Remote Debugging Hosted Lua - debugging

I am using Lua 5.3, hosting it in a C++ application. The C++ application provides various functions to a running Lua script. I would like to allow users to debug their Lua, while it is running in my application. I believe this is possible, but I can not find any recent information on doing this, only for older versions of Lua and this does not seem to work.
Can anyone please help me to get debugging a Lua script running under my application up and running? Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you!

The easiest way that I know of is to use ZeroBrane's remote debugging capabilities. Their document explains it pretty nicely, but for the sake of self-containment:
Set your embedded Lua's path/cpath to zerobrane's stuff, or copy the mobdebug.lua file to your sources.
Add require('mobdebug').start() to the beginning of your code
You should be able to debug now. After you start your program, breakpoints set in the Lua sources should get hit.
This approach works best if you use ZB to edit your Lua files, which implies using a different editor for the C++ part. I found this to work reasonably well in practice, though.


Running ZeroBrane from Lua

Given that ZeroBrane is all written in Lua, can it be actually started from within a Lua environment?
The main motivation would be to fully integrate it inside an existing application (running within the same thread), being able to debug locally using all the exposed C/C++ functionality.
I realize I would have to match the architecture of the clibs used by ZeroBrane with the one used in the host application. So for example, if the host app is running LuaJIT 64-bit I would then require wx.dll compiled against the same LuaJIT binaries.
Will there be any other hurdles or limitations when trying to do this?
Given that ZeroBrane is all written in Lua, can it be actually started from within a Lua environment?
The answer to this question is definitely "yes", as this is what ZeroBrane actually does. For example, on Windows it launches itself by loading src/main.lua and executing it; this code can be seen in win32_starter.c.
Will there be any other hurdles or limitations when trying to do this?
I think the issue you're likely to run into is that it's difficult to debug a single-threaded application from itself (not impossible though). This is why normally the IDE (and its debugger) is launched as a separate process that interacts with the application that's being debugged over socket. You may want to check debugger.lua, which may be closer to what you're looking for.

Quick and simple programming language

Is there someone that can suggest me a programming language that allows you to write quickly GUI programs (on windows platform)?
P.S. I am interested on only languages that do not rely on virtual machines and then have a compiler that produces executable code directly on the machine
I would go with AutoIT, it's a very easy to learn windows scripting language with tons of functionalities:
I'm using it to automate some tasks, but it can do way more than that.
Just to make things a little bit clearer for everybody:
You can create new applications using AutoIT and the Aut2Exe compiler provided. The .exe files created are stand-alone, thus require no other files but the files that you might need in your app. Everything is free and the AutoIT scripting language has a BASIC-like syntax.
The GUI that you'll use are standard Windows controls. Among the functionalities you have the possibility to automate keystrokes/mouse movements, call the Windows API and external .dlls, manipulate windows and processes and through user created libraries (called UDFs) you can even acces local databases, manage networking tasks, encryption, archiving and many more.
All I can say is that it's worth take a look and the first app I built with AutoIT was done in roughly 8 hours since I started learning. It took a folder as the source and copied everything in a chosen directory, copying files in folders named as the date when the files were created. So the destination directory would have a series of subfolders like:
and so on. Just 8 hours and got me rid of a lot of effort ordering the files myself.
Any .NET will probably be what you're after.
Start with VB.NET which is now called Visual Basic CCYY eg (Visual Basic 2005, Visual Basic 2008, Visual Basic 2010).
If you want something not using .NET framework, you might as well go back to older version of VB and if you want something compilable that'd be like C++ with their MFC (Microsoft Foundation Class).
You need to give more info on the type of gui and what you're using it for. This could be accomplished with Microsoft Access forms and VBA, or you could make an HTML Application (.hta).
I'll put in a vote for Delphi. You can easily write applications by dragging and dropping components on to a form and doing minimal coding in Pascal, which isn't hard to learn. Later, if you decide to go deeper, you can do pretty much whatever you want. And it compiles to native executable code.
Is an executable bundler, that combines the script with the framework/interpreter, good enough?
If so, you might look at Tcl/Tk or Lua.
Seems like it has a RAD GUI and of course it's BASIC, plus it compiles down to .exe (as I understand it.) Might be worth checking out.
A 'quick and simple' language will only allow you to do 'quick and simple' things - and for those, having a VM or not wont make much of a difference to you.
For quick and simple & native code, about all I can think of is RealBasic. Its cross platform Windows/Mac/Linux. I find their IDE to be difficult to work with due to its inflexibility and the help system last I looked wasnt that great, but the underlying language isnt bad and does compile to native code. So it might do the trick for you.

Scripting language that can produce a small, independent, Windows EXE?

I'd like to do some light data processing - a little binary data manipulation followed by conversion to text serialization. The result is written to a file, and processed by an external program (run by my program). The data processing is more than I'd care to consider doing in batch files.
I'd prefer to use a scripting language, but not have to install the language first. The target computers are mostly older Windows boxes, which are disconnected from the network (no updates, such as PowerShell)
I'm not familiar with the various language's tools for creating EXE files. Which ones have solutions that work well and don't produce huge files? (i.e., whole interpreter package plus my script.)
For my money (its free) AutoIt 3 is exactly what your looking for. AutoIt produces relatively (250k is the standard overhead) small stand alone exes. It has a full perl like regex engine so your light data processing should be a breeze (I've written some pretty heavy data processing scripts in it myself). When downloading autoit be sure to get the full version including Scite this makes compile to exe a one click operation.
I know I might get flamed for this, but VB 6 is a viable option. Since XP SP2 (I think, possibly earlier), Windows has come with its runtimes installed. Not sure about vista.
Theres also the Windows Scripting Host that uses VBScript and JScript.
Lua is an excellent choice for that kind of stuff. You can integrate it in your executable or use the standalone Lua interpreter to run your scripts.
While waiting for answers I ran across Shoes, which can make Ruby .exe (I'm most familiar with Ruby) I got it mostly working, although the size of 2.4MB was a bit larger than I'd like. However, I found that it would crash when changing application focus.
I switched to a 'regular' terminal script, and found rubyscript2exe, which, after working around a problem with rubygems, seems to work, and creates a ~700kb file.
I did rather like some of the options presented, but it's not worth redeveloping at this point.
Python with py2exe. Depends on what you mean by small though.
Would using PowerShell script be something you've considered. The data processing might be richer there.
Why not knock up a .NET application? There are free editions of the IDE, and the Framework comes with Windows as a standard component (which also includes a C# compiler, as it happens.)

Is there a good VB6 documentation system similar to Javadoc?

I'm working with a VB6 code base and I'm interested in beginning to generate documentation for future development efforts. I'm traditionally a Java developer and I've gotten quite used to the Javadoc system for generating such documentation. I found VB.DOC but from what I can see it's meant for a .NET environment. Are there any that will work in VB6?
Thanks in advance!
There are a few filters that will allow you to use Doxygen with VB6.
I had some good time with VbDox.
I used Document! X version 4, but I have to say it was not the most stable program to use and sometimes caused crashes in the IDE. Perhaps later versions have improved; they still seem to support VB 5&6.

Good resources for writing console style applications for Windows?

For certain programs nothing beats the command line. Unfortunately, I have never seen good documentation or examples on how to write console applications that go beyond "Hello World". I'm interested in making console apps like Vim or Emacs. Well not exactly like Vim or Emacs but one that takes over the entire command prompt while it is in use and then after you exit it leaves no trace behind. I know that on Unix there is the curses library but for Windows? ...
PDCurses works on Win32.
I found List of Console Functions on msdn, PDCurses, and The Console Module.
You can certainly write that kind of application with Delphi, which has reasonable commandline support. People often overlook that Delphi can build any kind of Windows executable, not just GUI apps.
I don't know off-hand if the free 'Turbo' edition of Delphi has anything cobbled into it to PREVENT you from using it to build console apps - I would have thought it would be fine for this kind of thing.
There is a small but good tutorial on using C++ for the Windows console at going as far as coding a simple painting program.
You could also try Free Pascal. It is a free ((L)GPL) Object Pascal compiler which is compatible with the Delphi-compiler. It has an console-based IDE, which proves that you can make very good console-applications with it, and which you can use as an example.
If you want to use a graphical IDE to build your console-application, you can download the Lazarus IDE.
As a bonus your application will run on Windows (32/64 bit), Linux, Mac OS X, FreeBSD, Solaris etc...
In Windows or DOS, I used the conio library from Borland. It's very old but fine enough for a beginner like me.
As Robsoft says Delphi would be a good start. There is Turbo Delphi (Pascal based) or Turbo C++ both free editions.
web site here.
Check out some of the mono libs. They have a great one to parse command line arguments but can't remember the namespace.
Miguel just posted some terminal code as well.
For ncurses-like library/framework on Windows, I'll highly suggest to get your hand dirty with PDCurses.
If you trying/using C#, there's Curses-Sharp.
This is the best tool for it I've ever seen!!
1) Create any application using VB6 IDE
2) Convert it to Console Application, using THIS!
