Bash split command to split line in comma separated values - bash

I have a large file with 2000 hostnames and I want to create multiple files with 25 each host per file, but separated by a comma and the last , should be removed.
The below-split command is creating multiple files like file1, file2 ... however, the host are not , separated and its not the expected output.
split -d -l 25 large.txt file
The expected output is:

You'll need to perform 2 separate operations ... 1) split the file and 2) reformat the files generated by split.
The first step is already done:
split -d -l 25 large.txt file
For the second step let's work with the results that are dumped into the first file by the basic split command:
$ cat file00
We want to pull these lines into a single line using a comma (,) as delimiter. For this example I'll use an awk solution:
$ cat file00 | awk '{ printf "%s%s", sep, $0 ; sep="," } END { print "" }'
sep is initially undefined (aka empty string)
on each successive line processed by awk we set sep to a comma
the printf doesn't include a linefeed (\n) so each successive printf will append to the 'first' line of output
we END the script by printing a linefeed to the end of the file
It just so happens that split has an option to call a secondary script/code-snippet to allow for custom formatting of the output (generated by split); the option is --filter. A few issues to keep in mind:
the initial output from split is (effectively) piped as input to the command listed in the --filter option
it is necessary to escape (with backslash) certain characters in the command (eg, double quotes, dollar sign) so as to keep them from being interpreted by the split command
the --filter option automatically has access to the current split outfile name using the $FILE variable
Pulling everything together gives us:
$ split -d -l 25 --filter="awk '{ printf \"%s%s\", sep, \$0 ; sep=\",\" } END { print \"\" }' > \$FILE" large.txt file
$ cat file00

Using the --filter option on GNU split:
split -d -l 25 --filter="(perl -ne 'chomp; print \",\" if \$i++; print'; echo) > \$FILE" large.txt file

you can use below mentioned bash code snippet
~$ cat domainlist.txt
#!/usr/bin/env bash
CMD="csplit ${FILE_NAME} ${LIMIT} {1} -f ${OUTPUT_PREFIX}"
eval ${CMD}
for file in ${OUTPUT_PREFIX}*; do
echo $file
sed -i ':a;N;$!ba;s/\n/,/g' $file
~$ cat domain_00,,
Change LIMIT, OUTPUT_PREFIX file name prefix and input file as per your requirement

using awk:
awk '
BEGIN { PREFIX = "file"; n = 0; }
{ hosts = hosts sep $0; sep = ","; }
function flush() { print hosts > PREFIX n++; hosts = ""; sep = ""; }
NR % 25 == 0 { flush(); }
END { flush(); }
' large.txt
edit: improved comma separation handling stealing from markp-fuso's excellent answer :)


Parallelize a awk script with multiple input files and changing the name of the output file

I have a series of text files in a folder sub.yr_by_yr which I pass to a for loop to subset a Beagle file from the header. I want to parallelize this script to subset the Beagle file from the header values (which is done using my subbeagle.awk script). I use the title of the text files to export the subset to a new file name using the base pattern matching in bash (file11=${file1%.subbeagle.txt}) to get the desired output (MM.beagle.${file11}.gz)
for file1 in $(ls sub.yr_by_yr)
echo -e "Doing sub-samples \n $file1"
awk -f subbeagle.awk \
./sub.yr_by_yr/$file1 <(zcat ../MajorMinor.beagle.gz) | gzip > sub.yr_by_yr_beagle.files/MM.beagle.${file11}.gz
The for loop works, but takes for ever... hence the need for parallelization. the folder sub.yr_by_yr contains >10 files named
something like similar to this: sp.yrseries.site1.1.subbeagle.txt, sp.yrseries.site1.2.subbeagle.txt, sp.yrseries.site1.3.subbeagle.txt...
I've tried
parallel "file11=${{}%.subbeagle.txt}; awk -f $SUBBEAGLEAWKSCRIPT ./sub.yr_by_yr/{} <(zcat ../MajorMinor.beagle.gz) | gzip > sub.yr_by_yr_beagle.files/MM.beagle.${file11}.gz" ::: sub.yr_by_yr/*.subbeagle.txt
But it gives me 'bad substitution'
How could I use the awk script in parallel and rename the files accordingly?
Content of subbeagle.awk:
# Source:
BEGIN { FS=OFS="\t" } # uncomment if input/output fields are tab delimited
FNR==NR { headers[$1]; next }
{ sep=""
for (i=1; i<=NF; i++) {
if (FNR==1 && ($i in headers)) {
if (i in fldids) {
printf "%s%s",sep,$i
sep=OFS # if not set elsewhere (eg, in a BEGIN{}block) then default OFS == <space>
print ""
Content of MajorMinor.beagle.gz
marker allele1 allele2 FINCH_WB_ID1_splitMerged FINCH_WB_ID1_splitMerged FINCH_WB_ID1_splitMerged FINCH_WB_ID2_splitMerged FINCH_WB_ID2_splitMerged
chr1_34273 G C 0.79924 0.20076 3.18183e-09 0.940649 0.0593509
chr1_34285 G A 0.79924 0.20076 3.18183e-09 0.969347 0.0306534
chr1_34291 G C 0.666111 0.333847 4.20288e-05 0.969347 0.0306534
chr1_34299 C G 0.000251063 0.999498 0.000251063 0.996035 0.00396529
I was able to get this from this source:
parallel "awk -f subbeagle.awk {} <(zcat ../MajorMinor.beagle.gz) | gzip > 'sub.yr_by_yr_beagle.files/MM.beagle.{/.}_test.gz'" ::: sub.yr_by_yr/*.subbeagle.txt
The only fancy thing that needs to be removed is the .subbeagle par of the input file name...
So the parallel tutorial helped me here:
parallel --rpl '{mymy} s:.*/::; s:\.[^.]+$::;s:\.[^.]+$::;' "awk -f subbeagle.awk {} <(zcat ../MajorMinor.beagle.gz) | gzip > 'sub.yr_by_yr_beagle.files/MM.beagle.{mymy}.gz'" ::: sub.yr_by_yr/*.subbeagle.txt
Let's break this:
--rpl '{mymy} s:.*/::; s:\.[^.]+$::;s:\.[^.]+$::;'
--rpl will "define a shorthand replacement string" (see parallel tutorial and another example here)
{mymy} is my 'new' replacement string, which will execute what is after it.
s:.*/::; is the definition to {/} (see parallel tutorial, search for "Perl expression replacement string", the last part of that section shows the definition of 7 'default' replacement strings)
s:\.[^.]+$::;s:\.[^.]+$::; removes 2 extensions (so .subbeagle.txt where .txt is the first extension and .subbeagle is the second)
"awk -f subbeagle.awk {} <(zcat ../MajorMinor.beagle.gz) | gzip > 'sub.yr_by_yr_beagle.files/MM.beagle.{mymy}.gz'"
is the subsetting and compressing par of the script. Note that the {mymy} is where the replacement will take place. As you can see {} will be in input string. The rest is unchanged!
::: sub.yr_by_yr/*.subbeagle.txt will pass all the files to parallel as input.
It took ~ 2 hours to do at least ~5 files, but using 22 cores, I could do all files this in a fraction of the time (~20 minutes)!

Split CSV into two files based on column matching values in an array in bash / posh

I have a input CSV that I would like to split into two CSV files. If the value of column 4 matches any value in WLTarray it should go in output file 1, if it doesn't it should go in output file 2.
"22532" "79994" "18809" "21032"
input CSV file:
"83","1223432","616454","79994","Compliance Stuff","DR","79994:64703","206134"
"83","162217","616454","83223","Data Enrichment","IEO","83223:64701","206475"
"83","267216","616457","79994","Compliance Engine","ABC","79994:64703","206020"
output CSV file1:
"83","1223432","616454","79994","Compliance Stuff","DR","79994:64703","206134"
"83","267216","616457","79994","Compliance Engine","ABC","79994:64703","206020"
output CSV file2:
"83","162217","616454","83223","Data Enrichment","IEO","83223:64701","206475"
I've been looking at awk to filter this (python & perl not an option in my environment) but I think there is probably a much smarter way:
declare -a WLTarray=("22532" "79994" "18809" "21032")
for WLTvalue in "${WLTarray[#]}" #Everything in the WLTarray will go to $filename-WLT.tmp
awk -F, '($4=='$WLTvalue'){print}' $filename.tmp >> $filename-WLT.tmp #move the lines to the WLT file
# now filter to remove non matching values? why not just move the rows entirely?
With regular awk you can make use of split and substr (to handle double-quote removal for comparison) and split the csv file as you indicate. For example you can use:
awk 'BEGIN { FS=","; s="22532 79994 18809 21032"
split (s,a," ") # split s into array a
for (i in a) # loop over each index in a
b[a[i]]=1 # use value in a as index for b
FNR == 1 { # first record, write header to both output files
print $0 > "output1.csv"
print $0 > "output2.csv"
substr($4,2,length($4)-2) in b { # 4th field w/o quotes in b?
print $0 > "output1.csv" # write to output1.csv
{ print $0 > "output2.csv" } # otherwise write to output2.csv
' input.csv
in the BEGIN {...} rule you set the field separator (FS) to break on comma, and split the string containing your desired output1.csv field 4 matches into the array a, then loops over the values in a using them for the indexes in array b (to allow a simple i in b check);
the first rule is applied to the first records in the file (the header line) which is simply written out to both output files;
the next rule removes the double-quotes surrounding field-4 and then checks if the number in field-4 matches an index in array b. If so the record is written to output1.csv otherwise it is written to output2.csv.
Example Input File
$ cat input.csv
"83","1223432","616454","79994","Compliance Stuff","DR","79994:64703","206134"
"83","162217","616454","83223","Data Enrichment","IEO","83223:64701","206475"
"83","267216","616457","79994","Compliance Engine","ABC","79994:64703","206020"
Resulting Output Files
$ cat output1.csv
"83","1223432","616454","79994","Compliance Stuff","DR","79994:64703","206134"
"83","267216","616457","79994","Compliance Engine","ABC","79994:64703","206020"
$ cat output2.csv
"83","162217","616454","83223","Data Enrichment","IEO","83223:64701","206475"
You can use gawk like this:
#!/usr/bin/gawk -f
split("22532 79994 18809 21032", a)
for(i in a) {
NR > 1 {
if ($4 in WLTarray) {
print >> "output1.csv"
} else {
print >> "output2.csv"
Make it executable and run it like this:
chmod +x test.awk
./test.awk input.csv
using grep with a filter file as input was the simplest answer.
declare -a WLTarray=("22532" "79994" "18809" "21032")
for WLTvalue in "${WLTarray[#]}"
awkstring="'\$4 == "\"\\\"$WLTvalue\\\"\"" {print}'"
eval "awk -F, $awkstring input.csv >> output.WLT.csv"
grep -v -x -f output.WLT.csv input.csv > output.NonWLT.csv

Multiline CSV: output on a single line, with double-quoted input lines, using a different separator

I'm trying to get a multiline output from a CSV into one line in Bash.
My CSV file looks like this:
The end goal is for it to look like this:
"hi/bye", "hello/goodbye"
This is currently where I'm at:
while IFS=, read col1 col2 || [ -n "$col1" ]
source=$(awk '{print;}' | sed -e 's/,/\//g' )
echo "$source";
done < $INPUT
The output is on every line and I'm able to change the , to a / but I'm not sure how to put the output on one line with quotes around it.
I've tried BEGIN:
source=$(awk 'BEGIN { ORS=", " }; {print;}'| sed -e 's/,/\//g' )
But this only outputs the last line, and omits the first hi/bye:
Would anyone be able to help me?
Just do the whole thing (mostly) in awk. The final sed is just here to trim some trailing cruft and inject a newline at the end:
< mycsvfile.csv awk '{print "\""$1, $2"\""}' FS=, OFS=/ ORS=", " | sed 's/, $//'
If you're willing to install trl, a utility of mine, the command can be simplified as follows:
trl -R '| ' < "$input" | tr ',|' '/,'
trl transforms multiline input into double-quoted single-line output separated by ,<space> by default.
-R '| ' (temporarily) uses |<space> as the separator instead; this assumes that your data doesn't contain | instances, but you can choose any char. that you know not be part of your data.
tr ',|' '/,' then translates all , instances (field-internal to the input lines) into / instances, and all | instances (the temporary separator) into , instances, yielding the overall result as desired.
Installation of trl from the npm registry (Linux and macOS)
Note: Even if you don't use Node.js, npm, its package manager, works across platforms and is easy to install; try
curl -L | bash
With Node.js installed, install as follows:
[sudo] npm install trl -g
Whether you need sudo depends on how you installed Node.js and whether you've changed permissions later; if you get an EACCES error, try again with sudo.
The -g ensures global installation and is needed to put trl in your system's $PATH.
Manual installation (any Unix platform with bash)
Download this bash script as trl.
Make it executable with chmod +x trl.
Move it or symlink it to a folder in your $PATH, such as /usr/local/bin (macOS) or /usr/bin (Linux).
$ awk -F, -v OFS='/' -v ORS='"' '{$1=s ORS $1; s=", "; print} END{printf RS}' file
"hi/bye", "hello/goodbye"
There is no need for a bash loop, which is invariably slow.
sed and tr can do this more efficiently:
sed 's/,/\//g; s/.*/"&", /; $s/, $//' "$input" | tr -d '\n'
s/,/\//g uses replaces all (g) , instances with / instances (escaped as \/ here).
s/.*/"&", / encloses the resulting line in "...", followed by ,<space>:
regex .* matches the entire pattern space (the potentially modified input line)
& in the replacement string represent that match.
$s/, $// removes the undesired trailing ,<space> from the final line ($)
tr -d '\n' then simply removes the newlines (\n) from the result, because sed invariably outputs each line with a trailing newline.
Note that the above command's single-line output will not have a trailing newline; simply append ; printf '\n' if it is needed.
In awk:
$ awk '{sub(/,/,"/");gsub(/^|$/,"\"");b=b (NR==1?"":", ")$0}END{print b}' file
"hi/bye", "hello/goodbye"
$ awk '
sub(/,/,"/") # replace comma
gsub(/^|$/,"\"") # add quotes
b=b (NR==1?"":", ") $0 # buffer to add delimiters
END { print b } # output
' file
I'm assuming you just have 2 lines in your file? If you have alternating 2 line pairs, let me know in comments and I will expand for that general case. Here is a one-line awk conversion for you:
# NOTE: I am using the octal ascii code for the
# double quote char (\42=") in my printf statement
$ awk '{gsub(/,/,"/")}NR==1{printf("\42%s\42, ",$0)}NR==2{printf("\42%s\42\n",$0)}' file
"hi/bye", "hello/goodbye"
Here is my attempt in awk:
awk 'BEGIN{ ORS = " " }{ a++; gsub(/,/, "/"); gsub(/[a-z]+\/[a-z]+/, "\"&\""); print $0; if (a == 1){ print "," }}{ if (a==2){ printf "\n"; a = 0 } }'
Works also if your Input has more than two lines.If you need some explanation feel free to ask :)

Splitting large text file on every blank line

I'm having a bit trouble of splitting a large text file into multiple smaller ones. Syntax of my text file is the following:
dasdas #42319 blaablaa 50 50
content content
more content
content conclusion
asdasd #92012 blaablaa 30 70
content again
more of it
content conclusion
asdasd #299 yadayada 60 40
contend done
...and so on
A typical information table in my file has anywhere between 10-40 rows.
I would like this file to be split in n smaller files, where n is the amount of content tables.
That is
dasdas #42319 blaablaa 50 50
content content
more content
content conclusion
would be its own separate file, (whateverN.txt)
asdasd #92012 blaablaa 30 70
content again
more of it
content conclusion
again a separate file whateverN+1.txt and so forth.
It seems like awk or Perl are nifty tools for this, but having never used them before the syntax is kinda baffling.
I found these two questions that are almost correspondent to my problem, but failed to modify the syntax to fit my needs:
Split text file into multiple files & How can I split a text file into multiple text files? (on Unix & Linux)
How should one modify the command line inputs, so that it solves my problem?
Setting RS to null tells awk to use one or more blank lines as the record separator. Then you can simply use NR to set the name of the file corresponding to each new record:
awk -v RS= '{print > ("whatever-" NR ".txt")}' file.txt
This is awk's input record separator. Its default value is a string containing a single newline character, which means that an input record consists of a single line of text. It can also be the null string, in which case records are separated by runs of blank lines, or a regexp, in which case records are separated by matches of the regexp in the input text.
$ cat file.txt
dasdas #42319 blaablaa 50 50
content content
more content
content conclusion
asdasd #92012 blaablaa 30 70
content again
more of it
content conclusion
asdasd #299 yadayada 60 40
contend done
$ awk -v RS= '{print > ("whatever-" NR ".txt")}' file.txt
$ ls whatever-*.txt
whatever-1.txt whatever-2.txt whatever-3.txt
$ cat whatever-1.txt
dasdas #42319 blaablaa 50 50
content content
more content
content conclusion
$ cat whatever-2.txt
asdasd #92012 blaablaa 30 70
content again
more of it
content conclusion
$ cat whatever-3.txt
asdasd #299 yadayada 60 40
contend done
You could use the csplit command:
csplit \
--quiet \
--prefix=whatever \
--suffix-format=%02d.txt \
--suppress-matched \
infile.txt /^$/ {*}
POSIX csplit only uses short options and doesn't know --suffix and --suppress-matched, so this requires GNU csplit.
This is what the options do:
--quiet – suppress output of file sizes
--prefix=whatever – use whatever instead fo the default xx filename prefix
--suffix-format=%02d.txt – append .txt to the default two digit suffix
--suppress-matched – don't include the lines matching the pattern on which the input is split
/^$/ {*} – split on pattern "empty line" (/^$/) as often as possible ({*})
Perl has a useful feature called the input record separator. $/.
This is the 'marker' for separating records when reading a file.
#!/usr/bin/env perl
use strict;
use warnings;
local $/ = "\n\n";
my $count = 0;
while ( my $chunk = <> ) {
open ( my $output, '>', "filename_".$count++ ) or die $!;
print {$output} $chunk;
close ( $output );
Just like that. The <> is the 'magic' filehandle, in that it reads piped data or from files specified on command line (opens them and reads them). This is similar to how sed or grep work.
This can be reduced to a one liner:
perl -00 -pe 'open ( $out, '>', "filename_".++$n ); select $out;' yourfilename_here
You can use this awk,
awk 'BEGIN{file="content"++i".txt"} !NF{file="content"++i".txt";next} {print > file}' yourfile
awk 'BEGIN{i++} !NF{++i;next} {print > "filename"i".txt"}' yourfile
More readable format:
!NF {
print > file
In case you get "too many open files" error as follows...
awk: whatever-18.txt makes too many open files
input record number 18, file file.txt
source line number 1
You may need to close newly created file, before creating a new one, as follows.
awk -v RS= '{close("whatever-" i ".txt"); i++}{print > ("whatever-" i ".txt")}' file.txt
Since it's Friday and I'm feeling a bit helpful... :)
Try this. If the file is as small as you imply it's simplest to just read it all at once and work in memory.
use strict;
use warnings;
# slurp file
local $/ = undef;
open my $fh, '<', 'test.txt' or die $!;
my $text = <$fh>;
close $fh;
# split on double new line
my #chunks = split(/\n\n/, $text);
# make new files from chunks
my $count = 1;
for my $chunk (#chunks) {
open my $ofh, '>', "whatever$count.txt" or die $!;
print $ofh $chunk, "\n";
close $ofh;
The perl docs can explain any individual commands you don't understand but at this point you should probably look into a tutorial as well.
awk -v RS="\n\n" '{for (i=1;i<=NR;i++); print > i-1}' file.txt
Sets record separator as blank line, prints each record as a separate file numbered 1, 2, 3, etc. Last file (only) ends in blank line.
Try this bash script also
while read line ; do
if [ "$line" == "" ] ; then
echo $line >> "$fileName"
done < InputFile.txt
You can also try split -p "^$"

converting the hash tag timestamps in history file to desired string

when i store the output of history command via ssh in a file i get something like this
ssh -i private_key user#ip 'export HISTFILE=~/.bash_history; export HISTTIMEFORMAT="%D-%T "; set -o history; history' > myfile.txt
as far as ive learnt this hash string represents a timestamp. how do i change this to a string of my desired format
P.S- using history in ssh is not outputting with timestamps. Tried almost everything. So i guess the next best thing to do would be to convert these # timestamps to a readable date time format myself. How do i go about it?
you can combine rows with paste command:
paste -sd '#\n' .bash_history
and convert date with strftime in awk:
echo 1461136015 | awk '{print strftime("%d/%m/%y %T",$1)}'
as a result bash history with timestamp can be parsed by the next command:
paste -sd '#\n' .bash_history | awk -F"#" '{d=$2 ; $2="";print NR" "strftime("%d/%m/%y %T",d)" "$0}'
which converts:
echo lala
echo bebe
1 20/04/16 10:36:05 echo lala
2 20/04/16 10:36:07 echo bebe
also you can create script like /usr/local/bin/fhistory with content:
paste -sd '#\n' $1 | awk -F"#" '{d=$2 ; $2="";print NR" "strftime("%d/%m/%y %T",d)" "$0}'
and quickly parse bash history file with next command:
fhistory .bash_history
Interesting question: I have tried it but found no simple and clean solution to access the history in a non-interactive shell. However, the format of the history file is simple, and you can write a script to parse it. The following python script might be interesting. Invoke it with ssh -i private_key user#ip 'path/to/ .bash_history':
#! /usr/bin/env python3
import re
import sys
import time
if __name__ == '__main__':
pattern = re.compile(br'^#(\d+)$')
out = sys.stdout.buffer
for pathname in sys.argv[1:]:
with open(pathname, 'rb') as f:
for line in f:
timestamp = 0
while line.startswith(b'#'):
match = pattern.match(line)
if match: timestamp, = map(int, match.groups())
line = next(f)
out.write(time.strftime('%F %T ', time.localtime(timestamp)).encode('ascii'))
Using just Awk and in a slightly more accurate way:
awk -F\# '/^#1[0-9]{9}$/ { if(cmd) printf "%5d %s %s\n",n,ts,cmd;
ts=strftime("%F %T",$2); cmd=""; n++ }
!/^#1[0-9]{9}$/ { if(cmd)cmd=cmd " " $0; else cmd=$0 }' .bash_history
This parses only lines starting with something that looks like a timestamp (/^#1[0-9]{9}$/), compiles all subsequent lines up until the next timestamp, combines multi-line commands with " " (1 space) and prints the commands in a format similar to history including a numbering.
Note that the numbering does not (necessarily) match if there are multi-line commands.
Without the numbering and breaking up multi-line commands with a newline:
awk -F\# '/^#1[0-9]{9}$/ { if(cmd) printf "%s %s\n",ts,cmd;
ts=strftime("%F %T",$2); cmd="" }
!/^#1[0-9]{9}$/ { if(cmd)cmd=cmd "\n" $0; else cmd=$0 }' .bash_history
Finally, a quick and dirty solution using GNU Awk (gawk) to also sort the list:
gawk -F\# -v histtimeformat="$HISTTIMEFORMAT" '
/^#1[0-9]{9}$/ { i=$2 FS NR; cmd[i]="" }
!/^#1[0-9]{9}$/ { if(cmd[i]) cmd[i]=cmd[i] "\n" $0; else cmd[i]=$0 }
END { PROCINFO["sorted_in"] = "#ind_str_asc"
for (i in cmd) { split(i,arr)
print strftime(histtimeformat,arr[1]) cmd[i]
