converting the hash tag timestamps in history file to desired string - bash

when i store the output of history command via ssh in a file i get something like this
ssh -i private_key user#ip 'export HISTFILE=~/.bash_history; export HISTTIMEFORMAT="%D-%T "; set -o history; history' > myfile.txt
as far as ive learnt this hash string represents a timestamp. how do i change this to a string of my desired format
P.S- using history in ssh is not outputting with timestamps. Tried almost everything. So i guess the next best thing to do would be to convert these # timestamps to a readable date time format myself. How do i go about it?

you can combine rows with paste command:
paste -sd '#\n' .bash_history
and convert date with strftime in awk:
echo 1461136015 | awk '{print strftime("%d/%m/%y %T",$1)}'
as a result bash history with timestamp can be parsed by the next command:
paste -sd '#\n' .bash_history | awk -F"#" '{d=$2 ; $2="";print NR" "strftime("%d/%m/%y %T",d)" "$0}'
which converts:
echo lala
echo bebe
1 20/04/16 10:36:05 echo lala
2 20/04/16 10:36:07 echo bebe
also you can create script like /usr/local/bin/fhistory with content:
paste -sd '#\n' $1 | awk -F"#" '{d=$2 ; $2="";print NR" "strftime("%d/%m/%y %T",d)" "$0}'
and quickly parse bash history file with next command:
fhistory .bash_history

Interesting question: I have tried it but found no simple and clean solution to access the history in a non-interactive shell. However, the format of the history file is simple, and you can write a script to parse it. The following python script might be interesting. Invoke it with ssh -i private_key user#ip 'path/to/ .bash_history':
#! /usr/bin/env python3
import re
import sys
import time
if __name__ == '__main__':
pattern = re.compile(br'^#(\d+)$')
out = sys.stdout.buffer
for pathname in sys.argv[1:]:
with open(pathname, 'rb') as f:
for line in f:
timestamp = 0
while line.startswith(b'#'):
match = pattern.match(line)
if match: timestamp, = map(int, match.groups())
line = next(f)
out.write(time.strftime('%F %T ', time.localtime(timestamp)).encode('ascii'))

Using just Awk and in a slightly more accurate way:
awk -F\# '/^#1[0-9]{9}$/ { if(cmd) printf "%5d %s %s\n",n,ts,cmd;
ts=strftime("%F %T",$2); cmd=""; n++ }
!/^#1[0-9]{9}$/ { if(cmd)cmd=cmd " " $0; else cmd=$0 }' .bash_history
This parses only lines starting with something that looks like a timestamp (/^#1[0-9]{9}$/), compiles all subsequent lines up until the next timestamp, combines multi-line commands with " " (1 space) and prints the commands in a format similar to history including a numbering.
Note that the numbering does not (necessarily) match if there are multi-line commands.
Without the numbering and breaking up multi-line commands with a newline:
awk -F\# '/^#1[0-9]{9}$/ { if(cmd) printf "%s %s\n",ts,cmd;
ts=strftime("%F %T",$2); cmd="" }
!/^#1[0-9]{9}$/ { if(cmd)cmd=cmd "\n" $0; else cmd=$0 }' .bash_history
Finally, a quick and dirty solution using GNU Awk (gawk) to also sort the list:
gawk -F\# -v histtimeformat="$HISTTIMEFORMAT" '
/^#1[0-9]{9}$/ { i=$2 FS NR; cmd[i]="" }
!/^#1[0-9]{9}$/ { if(cmd[i]) cmd[i]=cmd[i] "\n" $0; else cmd[i]=$0 }
END { PROCINFO["sorted_in"] = "#ind_str_asc"
for (i in cmd) { split(i,arr)
print strftime(histtimeformat,arr[1]) cmd[i]


How to send shell script output in a tablular form and send the mail

I am a shell script which will give few lines as a output. Below is the output I am getting from shell script. My script flow is like first it will check weather we are having that file, if I am having it should give me file name and modified date. If I am not having it should give me file name and not found in a tabular form and send email. Also it should add header to the output.
CMC_daily_File.xlsx Not Found
CareOneHMA.xlsx Jun 11
File Name Modified Date
CMC_daily_File.xlsx Not Found
CareOneHMA.xlsx Jun 11
sample of script
if [ -e /saddwsgnas/radsfftor/coffe/COE_daily_File.xlsx ]; then
cd /sasgnas/radstor/coe/
ls -la COE_daily_File.xlsx | awk '{print $9, $6"_"$7}'
echo "CMC_COE_daily_File.xlsx Not_Found"
CMC_COE_daily_File.xlsx Jun_11
I thought I might offer you some options with a slightly modified script. I use the stat command to obtain the file modification time in more expansive format, as well as specifying an arbitrary, pre-defined, spacer character to divide the column data. That way, you can focus on displaying the content in its original, untampered form. This would also allow the formatted reporting of filenames which contain spaces without affecting the logic for formatting/aligning columns. The column command is told about that spacer character and it will adjust the width of columns to the widest content in each column. (I only wish that it also allowed you to specify a column divider character to be printed, but that is not part of its features/functions.)
I also added the extra AWK action, on the chance that you might be interested in making the results stand out more.
printf "File Name${SPACER}Modified Date\n"
#for file in COE_daily_File.xlsx
for file in
if [ -e "${SOURCE_DIR}/${file}" ]; then
cd "${SOURCE_DIR}"
#ls -la "${file}" | awk '{print $9, $6"_"$7}'
echo "${file}${SPACER}"$(stat --format "%y" "${file}" | cut -f1 -d\. | awk '{ print $1, $2 }' )
echo "${file}${SPACER}Not Found"
} | column -x -t -s "|" |
awk '{
### Refer to:
if( NR == 1 ){
printf("\033[93;3m%s\033[0m\n", $0) ;
print $0 ;
} ;
Without that last awk command, the output session for that script was as follows:
ericthered#OasisMega1:/0__WORK$ ./
File Name Modified Date 2022-11-27 14:07:15 2022-11-05 21:28:00 2022-11-27 00:11:34
With that last awk command, you get this:

Bash split command to split line in comma separated values

I have a large file with 2000 hostnames and I want to create multiple files with 25 each host per file, but separated by a comma and the last , should be removed.
The below-split command is creating multiple files like file1, file2 ... however, the host are not , separated and its not the expected output.
split -d -l 25 large.txt file
The expected output is:
You'll need to perform 2 separate operations ... 1) split the file and 2) reformat the files generated by split.
The first step is already done:
split -d -l 25 large.txt file
For the second step let's work with the results that are dumped into the first file by the basic split command:
$ cat file00
We want to pull these lines into a single line using a comma (,) as delimiter. For this example I'll use an awk solution:
$ cat file00 | awk '{ printf "%s%s", sep, $0 ; sep="," } END { print "" }'
sep is initially undefined (aka empty string)
on each successive line processed by awk we set sep to a comma
the printf doesn't include a linefeed (\n) so each successive printf will append to the 'first' line of output
we END the script by printing a linefeed to the end of the file
It just so happens that split has an option to call a secondary script/code-snippet to allow for custom formatting of the output (generated by split); the option is --filter. A few issues to keep in mind:
the initial output from split is (effectively) piped as input to the command listed in the --filter option
it is necessary to escape (with backslash) certain characters in the command (eg, double quotes, dollar sign) so as to keep them from being interpreted by the split command
the --filter option automatically has access to the current split outfile name using the $FILE variable
Pulling everything together gives us:
$ split -d -l 25 --filter="awk '{ printf \"%s%s\", sep, \$0 ; sep=\",\" } END { print \"\" }' > \$FILE" large.txt file
$ cat file00
Using the --filter option on GNU split:
split -d -l 25 --filter="(perl -ne 'chomp; print \",\" if \$i++; print'; echo) > \$FILE" large.txt file
you can use below mentioned bash code snippet
~$ cat domainlist.txt
#!/usr/bin/env bash
CMD="csplit ${FILE_NAME} ${LIMIT} {1} -f ${OUTPUT_PREFIX}"
eval ${CMD}
for file in ${OUTPUT_PREFIX}*; do
echo $file
sed -i ':a;N;$!ba;s/\n/,/g' $file
~$ cat domain_00,,
Change LIMIT, OUTPUT_PREFIX file name prefix and input file as per your requirement
using awk:
awk '
BEGIN { PREFIX = "file"; n = 0; }
{ hosts = hosts sep $0; sep = ","; }
function flush() { print hosts > PREFIX n++; hosts = ""; sep = ""; }
NR % 25 == 0 { flush(); }
END { flush(); }
' large.txt
edit: improved comma separation handling stealing from markp-fuso's excellent answer :)

Replace a string with a random number for every line, in every file, in a directory in Bash

for file in ~/tdg/*.TXT
while read p; do
randvalue=`shuf -i 1-99999 -n 1`
sed -i -e "s/55555/${randvalue}/" $file
done < $file
This is my script. I'm attempting to replace 55555 with a different random number every time I find it. This currently works, but it replaces every instance of 55555 with the same random number. I have attempted to replace $file at the end of the sed command with $p but that just blows up.
Really though, even if I get to the point were each instance on the same line all of that same random number, but a new random number is used for each line, then I'll be happy.
I should have specified this. I would like to actually save the results of the replace in the file, rather than just printing the results to the console.
The final working version of my script after JNevill's fantastic help:
for file in ~/tdg/*.TXT
while read p;
gawk '{$0=gensub(/55555/, int(rand()*99999), "g", $0)}1' $file > ${file}.new
done < $file
mv -f ${file}.new $file
Since doing this is in sed gets pretty awful and quickly you may want to switch over to awk to perform this:
awk '{$0=gensub(/55555/, int(rand()*99999), "g", $0)}1' $file
Using this, you can remove the inner loop as this will run across the entire file line-by-line as awk does.
You could just swap out the entire script and feed the wildcard filename to awk directly too:
awk '{$0=gensub(/55555/, int(rand()*99999), "g", $0)}1' ~/tdg/*.TXT
This is how to REALLY do what you're trying to do with GNU awk:
awk -i inplace '{ while(sub(/55555/,int(rand()*99999)+1)); print }' ~/tdg/*.TXT
No shell loops or temp files required and it WILL replace every 55555 with a different random number within and across all files.
With other awks it'd be:
for file in ~/tdg/*.TXT; do
seed=$(awk -v seed="$seed" '
BEGIN { srand(seed) }
{ while(sub(/55555/,int(rand()*99999)+1)); print > "tmp" }
END { print int(rand()*99999)+1 }
' "$file") &&
mv tmp "$file"
A variation on JNevill's solution that generates a different set of random numbers every time you run the script ...
A sample data file:
$ cat grand.dat
abc def 55555
And the script:
$ cat grand.awk
{ $0=gensub(/55555/,int(rand()*seed),"g",$0); print }
gensub(...) : works same as Nevill's answer, while we'll mix up the rand() multiplier by using our seed value [you can throw any numbers in here you wish to help determine size of the resulting value]
** keep in mind that this will replace all occurrences of 55555 on a single line with the same random value
Script in action:
$ awk -f grand.awk seed=${RANDOM} grand.dat
abc def 6939
$ awk -f grand.awk seed=${RANDOM} grand.dat
abc def 4134
$ awk -f grand.awk seed=${RANDOM} grand.dat
abc def 4287
seed=$RANDOM : have the OS generate a random int for us and pass into the awk script as the seed variable

Bash - listing files neatly

I have a non-determinate list of file names that I would like to output to the user in a script. I don't mind if it's a paragraph or in columns (like the out put of ls. How does ls manage it?). In fact I only have the following requirements:
file names need to stay on the same line (yes, that even means files with a space in their name. If someone is dumb enough to use a newline in a filename, though, they deserve what they get.)
If the output is formatted as a paragraph, I'd like to see it indented on the left and right to separate it from other text. Sort of like the way apt-get upgrade handles the list of packages to install.
I would love not to write my own function for this - at least not a complicated one. There are so many text formatting utilities in linux!
The utility should be available in the default Ubuntu install.
It should handle relatively large input, just in case. Something like 2000 characters or so?
It seems like a simple proposition, but I can't seem to get it to work. The column command is out simply because it can't handle large chunks of data. fmt and fold both don't care about delimiters. printf looks like it would work... if I wrote a script for it.
Is there a more flexible tool I've overlooked, or a simple way to do this?
Here I have a simple formatter that, it seems to me, is good enough
% ls | awk '
NR==1 {for(i=1;i<9;i++)printf "----+----%d", i; print ""
line=" " $0;l=2+length($0);next}
print line; line = " " $0 ; l = 2+length($0) ; next}
{l=l+length($0)+1; line=line " " $0}}'
----+----1----+----2----+----3----+----4----+----5----+----6----+----7----+----8 a.csv a.not1.pdf a.pdf as de.1 asde.1 asdef.txt
a.tex auto a.wk cc2012xyz2_5_5dp.csv cc2012xyz2_5_5dp.html col.pdf col.tex data data.a datazip datidisk doc1.pdf doc1.tex doc2 doc2.pdf doc2.tex doc3.pdf doc3.tex
e.awk Exit file file1 file2 group_by_1st group_by_1st.2
group_by_1st.mawk integers listluatexfonts
mat.rix my_data pepp.pyc pi.pdf pippo muore pi.tex points.csv puddu puffo
I had to simulate input using ls because you didn't care to show how to access your list of files. The window width is arbitrary as well, but it's easy to provide a value to a -V width=... option of awk
I added a header line, an unrequested header line, to my awk script because I wanted to test the effectiveness of the (very simple) algorithm.
I'd like to stress that the simple formatter above doesn't split "file names" like this across lines, as in the following example:
% ls -d1 b*
bia nconodi
% ls | awk '
NR==1 {for(i=1;i<9;i++)printf "----+----%d", i; print ""
line=" " $0;l=2+length($0);next}
print line; line = " " $0 ; l = 2+length($0) ; next}
{l=l+length($0)+1; line=line " " $0}}'
04_Tower.pdf 2.txt a.csv aiuole asdefff a.txt a.txt~ auto
bia nconodi bianconodi.pdf bianconodi.ppt bin Borsa Ferna.jpg b.txt
As you can see, in the first line there is enough space to print bia but not enough for the real filename bia nconodi, that hence is printed on the second line.
Addendum 2
This is the formatter the OP eventually went with:
local margin=4
local max=10
echo -e "$filenames" | awk -v width=$(tput cols) -v margin=$margin '
NR==1 {
for (i=0; i<margin; i++) {
line = line " "
line = line $0;
l = margin + margin + length($0);
if (l+1+length($0) > width) {
print line;
line = ""
for (i=0; i<margin; i++) line=line " "
line = line $0 ;
l = margin + margin + length($0) ;
l = l + length($0) + 1;
line = line " " $0;
print line;
Perhaps you're looking for /usr/bin/fold?
printf '%s ' * | fold -w 77 | sed -e 's/^/ /'
Replace the * with your list, of course; if your files are in an array (they should be; storing filenames in scalar variables is lossy), that'd be "${your_array[#]}".
If you have your filenames in a variable this will create 3 columns, you can change -3 to whatever number of columns you want
echo "$var" | pr -3 -t
or if you need to get them from the filesystem:
find . -printf "%f\n" 2>/dev/null | pr -3 -t
From what you stated in the comments, I think this may be what you are looking for. The find command prints the file or directory name along with a newline and you can put additional filtering of the filenames by piping through grep or sed prior to pr - the pr command is for print and the -3 states 3 columns and -t is for omit headers and trailers - you can adjust it to your preferences.

Mounted volumes & bash in OSX

I'm working on a disk space monitor script in OSX and am struggling to first generate a list of volumes. I need this list to be generated dynamically as it changes over time; having this work properly would also make the script portable.
I'm using the following script snippet:
PATH=/bin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/usr/sbin export PATH
FS=$(df -l | grep -v Mounted| awk ' { print $6 } ')
while IFS= read -r line
echo $line
done < "$FS"
Which generates: line 9: /
/Volumes/EPLK-Files-Offsite-Backup: No such file or directory
I need the script to generate output like this:
Ideas, suggestions? Alternate or better methods of generating a list of mounted volumes are also welcome.
< is for reading from a file. You are not reading from a file but from a bash variable. So try using <<< instead of < on the last line.
Alternatively, you don't need to store the results in a variable, then read from the variable; you can directly read from the output of the pipeline, like this (I have created a function for neatness):
get_data() {
df -l | grep -v Mounted| awk ' { print $6 } '
get_data | while IFS= read -r line
echo $line
Finally, the loop doesn't do anything useful, so you can just get rid of it:
df -l | grep -v Mounted| awk ' { print $6 } '
