Google Play console reporting crashes from unreleased applications - google-play

I would like to share a situation I am facing analysing the new features at Google Play console and try to find a solution for it.
As many of you may already know, Google has released updates at Google Play console and introduced Android vitals. One of the good particularities is that now the session ANRs & Crashes shows all ANRs & crashes collected from Android devices whose users have opted in to automatically share usage and diagnostics data (during phone first setup).
However, I am seeing crash reports from unreleased applications. I mean, from a developer version that hasn't been published yet. Moreover, this crash report came from an application signed with an android-debug key, not my production key. I have looked into the available documentation but I couldn't found details on the filtering for these reports.
It seems harmful and wrong to me using any income data without validating signing as anyone can simply write a short peace of code and start flooding a specific application package name with tons of dummy stacktraces.
Do you know if this is the normal behavior for this new tool ?

As we are interested in publishing only release applications, we may adopt following strategy to get rid of messing up crash reports :
./build.gradle :
android {
defaultConfig {
applicationId ""
buildTypes {
release {
debug {
applicationIdSuffix ".dev"

The Developer Console only reports crashes from published version numbers (either in alpha, beta or production).
So my solution is very simple:
After publishing a new version, the first thing I do is increase the versionCode in the manifest. And I only use this version number while developing. This way, no crash is sent to the console.
Then, when I'm ready to publish again, I increase the versionCode once more. This way I make sure new crashes will only come from the published version.
Crashes from unpublished versions will still appear on the console under the 'All versions' option. So take this answer as a way to identify and filter those crashes, not to prevent them from being logged.

I also faced the same issue.
It shows Crash reports when I go to All applications -> -> Dashboard -> Crashes
But if I go directly to Android Vitals -> ANRs & crashes it doesnt show anything.
Anyway for the first case you can click on 'View details' and select 'Hide' from dropdown menu for each crash type reported.
This is just a temporary fix , but I think Google has to provide proper fix for it.


Can't publish initial build of app in Google Play Console

When I try to publish a release in the Google Play Console, I constantly get this error:
Your app cannot be published yet. Complete the steps listed on the Dashboard.
And yes, I have indeed completed all the steps listed in the dashboard. I am using the new Play Console Beta, this is possibly related. What do I need to do before I can publish a release? Is there a hidden step?
After some searching, I found the button 'Use classic Play Console'. Apparently there are some steps to be finished that are simply not visible in the Beta:
Click on Use classic Play Console
Go to Pricing & distribution
Check the Content guidelines checkmark
Check the US export laws checkmark
Press Save draft
And you're good to go!
I had that problem and fix it. the problem caused by google console because they added one additional task in the app content about wither your app is consider a news app or not. so go to the inbox in your app and you will find that message from google click and you will be leaded to the content that you should fill. I hope that help any one having that issue.
I also had this problem. It was regarding setting your app as free from the App Pricing section as my application was free. So after setting that, I released my app.

How to measure number of installs on versions of an iOS app

I have an app published on Apple's app store via iTunes Connect. I also have the same app published on Google's Play store.
Both platforms are on their 3rd version and I need to measure the number of installs of each version. Google have made this easy - in the developer console click 'Statistics' then 'App Version':
However, I'm struggling to find a similar report in iTunes Connect.
Is there a way to achieve this with iOS apps?
You can get similar (but not the same nice overview!) information for apps using iOS8+ via Apple's own App Analytics without integrating any 3rd party SDK.
Go to > Your App > Metrics
Then choose from the "Usage" metrics on the left either "Installations" or "Sessions" (1) and plot them by "App Versions" (2). Please note that usage metrics only included "opt-in" data. (I'd also adjust the time interval if needed)
You can get your opt-in rate by clicking on the little "?" in the top right next to "About App Analytics" in almost every view.

Create Android OAUTH client fails with: "An unexpected error occurred. Please try again later. (4800001)"

So I am trying to setup Google Play Games Services in the Google Play Developer Console.
This worked for me yesterday.
Today however, when setting up another app, and trying to link an android app to the games services, I get this error:
An unexpected error occurred. Please try again later. (4800001)
I got this in:
Google Play Developer Console -> Games Services -> [game] -> Linked Apps -> STEP 2 Authorize your app.
This happens regardless which key I try, my release key, or my debug key.
I don't understand why this would be happening, as it was working yesterday, albeit for an app without real-time multi player. The app I am trying to setup now needs real-time multiplayer, but I'm not sure whether this difference is the cause of it. Maybe servers at google are down?
I get the error each time I try, regardless which browser I use, or which OS. I tried on Ubuntu Firefox and OSX Safari.
This was a temporary breakage in the Google Play Developer Console.
They fixed it today, by rolling back changes to the console, see:
I opened page and successfully registered my app there while I was having same issue as you.

Google Apps Marketplace SDK : setup a contextual gadget

Ok, so without much notification given, adding market place listings to your vendor profile is no longer possible. The 'create new listing' button is greyed out.
I need to make changes to an existing marketplace listing but that gives errors. We are forced into the new SDK.
So I went ahead and enabled the apps market SDK, filled out all details including images of all sizes, add a COB extension for the contextual gadget and saved the whole thing.
A minute later I return to make a modification and dang... error: "We are looking into this.".
#Google: HELP !
UPDATE : I can reliably reproduce the error as explained here.
Enable Google Apps Marketplace SDK in your project
click on the gear icon, you will be directed to the old API Console
Fill out all details
Add a COB extension (Contextual gadget)
Save everything
Close the API console
Go back to your cloud console -> Google Apps Marketplace SDK
Click on the gear icon again
Tested with several google accounts on different computeres and multiple projects on the cloud console.
#jonathanberi could we have a status on this issue, please? We are experiencing the exact same issue and we are unable to publish our app (which is ready) because of this bug. We have tried both creating a new Google Apps console project from scratch as well as modifying a draft of a yet to be published page with the same result. Is any information that we could provide to help?
You must fill out parameter name and a paramter value or your cloud console will return errors and you will not be able to recover from this.
Ouch, that were 3 useless weeks....

App approved, but crashes

I have made a Windows Phone app (for WP7.1) that uses BackgroundAudio for streaming, nothing too complicated. It was approved and made available for download in the store. However it no longer works, i.e. the app worked in debug+release when run from VS2012, and I assume the .xap I uploaded worked since microsoft approved it (they rejected it once and I was able to reproduce and fix the bugs they reported).
When downloaded the app simply bails on load on WP8 (lumia 820) i.e. flips back to the tiles immediately.
On WP7 (lumia 800) but the playbutton ignores input, however it downloads and displays the playlist, so some kind of functionality+network connection works.
I have tried the basics: installing using the application-deployment tool (app working), running the "Store Test Kit" which reports some slowdowns in the UI animations, but nothing serious (I hope).
Any ideas how to reproduce ".xap approved and downloaded from store but not working" or getting debug info from the phone without VS? Or any other things i can try out?
Every time your app crashes it will be logged and reported on your Windows Phone Dev Center Account. Just go in there and export the details to excel. Get the stack trace and put it in here. Maybe we can help.
The very first thing i can tell you is the opening page has some exceptions and that too it doesn't go well with some phones. Seriously there are concerns when a wp7 app is ported on wp8 device and vice-verse. To the extent of my knowledge there might be some binding issues. make sure you got the binding class to be public. And just as #AMR mentioned go the dev center and export the stacktrace. Try resolving them. Moreover if an app get certifies, it doesn't mean it is completely error free. The tests are limited to very coomon errors only.
