How can I connect Microsoft Teams to my web? - microsoft-teams

I need to connect my web app to Microsoft Teams.
If a client connects to my website, he will see the chats or make video calls in a part of the view and in the other one, I could have whatever.
I have been seen the graph API but it's not exactly that, because when I create an online meeting, the response returns me a link to Microsoft Teams web.
Finally, if I try to encapsulate this response inside an iframe, I get the next error:
In resume, it would be like an Microsoft teams client embedded into my website, is it possible?
Thanks you.

Why would you want to implement Teams client embedded inside your web page. Just a link on a page to gets you to the full app.
If you implement all the functionality inside embedded view, then things would become squashed into a smaller space than needed.


Microsoft teams user detection

I am showing a wordpress website in iframe inside Microsoft teams Tabs. is there any way to detect the loggedIn user in my website?
If you are able to wrap your website inside a Teams app (which you can do for example very easily using App Studio, then you could surface your website as a "Tab" app. Doing this means you can reference the Teams JS library in your code, which will enable you to get a context object. You can get a lot of user information from that.
Be aware though that this context is not really 'trusted' data (it's just inserted via Javascript), so it could be spoofed into your page by a malicious actor. If that's a problem, you should look to implement Tab SSO in your app, which will give you a proper JWT token that you can validate.

3D Avatar Implementation on Botframework V4

I'm searching for knowledge sharing on how to connect a 3D avatar with a bot.
Something like done on Bot Libre .
The implementation can be on WPF, UWP or web.
I'm currently working with Botframework V4.7 and C#.
Thanks in advance,
This will likely require you to build a custom connector to pass your bot's incoming and outgoing activities thru to the Bot Libre system. There are examples out there of connectors/adapters that have been built by 3rd parties, such as this Twilio WhatsApp adapter, this Twitter adapter, or this Alexa adapter if you are planning on building in C#.
Any adapter you build won't need to be as full fledged as these are as you are only designing for what you know you need, and not for the masses.
You will also need to research Bot Libre to see which API endpoints might be relevant to you. You can see a listing of APIs here. Really, this holds true for any service like Bot Libre that you decide to land on.
Hope of help!
It depends on the Channel your bot is deployed on and what does the channel supports. For example if your bot is deployed in Facebook Messenger, you can achieve this by creating a web page that renders a 3D Avatar and using Bot Framework you can send a web_url button from which the user will press and the web page will open up inside of messenger with the rendered avatar.

Using azure bot services in Teams : how to send files to bot

I am new to development in teams and bot framework.
I have a botframework bot which is up and running on Teams. I did not use the app studio, I directly exported it from azure bot service.
I want to send an image from the mobile phone (like a selfie). It seems you can do this with any contact you have but not with bots. Right now, sending files to bots seems to be impossible on my version of Teams. You can send an image via bing, that's all.
From the documentation below, it says: "Sending and receiving files to bots on mobile devices is not supported."
On my computer, it seems as well that it is not supported. Anyway, I am looking for a solution to use my phone camera to share a selfie.
I came across this thread that discusses a way to add a button to prompt the user to upload a file on the client-side.
Prompt User to Upload file in Dialog Flow with MS Bot Framwork v4
Is this possible to do this in Teams rather than on Webchat?
I am new to this framework, so any insights on the above would be greatly appreciated!
This is possible and we actually just released a sample for it (Node / C#). Note, however, that I don't believe you can trigger the user's camera...only ask for them to upload an image file.
The important part that you're likely missing is step 7 (you need a manifest.json that contains "supportsFiles": true):
This step is specific to Teams. Edit the manifest.json contained in the teamsAppManifest folder to replace your app id from Bot Framework everywhere you see the place holder string <>. Zip up the contents of the teamsAppManifest folder to create a Upload the to Teams (in the Apps view click "Upload a custom app")

Is this really the process for authenticating users with the Google platform using Xamarin?

I am following the tutorial located here:
I got to the step titled: Presenting the Sign-In User Interface.
It says that, "When the Login method is invoked, the sign-in user interface is presented to the user in a tab from the device's web browser."
Now is this really the process when using Xamarin?
Because the other apps I've downloaded and played with don't open the browser and then open a new tab to give me a choice of which account to choose. Those apps pop up a small page on top of the app and allows me to select an account.
If this Xamarin process is different I am not going to use it when developing my app. Please clear this up for me thanks.
There is no such thing as as "Xamarin's way of oAuth".
oAuth is about authenticating users through 3rd parties like Google, Facebook, Twitter etc. There are different oAuth flows which are mostly used: the implicit grant and the authorisation code grant. For mobile apps the implicit flow is common because auth code flow involves the app keeping a secret which a mobile cannot really guarantee. For a great overview of these flows I can recommend this lecture from Xamarin.University.
These flows are the same no matter which underlying development stack you are using.
The documentation you are referring to is using a library to help using these flows: Xamarin.Auth. As a matter of fact you don't have to use this library at all. This library helps with storing tokens, sending requests that include the required tokens, detect endpoint redirects etc. Part of using this library is presenting the UI where the 3rd party vendors login form is shown.
This is what you do when calling:
var presenter = new Xamarin.Auth.Presenters.OAuthLoginPresenter();
The actual implementation of presenting the UI is platform specific. On iOS the UI os shown modally if that's how you are coding it. If you change this code to show the UI as a small popup floating on top of existing content, you can of course do this. This is true for any given platform.

A valid xmpp chatbar?

I'm search about a chatbar to integrate in my site.
I have an ejabber server and I want to insert a chat client on the bottom of every page of my site.
I don't need groups, roooms and so on, but simply a chat one2one and the list of friends to talk to.
Now I'm using iJab but doesn't work very well. Many times users see their friend's list empty even if they are online.
Some features in my site use PrototypeJs so chat sw that uses it is welcome
Thanks to all
Jappix Mini seems to be a solid option; however it uses jQuery instead of Prototype. It is integrated within a larger social client, but can easily be configured to work as a standalone mini chat. It handles my companies list of 1000+ concurrent users fairly well in my tests but I have not deployed it full scale yet. You can test it out at
Also, I would recommend checking it out from the SVN as I just committed roster sorting by contact name and a search function in the mini chat. The project's source code can be found here:
