A valid xmpp chatbar? - ajax

I'm search about a chatbar to integrate in my site.
I have an ejabber server and I want to insert a chat client on the bottom of every page of my site.
I don't need groups, roooms and so on, but simply a chat one2one and the list of friends to talk to.
Now I'm using iJab but doesn't work very well. Many times users see their friend's list empty even if they are online.
Some features in my site use PrototypeJs so chat sw that uses it is welcome
Thanks to all

Jappix Mini seems to be a solid option; however it uses jQuery instead of Prototype. It is integrated within a larger social client, but can easily be configured to work as a standalone mini chat. It handles my companies list of 1000+ concurrent users fairly well in my tests but I have not deployed it full scale yet. You can test it out at http://mini.jappix.com.
Also, I would recommend checking it out from the SVN as I just committed roster sorting by contact name and a search function in the mini chat. The project's source code can be found here: http://codingteam.net/project/jappix/doc/DevJappix


Send form from Lotus Notes to Outlook

I have a Lotus Notes database design that I'm working on in which a user will request a data change that requires manager approval.
My concept is to automatically email the relevant manager with the details of the request using the NotesDocument.Send(True) to attach the form. This form displays the relevant information and has two buttons, to either approve or refuse the request without having to open the original document in the front-end. This is all fine and doesn't present any problems.
However, I've recently been told that the users will soon be switching to Outlook. Is there a way of doing the same. The users will still be using Notes for all our bespoke systems, just not for mail or calendar, so I can potentially add links to the document.
One thought I had was to supply two links to the document, with different parent views, and then have the QueryOpen code use NotesDocument.ParentView to ascertain what action to take. The downside to this is that the UI focus will switch to Notes.
Any other suggestions, such as links/buttons that will email back to a mail-in database with a subject like "REF 0012345 APPROVE" or "REF 0012345 REFUSE"? Can that be written in a Notes email doc to go to outlook?
You can create an HTML email including two (or more) buttons. On click you call an agent by Url and have the action and the target as parameter.
Look for the following command in the designer help:
For sure the http task has to run on the domino server.
I'd go with the approach of two links going to an agent, with one link ending in ?OpenAgent&Approve&Ref=xxxxxxxx and the other ending in ?OpenAgent&Refuse&Ref=yyyyyyy.
Here's why...
I'm not saying this will happen in your organization, but in a lot of organizations the move to Outlook for email has been the prelude to reducing the number of Notes clients that are installed. The Domino servers live on for years, but there are fewer and fewer clients. It gets to the point where it is only installed for users who need the client for business-critical applications. As time goes on, fewer and fewer people have Notes clients and eventually, the question will come up about why all managers need to have the Notes client. Since you're designing this now, you might as well take that into consideration and provide for the day when most managers will not necessarily need a Notes client.

How to bulk update "Authorized JavaScript Origins" in Google API Console?

Currently, I have been tasked to utilize the Google People API to ask for a user's basic Google information along with their public phone numbers. So far the results have been positive.
The solution my team and I have incorporated the Google People API integration in has the capacity to be utilized across thousands of domains. As a result, my question is simply, How can my team members and I ensure that any our clients that utilize our solution with their own particular domain get our new functionality built with the Google People API?
Keep in mind, our clients have the flexibility to have http/https and any subdomain on their site. Entering each domain possibility for our client base one by one would not be an easy task. I'm seriously hoping there is a solution around the single, explicit origin entries.
Thank you for your time and help.
You must remember that if this is source code you are giving your clients that you are not allowed to release your client id and client secret. This includes plugins and scripts.
On November 5th 2014 Google made some changes to the APIs terms of Service.
Asking developers to make reasonable efforts to keep their private
keys private and not embed them in open source projects.
So if your clients could view the code of your application and see your client id and secret you should not be giving it to them.
Read more about this issue Can I really not ship open source with Client ID?
The best solution for you will be to instruct your users now to create there own project on Google Developer Console and create their own JS origins.
You may just have to provide your own wrapper around the target API where you authorize the client request yourself and then do the request from Google using your own credentials.

Extending YouTube API Quota with limited funds

With a simple java program, I send GET requests using YouTube Data API specifically videos.list, in order to get the public metadata of a video and store it as .json files.
For my universities research, we have to do this with all available YouTube video IDs provided in the Youtube-8M Database.
Therefore, I would like to know if there is a way to extend the available quota for requests (I already know about the billing option, but I am a student and my university is small).
I have read the YouTube API terms, which states that only one project per client may be used to send such requests with the necessary API Key.
If I understand it correctly, even my simple java code is such a client.
In some other Stack Overflow questions about extending ones daily quota with API Keys, some suggested creating multiple accounts or projects.
Is this a legal option or not? Or is there another possibility to get a higher quota for simple requests used in research like I do right now?
If you go to the Google Developer console where you enabled the YouTube API. the second tab is called quota
Click the pencil next to which ever quota it is that you are blowing out. A new window will pop up with a link called apply for higher quota.
Fill out the form to apply. To my knowledge you do not have to pay for additional YouTube quota but it can take time to get approved. Make sure you comply with everything on the form.
I have never heard of the one project per client term. Technically you can run your application using different API Keys it should work fine. Technically there is nothing wrong with creating additional projects on Google Developer console. You don't need to go as far as creating another Google account.

How do you create an sms survey application?

I am a newbie sms application developer. I am looking for pointer on how i could develop an interactive survey based sms application. I want to push questions having check boxes, input boxes, radio buttons etc and receive the inputs back at the server.
Any pointers on how this can be achieved and what app services/technologies can be used for achieving the same would be appreciated.
Thanks a lot.
SMS protocol does not support any kind of interactive elements.
You probably want to push in a SMS message containing a link to a mobile site hosting the survey and the interaction happens in the mobile web browser.
Alternatively you can only send 140 character free form questions. However if you send in several questions the users won't answer as typing in many SMS messages is cumbersome.
So your idea of doing it purely on SMS is not feasible. Just create a mobile web site using some CMS with good mobile support and form creation wizards.
E.g http://webandmobile.mfabrik.com/
Disclaimer: I am one of authors
I've been using www.txtlocal.co.uk for quite a while and i'm very satisfied being able to send sms texts through their api. This is commercial service but really worth it's price.
You can use it with all languanges including PHP, ASP, C#.NET, VB.NET, VBA, JAVA, Bulk XML and others.
Simply have a look at code examples: http://www.txtlocal.co.uk/developers/code/
Moreover you can build your own software to process text responses from your clients and even buy your own telephone number.

How to consume Facebook's "autocomplete anything" suggest-style dropdown

When you go to edit your favorite music or movies on Facebook, you will notice an autocomplete suggest list that is basically a list of "everything" (brand names, music artists, movies, etc.) How can someone consume that list in their own code? Is it part of the Facebook API?
They wrap some of the functionality in their FBML fields, but their developer wiki shows how they do what they do. If you want to consume their data though, you're going to have to play with an HTTP proxy and figure out what parameters to send to their server. There are also a couple parameters that seem to be session based, so I don't know how well you're going to be able to integrate this into your own application.
This was working for awhile, but now they require the session cookie, so we'll have to hope they add support for this to the graph api, unless you want to fight w/ the proxy.
