Android Management provisioned devices don't always install apps - android-management-api

We enrolled several devices using an Android management api token.
Most of the units provisioned and work correctly. On some, one or more of the applications we want FORCE_INSTALLED don't end up installed. I had the people provisioning these units (Pixel 3a if it matters) reboot the units to see if the apps appeared.
Looking at the device list result there is nonComplianceDetails indicating the apps are in progress installing, but it doesn't seem to happen:
"nonComplianceDetails": [
"installationFailureReason": "IN_PROGRESS",
"nonComplianceReason": "APP_NOT_INSTALLED",
"packageName": "MAIN_APP",
"settingName": "applications"
"installationFailureReason": "IN_PROGRESS",
"nonComplianceReason": "APP_NOT_INSTALLED",
"packageName": "ANOTHER_APP",
"settingName": "applications"
"installationFailureReason": "IN_PROGRESS",
"nonComplianceReason": "APP_NOT_INSTALLED",
"packageName": "YET_ANOTHER_APP",
"settingName": "applications"
Any way to get these devices to force the install?

This is an issue which has been around for a while.
I've reported it to Google - Link
They seem to have fixed it but I am still facing the issues at times.
We are using a workaround by pushing the policy again with the latest minimumVersionCode of the application with installType : "FORCE_INSTALLED"
This will ensure that the app is updated to the specified minimumVersionCode Link

There may be delays in installing the apps to the device. Other times, apps may already be installed in the device but delay in providing non compliance status. You can also force sync the policy by going to Settings > Google > Work Profile> Device Policy and clicking the Sync icon.
You may also try using the installType REQUIRED_FOR_SETUP to have the device download the apps before the setup is completed.


Upload APK in Internal app sharing in Google Play Console but "Item not found"

I have uploaded APK since 24 hours in internal app sharing as a any one can download app from link.
but when try to open that link it's showing "Item not found".
Here is screenshort of Manage testers settings.
I want to do something like any can download app from link(without adding tester accounts)
Tick the option you can see on the screenshot below.
According to the internal app sharing documentation (See "Troubleshoot issues"), there are many reasons why this could be the case, but they often boil down to the users not being eligible to receive the app in production (e.g. incompatible device, not in the country the app is distributed in, etc.).
Note that we (Play Console team) understand that this is not ideal and are actively working to remove this limitation.
From Developer Side
1.Go to PlayStore
2.Select Your app from List Side Bar select "Development Tools" "Internal App Sharing"
5.In "MANAGE UPLOADERS" try to add email id of ur tester
or go to "MANAGE TESTERS" and check "Allow testers outside of email lists to download internally shared builds" and Save it
upload app using this
7.share url of InApp Shared with testers.
From Tester Side
How authorized testers turn on internal app sharing
Before authorized testers can download apps using internal app sharing, they need to turn on internal app sharing on their Google Play Store app.
Open the Google Play Store app Google Play.
Tap Menu Menu > Settings.
In the “About” section, tap the Play Store version 7 times.
After the Internal app sharing setting appears, tap the switch to turn on internal app sharing.
Tap Turn on.

How to install app from beta track on Wear OS smartwatch?

I created a standalone smartwatch app for Wear OS. I use a Huawei Watch 2 4G for testing. I now want to have it in the beta track on Google Play Store so that users can test it. I've created some smartphone apps already and put them in the Play Store, so I'm used to the process. What I did so far:
Created entry on Google Play Console
Added a release to the open beta track
Filled all necessary stuff
Published the app and got the URL to participate in the beta test
Opened the URL while logged in with my test account and agreed to become a tester
Wiped the smartwatch and copied the same account to the watch during setup
Now I don't know how to install the app from the Play Store. On a smartphone I would simply open the URL in a browser and would be able to install it from there. What I tried so far:
Searching for the app name and for the package name on the Play Store on the smartwatch, but it can't find it.
Opening the Play Store entry in a browser and click the install button, but it says that I have no devices.
Opening the URL on the paired smartphone, but it only says that the device is not compatible.
How can I install a standalone Wear OS app that is in the open beta track on Google Play Store?
As suggest in #tofferj 's comment I simply had to wait a few more hours. I'm now able to find it by simply searching for the app name in the Play Store on the smartwatch.
Seems like the status "published" on the Google Play Console doesn't mean that it's already in the search index.

Appium Desktop for Windows: How to call device's browser. Error " not found"

When I have an emulator open, and I try to call the browser using Appium, I get an error saying that the browser isn't callable, even though there is a browser in the device. Not sure what it's called, so I can call it in Desired Capabilities.
Long story long:
I'm new to Appium so trying to get a basic emulator session going. I'm new to Java too, but I'm not using Java here and the Appium site video didn't require Java to get a basic session going, so this isn't a "your code is rubbish" Java issue. (Video link I watched:, though this didnt' call a browser on the device so wasn't a helpful guide for newbies like me).
On Win10, I installed Appium Desktop for Windows (current version 1.2.0 beta).
I have Android Studio installed (v2.3.3), and an image for a Pixel device.
I open Android Studio > Tools > Android > AVD Manager > Pixel API 25 (which is set up using Android 7.1.1 and API 25) and I start the emulator.
The emulator opens, and the first thing I see is "Photos has stopped Close app" and an X. Somewhat worrying but hey, I installed the image from AVD Manager so I got what I got.
If I then go to Appium Desktop (host, port 4723) and start the server (v1.6.5), I get the console.
I click Start New Session, and the settings screen comes up.
I am on the Automatic Server tab.
I go to Saved capabilities tab.
I have these settings saved:
"platformName": "Android",
"deviceName": "Android Emulator",
"browserName": "Browser",
"avd": "Pixel_API_25",
"platformVersion": "7.1.1",
"": ""
NOTE: The last empty entry is because the delete button on Appium for the Desired Capabilities has no effect in this version of Appium Desktop.
I click "Start session" in Appium Desktop.
Since the emulator is already started, I get error "An unknown server-side error occurred while processing the command. Original error: Could not find package on the device"
There is a very simple browser on the Pixel phone, but I can't invoke it because I don't know what it is called. There is no Chrome or Firefox installed by default. If I go on the device I can run a Google search in this basic browser, but I don't know what it is called to try to invoke it from Appium.
I'm trying to use the guidance in but I'm lost, and trying stuff with no success.
QUESTION: What is the browser called so I can invoke it?
Why am I trying to do this?
I actually wanted to invoke a basic Calculator.apk that I have locally, but that didn't work either (it never started when I specified "app": "C:\android\Calculator.apk"), so I thought I should start with a basic browser session rather than APKs.
I tried the same as above with API 26 but that didn't work either.
I haven't solved the APK invoke issue, but that's likely another issue.
Any assistance with the DCs much appreciated.

Google Play console reporting crashes from unreleased applications

I would like to share a situation I am facing analysing the new features at Google Play console and try to find a solution for it.
As many of you may already know, Google has released updates at Google Play console and introduced Android vitals. One of the good particularities is that now the session ANRs & Crashes shows all ANRs & crashes collected from Android devices whose users have opted in to automatically share usage and diagnostics data (during phone first setup).
However, I am seeing crash reports from unreleased applications. I mean, from a developer version that hasn't been published yet. Moreover, this crash report came from an application signed with an android-debug key, not my production key. I have looked into the available documentation but I couldn't found details on the filtering for these reports.
It seems harmful and wrong to me using any income data without validating signing as anyone can simply write a short peace of code and start flooding a specific application package name with tons of dummy stacktraces.
Do you know if this is the normal behavior for this new tool ?
As we are interested in publishing only release applications, we may adopt following strategy to get rid of messing up crash reports :
./build.gradle :
android {
defaultConfig {
applicationId ""
buildTypes {
release {
debug {
applicationIdSuffix ".dev"
The Developer Console only reports crashes from published version numbers (either in alpha, beta or production).
So my solution is very simple:
After publishing a new version, the first thing I do is increase the versionCode in the manifest. And I only use this version number while developing. This way, no crash is sent to the console.
Then, when I'm ready to publish again, I increase the versionCode once more. This way I make sure new crashes will only come from the published version.
Crashes from unpublished versions will still appear on the console under the 'All versions' option. So take this answer as a way to identify and filter those crashes, not to prevent them from being logged.
I also faced the same issue.
It shows Crash reports when I go to All applications -> -> Dashboard -> Crashes
But if I go directly to Android Vitals -> ANRs & crashes it doesnt show anything.
Anyway for the first case you can click on 'View details' and select 'Hide' from dropdown menu for each crash type reported.
This is just a temporary fix , but I think Google has to provide proper fix for it.

Chrome Web Store app install redirects to a blank page

I have a Google Apps Marketplace app with a Chrome Web Store entry. When installing the app from the Web Store using Chrome browser I always get redirected to a blank page with this URL:
This page comes after the OAuth permissions request page, and only appears when installing from Chrome browser. The app installs correctly though, I can see it in the Google Admin console and I am able to use it properly.
This is the Chrome Web Store manifest:
"manifest_version": 2,
"name": "App",
"version": "1.43",
"description": "App Description",
"icons": {
"128": "icons/128.png",
"16": "icons/16.png"
"container": ["DOMAIN_INSTALLABLE"],
"api_console_project_id": "1234567890"
Change isn't always easy. Back in September, Google revamped the "New Tab" page in its Chrome browser -- and a lot of folks weren't too thrilled with the results.
The new "New Tab" page used to be easy enough to avoid: A setting in Chrome's about://flags section let you toggle back to the original "New Tab" setup with a flip of a switch. But this week's latest stable Chrome release removed that setting from the browser.
So what to do? If you're still not a fan of the new "New Tab" page, I have a new workaround that might be just what you need.
This one requires a third-party extension called New Tab Redirect. It's free to use.
All you do is install the extension and then head into its settings (you'll be presented with a link immediately after installation). Click the option to have the extension set the Chrome Apps page as your "New Tab" page. Open a new tab, and voilà: You'll have something pretty darn close to the original "New Tab" setup.
