What is the correct magento CE 1.9 paypal success url? - magento

We have magento CE 1.9 which we are trying to get some analytics on and I have seen many posts on the internet about setting up paypal with magento. I believe we have everything setup correctly for paypal standard checkout except for the return URL.
Some of the sources I found on the internet say to use
Where others say to use
which one is actually correct?

An order finally reached analytics via:
Other orders were completed but did not reach alalytics, I can only speculate on the reason for this. One possible cause I have read about, is premature closing of the browser window. This could prevent our sites success page from loading the analytics javascript.


Magento: Cannot retrieve payment method instance

I recently started to have the following error when trying to proceed a paypal payment on my magento store:
Cannot retrieve payment method instance.
I have read about it on various websites, and it seems to happened when you create/modify a payment method. However, in my case, it really started happening with no reason at all, as I have not made any changes to my website recently.
I have tried to manually force paypal_standard as method in the sales_flat_order_payment and sales_flat_quote_payment tables, but it did not work.
Paypal express checkout doesn't work anymore neither.
Does anyone have an idea of how to reinstall/reset or something the paypal payment module?
Or to further debug the issue?
(I am not a programmer so I would need quite detailed information)
For anyone having this issue, I have solved it by deleting the /app/code/core folder and replacing it with a vanilla magento one. Most likely the paypal payement system module got corrupted for no reason and replacing it with vanilla version solved the problem.

PayPal Website Payments Standard Error

I currently have my online store set up using Magento and i’m adding my products, I’ve tried to implement the PayPal Website Payments Standard but there is an error. When the user has passed through to the checkout section, after entering all their details, they fail to submit the order. The button is pressed to confirm order and redirect to the PayPal payment stage, the button will load saying that it's submitting the information, but nothing happens, it starts processing, then never goes through to the page. I've checked that the extension for Mage_paypal is enabled and it is.
If you would like try purchasing one of the test products on www.scarletkisses.com at the moment, you’ll be able to see what I mean.
2 things ..
Make sure that you have index management and cache management done
Try disabling and then enabling Mage_PayPal Module[Reindex the magento database after that]

Sage Pay Payment Failure in Magento

I am setting up a megento shop but while testing I get the following error when paying by card using ebizmarts Sage Pay module:
Payment has failed, please reload checkout page and try again. Your card has not been charged.
Does anyone know the solution to this problem?
There is a support forum for the free plugin here http://ebizmarts.com/forums and if you are using the PRO module, you can just use the contact form here http://ebizmarts.com/contact-us
Also, the problem you mention is described on the Wiki here http://wiki.ebizmarts.com/sage-pay-common-problems
From what I can see and for whatever reason, Magento was loading the "info.phtml" file from the theme/default/checkout/onepage/review folder, rather than the one in the sagepaysuite folder.
I copied in the above code to the relevant position to the default info.html file, and it's working now.
The staging server was loading the sagepaysuite/checkout/review/info.phtml file correctly, hence it was working.

Magento - Checkout not redirecting to success page

I'm working on a store deployed using Magento. It has one module which I wrote, which has event observers for checkout_type_onepage_save_order_after, checkout_type_multishipping_create_orders_saved_after, and admin_created_order_after.
When a customer places his/her order, Magento does not redirect to a success page when my module is enabled. When I disable my module, it redirects just fine. With or without my module, the order still goes through but it's not very user-friendly if there's no thank you message of some kind.
Anyone have any ideas what the problem is? There's no entry in any error log (Apache, PHP, Magento, or database).
Using magento on PHP 5.
In case anyone else is having the same or similar problem, I just solved a very similar issue thanks to TonyTheJet's comment here. I am using onepagecheckout in Magento CE 1.7.02
If you have a stray echo command in your code, which will send raw text to the browser, this will cause a problem on the browser side in onepagecheckout.js . It does not correctly un-encode a subsequent JSON string sent by the server to say that the order was processed successfully. Because of that, the browser fails to send a GET to trigger the onepagecheckout controller successAction().
If you are using a protocol analyser or a tool like Firefox Firebug, the crucial JSON string should look like this. The order_creates=true is what should trigger a browser request for the success page:

Paypal IPN errors in Magento store

Every order placed from the frontend of our Magento store logs a "Wrong order ID" exception even though all orders seem to be going through with no problems. Orders also seem to take a lot longer to complete than they should. If I place an order from the admin, it's virtually instantaneous and does not log any errors. What's different between frontend and backend orders? Why are these errors being logged every time even though no error really occurred? Any suggestions?
Per the change log for Magento (which came out in April), they think they've fixed the problem:
Fixed: “Wrong order ID” exception in PayPal Express module under heavy load
Can anyone confirm that upgrading to Magento 1.7 does indeed fix the problem? Every time I've looked at it, it does seem to be a PayPal Express issue (our payments normally go through PayPal Pro and that doesn't seem to have errors).
So... we finally found a permanent solution to this for Magento 1.6. And we can confirm that this has been fixed in Magento 1.7.
Full explanation and code here:
Magento Paypal IPN Wrong Order ID – SOLVED
We had this same exception in Magento 1.6.1 showing up in exception.log. The problem for us was that the Order Number and Invoice Numbers were out of sync.
For some reason, when using PayPal Express, it causes the order to not be fully processed and logs the exception: “Wrong Order ID”. The worst part was that it was erratic… sometimes it would fail, other times it was fine.
Thanks for a great extension from Fooman! Just install their “SameOrderInvoiceNumber” extension, remember to enable it in “Configuration | Sales | Order Numbers” and you’re all set!
Solved the problem for us on Magento 1.6.1… don’t mess with core code!
Ok... So my other solution didn't soIve the problem for us either. Spoke too soon. Although this helped it didn't get rid of the error completely.
We did however find a definite clear link between server load and this IPN error. Detailed analysis here:
Sorry, but it doesn't seem like there's a quick "code fix" for this one.. not that we could find yet.
