Visual Studio 2015 update 3 crashing after "Getting DataTip text..." - debugging

When debugging a C# application in Visual Studio 2015, I am very often getting this message when hovering the mouse over a variable:
After this it freezes and restart, making it impossible to debug.
Anyone have any clue?

Like that thread shared by duDE, please disable the option "Enable property Evaluation and other implicit function calls" under Tools->Options->Debugging->General.

It seems that checking this option:
Tools -> Options -> Debugging -> General: "Use Managed Compatibility Mode".
avoids Visual Studio 2015 from crashing but disables Edit and Continue... which is no good.
So, I am still looking for a better answer.
Datatips (mouse hover over variables in debug mode) not working in Visual Studio 2012 / Win 7 64bit
Visual Studio 2015 Debugging: Can't expand local variables?
Quoting the last one:
In Visual Studio 2012, we introduced a new managed debug engine that provides us the ability to more rapidly add new features compared to the older implementation. This can be seen by the number of features introduced in Visual Studio 2013 after only a single year including Managed Return Values, .NET 64-bit Edit and Continue, Async Callstacks Enhancements, and Improved Tasks Window to name a few. Unfortunately, there are still a couple scenarios that are not supported yet with the new debug engine, so in these cases you will have to switch back to the legacy engine. it seems that this is not new.

This issue should be fixed in Visual Studio "15" Preview 5 (available here. For Visual Studio 2015 Update 3 there are, unfortunately, no known workarounds other than those already mentioned.


Visual Studio F# Intellisense stopped working

VS Pro F# compiler still works. Correct F# code still runs. BUT hovering over a function or symbol in a VS window presenting F# code no longer causes its type to appear as a tool-tip.
For no reason I can discern my Visual Studio Pro has stopped live-checking my F# code. No idea why the change. I can still compile and of course type errors are still emitted.
Any idea where it is controlled in VS Pro?
Any ideas why F# Intellisense might suddenly NOT
work in VS Pro?
Thank you!
This issue may reappear in the future so I will not mark any answer as final. If you have a fix that works then please state the version of Visual Studio and F# Tools (found in the About Visual Studio pop-up) with your answer
Visual Studio 17.23
Visual F# Tools 17.1.0-beta.2253.3
As Bent Tranberg noted the F# Github repo has a discussion "F# intellisense sometimes stops working #12982". Looks like a fix will be pushed into the next update of F# (Visual Studio).
But what worked for me was to both:
close and restart Visual Studio
Recompile your project (need not be error-free)
After this my Intellisense tooltips would appear.

How do I turn on IntelliSense documentation in Visual Studio for system libraries?

I'm running Visual Studio Community 2017 and none of the system library documentation summaries show in IntelliSense. I can't find an option to turn it on. Did I just miss in installing it or is there some way to turn this feature on?

Visual Studio 2012 Pro Power Tools class/method name hover tooltip

I installed Productivity Power Tools for Visual Studio 2012 and I guess one feature is either missing or turned off. I mean the tooltip that appears when howering on the classname and method name.
Here are the screens of what I mean. This is from VS 2010.
How can I turn on the same feature in the Visual Studio 2012 or is it just removed from this version of IDE?
The Solution Navigator has been incorporated into Visual Studio 2012 and is no longer part of the Productivity Power Tools extension. There also doesn't seem to be any way to enable interactive tooltips.

What happened to Edit.MoveLineUp/Down in Visual Studio 2012

In Visual Studio 2010 you can assign keyboard shortcuts for moving lines up and down.
I can't find these commands in 2012.
Have they been renamed or removed? Is there any way, out-of-the-box, to move lines using ALT + ↑↓? (I'm not buying ReSharper.)
This command is a part of Productivity Power Tools.
The 2012 version was released in November 2012. You can find it here:
Productivity Power Tools for Visual Studio 2012
Nothing happened to it, these commands don't exist in VS2010 either. Check what add-ins you've got installed.
Not sure what it does, but consider Edit.ScrollLineUp/Down. Default binding is Ctrl+Up/Down arrow.

Visual Studio not closing curled bracket

For some reason, on a new computer, Visual Studio won't auto-close curled brackets.
if(Username.Text.Equals()) {
And it doesn't auto-close. Works perfectly on all other machines I've installed VS2010 on. And now it just won't.
And there doesn't seem to be a setting in the options menu to alter this behavior. What do I need to do?
I'm not sure if this is actually built in to vs2010. But you can install the MS Productivity Power Tools (Productivity Power Tools for Visual Studio 2012) Which will give you brace auto completion. this is quite a common add in so maybe the other copies of VS you have tried have it installed??
Visual Studio will auto-format matching pairs of brackets as you type, but I have never seen this on Visual Studio 'out of the box'.
According to this Microsoft Connect entry, it's officially not on VS2010, having been cut due to time priority issues vs time constraints.
However, add ons like the free Microsoft Productivity Power Tools, or the not-so-free JetBrains ReSharper will add this functionality for you. Perhaps you had one of these (or other similar) add-ons installed in the other computers you have previously worked on.
