How to install luaver in Windows? - windows

Im sorry to bother you with something that might seem so basic, but Im just starting out and after installing lua on my pc, I found out that I needed version 5.1 instead of 5.3, so searching for how to keep both of them I found luaver, But I have had no luck installing it on windows, I tried using curl but to be honest I have no idea how to use it so I just copied the code on luaver but it didnt work (most likely because that was a code for Unix).
So if any of you kind experts could help me with this or at least direct me to some other alternative to have and change between two versions of lua it would be very much appreciated.
Thanks in advance.


Remote Debugging Hosted Lua

I am using Lua 5.3, hosting it in a C++ application. The C++ application provides various functions to a running Lua script. I would like to allow users to debug their Lua, while it is running in my application. I believe this is possible, but I can not find any recent information on doing this, only for older versions of Lua and this does not seem to work.
Can anyone please help me to get debugging a Lua script running under my application up and running? Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you!
The easiest way that I know of is to use ZeroBrane's remote debugging capabilities. Their document explains it pretty nicely, but for the sake of self-containment:
Set your embedded Lua's path/cpath to zerobrane's stuff, or copy the mobdebug.lua file to your sources.
Add require('mobdebug').start() to the beginning of your code
You should be able to debug now. After you start your program, breakpoints set in the Lua sources should get hit.
This approach works best if you use ZB to edit your Lua files, which implies using a different editor for the C++ part. I found this to work reasonably well in practice, though.

How to install ruby?

I want to start learning ruby, but I don't know what kind of code editor to download,as I'm a beginner (GNU Compiler,windows 7 ,32 bits),can you give me a suggestion or a link,that doesn't contain viruses.
Thank you.
From my experience, if you really wanna learn ruby ​​as well, it will be much easier and more correct to install linux (ubuntu), since most ruby-devs uses linux-distributions. With linux it will be easy to install ruby and rails. If you talk about IDE, i suggest JetBrains RubyMine for start.

how do I uninstall Xcode 5.1.1 completely?

i'm running mavericks and want to remove Xcode 5.1.1 so i can use more powerful tools. I see that there are some bloatware programs out there for uninstalling Xcode 5.1.1 but none of them really seem credible. Please help!
A Mac application I can recommend (since I am using it myself) is CleanMyMac. It has several cleaning features and also the deinstallation of applications is possible.
It is paid, however there is a trial version and if you only need it once then that should work.
[Note: I do not have any relation with the product if people may doubt, I just like and recommend it since it really does what it should and fits your needs.]
Hope that helps :)
I've had good luck using this application for complete removal: (I'm not affiliated with them. It's just a good tool.)

Libssh, X11 forewarding

i am trying to user X11 forwarding with libssh. Because i have not found good examples for doing so, can anyone give me some example how to use X11 with libssh?
Did you read the tutorial with code examples?
I too was trying to get X11 working with libssh but had no success. I was only able to push through regular cmds that didn't require a GUI.
If java is an option for you I would recommend the Java Secure Channel library. Documentation isn't so good but there's an examples folder with X11 code that really helped me. It worked great with xming.

installing the GD 2 library on fedora linux

Hi was trying the code igniter image manipulation and I saw that I needed GD2 library so I went ahead and installed it but I could not see it in phpinfo.
Could anyone please help me with this.
Any efforts will be appreciated thanks
You also need the php-gd extension. There's probably a package for your OS with almost exactly that name.
