabling it completely removed the issue. Re-enabled and it returned. It is now disabled and VS 2010 is again working quite well.
Fortunately, I rely more on Resharper, which is quite happy in the presence of the Layer Diagram designer.
