Visual Studio 2013.2 Performance Issues - performance

Recently I've been having some major performance issues with my Visual Studio 2013.2 Ultimate. Doing anything in Visual Studio (editing a code file - each mouse click / key press has a delay of 1-2 seconds, navigating in Visual Studio menus - the who environment is very unresponsive)
I have tried a number of things to improve the performance - I have uninstalled the custom AddIns, I have tried switching on and off "Automatically adjust visual experience based on client performance". I have not quiet gone as far as doing a complete reinstall of Visual studio - and hoping I wouldn't have to go that way.
Is there any other way to debug the performance issues of Visual Studio? I have not had any issues with it in the past - but it is driving me absolutely insane.
Any recommendations are greatly appreciated!


Visual Studio 2019 Debugging Causes Mouse Lag

Dealing with an extremely annoying issue and unable to find a resolution so far around the web.
Issue description:
Using Visual Studio 2019 Community Edition, and after a bit of debugging, stepping through code and inspecting objects in Quick Watch I notice that mouse movement begins to lag. Mouse pointer is still movable but is jumpy, like bad wireless mouse connection. Extremely annoying as I first though wireless mouse was at fault. But the issue goes away immediately after Visual Studio is closed. This is also very reproducible, although does not appear to happen right away, seems to happen after a few debug sessions.
Things I've tried:
Uninstalled all Visual Studio extensions
Reset all Visual Studio settings and performed "Repair" from VS Installer
Disabled Windows Defender, no other anti virus / spyware software is running
Updated Windows 10 to latest update
Updated Visual Studio to latest version as of now
If anyone has any suggestions on how to fix this, please share.
If you are experiencing the same issue, please add details about your environment in comments (Visual Studio edition & update version, .NET version of the project, Windows update version).
enter image description here
This is mainly caused by hardware acceleration feature which is caused by Grafics Card bugs.
The Visual Studio team has continued to notice a small but important series of performance and reliability issues that are caused by bugs in the installed graphics drivers. By default, Visual Studio automatically adjusts the visual experience in order to maximize performance and responsiveness across client configurations. Visual Studio also uses hardware graphics acceleration when it is available on the client. For most customers, these Visual Studio default settings provide the best user experience. However, some users have reported that manual adjustments to these settings can result in improved experience. This article describes how to make these adjustments in Visual Studio.
Solution :
Disable "Use hardware grafics acceleration if available" in visual studio settings (Tooles -> Environment -> General)
enter image description here

Visual studio crash on startup

I have a problem with running Visual Studio 2013 Ultimate. I start visual studio and wait to load Start page. It is ok. But when I move with mouse, visual studio crash without any error message. I tried run visual studio in /safemode, no change, the same problem. Then i try run it with /log parameter to look for errors in %appdata%/....., but the file doesn't constaints any error item. Reinstall didn't work. Anyone can help me? Thanks. (Sorry for my EN)
It is an normal problem i have seen in 2013 version, i would recommend you to use Visual studio 2015 professional instead, it's much more useful with some extra features and more user friendly.Try downloading it.
Solved. Finally!!! Visual Studio have turned on HW acceleration on graphics card. Turn off the HW acceleration in visual studio solve the problem

How possibly did IntelliTrace become available on my Visual Studio Professional installation?

As described in some other Q/As like this and this, IntelliTrace is a Visual Studio Ultimate feature only. But for some reason I have Visual Studio Professional 2013 (Version 12.0.30723.00 Update 3) and I have IntelliTrace on it. I don't know how it got there but it shows up in Quick Launch (Ctrl+Q) and is enabled from View -> Toolbars -> IntelliTrace. I told my colleague to use it and he didn't have it on his VS Pro! Do you have any clues why IntelliTrace is available on my VS 2013 Pro installation? I see comments from other people, such as #doglin here that he has the same.
I remember I had VS Ultimate trial installed before I installed VS Pro but can it be from there?
I have the same, it looks like a bug in Visual Studio. Installing Ultimate Trial add IntelliTrace feature to Professional edition.
see UPDATE below before you try this
I can confirm that I added IntelliTrace to VS2012 Pro by doing the following:
VS2012 installed with latest SP plus addins.
Install VS2012 Ultimate 30 day trial (about 30 minutes)
{not sure if I was forced to reboot here - If I was asked I rebooted}
Started VS2012 Ultimate (about 10 minutes)
Opened one of my projects and confirmed that IntelliTrace was working.
Uninstalled VS2012 Ultimate.
Rebooted as suggested by the uninstaller.
Started VS2012. It reverted back to Pro, with Intellitrace still present, add ins working. Only the changes I made to the IDE were lost (window positions, toolbars etc)
I now have IntelliTrace in VS2012 :)
--- UPDATE ---
I tried this and initially it appeared to work. But...
I could not longer create test projects and I had some test projects that failed to load. I tried many things and Googled the hell out of it. In the end, to restore VS 2012 to a working state, I uninstalled VS and reinstalled it.
I did not get IntelliTrace for free :(

TypeScript refactoring stopped working in VS 2013 RC2

I have just installed VS 2013 RC2 and TypeScript refactoring stopped working. It disappeared from context menu, and pressing Ctrl+R, Ctrl+R gives the following error message:
The key combination (Ctrl+R, Ctrl+R) is bound to command (.Refactor.Rename) which is not currently available.
I have tried restarting VS, didn't help. Any ideas, workarounds?
I have submitted a bug to Microsoft. Please upvote it if you have the same issue:
Microsoft posted the following answer to my question on MS Connect. Seems that while refactor/rename was available in VS Express Edition with TypeScript 0.9, in TypeScript 1.0 it's only available from VS Pro upwards.
Posted by Microsoft on 19/05/2014 at 09:25
Thank you for reporting this issue.
Refactor/rename and NavigateTo are features that are found in the Pro+
versions of TypeScript in Visual Studio 2013. The Pro+ tools are aimed
at helping users work with larger codebases, so there is a focus on
building up tools to help support those codebases in those versions of
Visual Studio. We're working to continue to refine to make the
experience best across both Express and Pro+, with the right features
to help users who want to learn TypeScript and those who want to move
to using TypeScript in larger projects.
For me it happened because of resharper conflict. I uninstalled resharper and restarted visual studio

Visual Studio 2010 opens wrong file

Visual Studio has a habit of opening the wrong file in my solution - only a small proportion of the time, but several times a day and often enough to be annoying. It can happen when doing any of the following:
Opening a file from solution explorer
Using F7 to switch between aspx and code behind
Right clicking a method and selecting "go to declaration"
Has anyone else experienced this and have any ideas as to what could cause / fix this?
Update: I've finally got round to installing SP1 and it still occurs so I'm back to looking for a solution.
In case it's relevant, I've got both Resharper 5.1 and Visual Studio Productivity Power Tools installed.
Update 2: It looks like Visual Studio Productivity Power Tools was part of the problem, I’ve uninstalled it and have not had issues since.
I uninstalled Visual Studio Productivity Power Tools and it now works.
Have you service pack 1 installed?
