Magento 2.3 Integration issues with post-back tracking - magento

A Magento 2.3 site is experiencing problems with the API module integration. The specific recent issue is that the post-back data does not seem to function. The merchant is expecting to see an order that was "processing" automatically "complete" when they complete the shipping process on software side. They also expect tracking data for that shipment to appear on the Magento order automatically. That is not occuring.
Overview of situation:
Site is Magento 2.3.4 version
Merchant admin/shipping manager is using the Software from Stamps on their end provided some less than ideal documentation, but some. They provided the Module for the API which is properly installed to the site. So we are using the module provided directly by them without alteration.
The module is successfully connected between Magento site and and recognizing the orders being imported to the Stamps account.
When the shipping admin completes the shipment of the order on their end, nothing happens to auto-update the order status or post tracking info to the order inside Magento.
Shipping admin claims it did work with their previous Magento 1 site (although Magento 1 was a different program).
Here is the official instructions provided by Stamps related to the software method (click on Software tab):
I shared these instructions with the shipping admin, and asked them to make sure they were following the recommended settings on their software end. Unfortunately that software is beyond our control or visual, and I have not yet received any actual error details from them or Stamps other than "it does not do anything".
We also reviewed the actual code in the Magento module provided by, and didn't notice anything obvious to indicate a post-back or tracking data feature. There are no specific errors present in the error log on the Magento site.
Is anyone familiar with this module or similar challenges with Stamps and Magento 2 integration? I have attempted to contact Stamps support without any response so far.


What is the correct magento CE 1.9 paypal success url?

We have magento CE 1.9 which we are trying to get some analytics on and I have seen many posts on the internet about setting up paypal with magento. I believe we have everything setup correctly for paypal standard checkout except for the return URL.
Some of the sources I found on the internet say to use
Where others say to use
which one is actually correct?
An order finally reached analytics via:
Other orders were completed but did not reach alalytics, I can only speculate on the reason for this. One possible cause I have read about, is premature closing of the browser window. This could prevent our sites success page from loading the analytics javascript.

Google universal analytics showing unrelated referral link

I migrated Google's Universal Analytics into our magento system. Everything is tracking fine but found some unrelated referral links in that.( Please refer an Image)
As you can see in the image, It's showing as the Source/Medium. How come? is the payment gateway we are using. Also it's has the transactions too. Like some other unrelated links are also showing in Source/Medium. How to resolve this?
I presume in your previous GA installation you had the _setCampNOKey() setting in place to prevent payment gateways from showing up in the reports. This does no longer exist in UNiversal Analytics, you have to add your payment providers to the referral exclusion list in the property settings (under "Tracking Info / Referral Exclusion List").

Fedex Integration Magento

I have configured FedEx to work with magento, have entered all the required parameters and have also turned on the logging. Everything seems to work fine, there are no errors anywhere and even in shipping_fedex.log file the results are successful means the quotes are returned from FedEx. But in the front end in the 'Select Shipping Method' page it's not showing up. When I choose specified countries in the configuration and put an invalid address then it shows up there with the message that it is not applicable in this situation.
Please provide me suggestion on how to solve this. Where are the FedEx code stored in magento so that i can debug them to see what the problem could be??
I came across that same situation and found out that my products were setup with weights in kilograms so some were just invalid, others would return astronomic shipping costs (like $3000 and more), when I converted the weight to pounds or fractions of pounds, it all worked fine.
You need to be sure that your shopping cart is configured correctly. Are you using the built in one page checkout module?
For general details on how to setup Magento to use FedEx webservices, please see the following URL:

How to build a Bridge and sync magento and zoho both ways

We want to build a bridge to synchronize data both ways in magento 1.6 and zoho crm -to synchronize leads, quotes, invoices, clients (assign them a user id and password for our B2B website) -to synchronize products attributes, etc...
Examples :
Each time a client fills up a form to be registered on my website it has to create a lead on magento like the first time login form ( i already made one web to lead form, but doesn't fit well with magento design and doesn't create the account in magento...)
Each time a client asks for a quote (through a form "Request a quote") on magento, it creates an opportunity, or a quote (or a lead ?).
I would like something really simple that adapts to magento structure that's all, in fact, it's a question of pushing/pulling DB records in both softwares (magento and zoho).
So I've been looking all around the web, but if you google "Zoho Magento integration" it will only return people ready to pay for that. Since I know magento a bit, I'm willing to do it by myself.
Thanks for Your help !
You will have to create a magento connector module to handle synchronization between Magento and ZOHO CRM API ( ).
It is not easy. But if you have some experience with Magento development and do not know how to start with it, i would suggest you to download some similiar module (e. g. and see how it is built. Then try to develop your own.

Shared shopping cart between subsites

I'm trying to get a fully functionally Magento installation with 3 sub-sites and a main site (configured each as store inside Magento), that share of course the clients information across the all the stores.
The problem is that I can't seems to be able to have a persistent shopping cart across the all stores, allowing the customers to get products from a sub-site then another and so on without having to pay each time the shipping fees for what is at the end only 1 order.
I've followed several different tutorials that claimed to be able to achieve that but none of them worked as expected, and also none of them specified to which version of Magento they where supposed to work.
Any tip is welcome, thanks to everyone.
