Website not working on root domain with https - heroku

I am trying to deploy a NextJS website to Heroku or Vercel and add a domain name to it using
Adding the domain works but for some reason I cannot access the website at, however I can access it with and I need it to work for this url '' as the website is already ranked in google with this URL. I was wondering if anyone had any idea of how this can be done. Please ask if you need more information.
Apologies if I have posted this in the wrong place.
Thanks in advance.


Heroku and Cloudflare integration "No such app"

I have a bit of a hard time getting Heroku and Cloudflare connected. The only other question I could find was here, and it was not particularly helpful since I already created a custom domain entry.
What I did:
Added a custom domain:
Configured the domain like this in Cloudflare, which I believe is correct:
But when I visit my custom domain, I get the
When I visit my subdomain, I see:
Any ideas?
The page now magically works, and I have no idea why since I wrote the post when the had been added for over 48 hours.

Custom google-domain for heroku app causes IP/DNS address error

I have a heroku app hosted at that I'm trying to move to the address (I'm not picky about redirections from or https vs http, I just want to have this website launched without 'herokuapp' in the url right now.) I used Google Domains to get the domain, and used the following configurations:
On Google Domains:
synthetic records image
custom resource records image
On Heroku:
domains image
Last night when I first tried to launch this, it worked, but this morning I'm seeing the following error page (which is a total bummer...):
broken website image
Running 'heroku domains' confirms is in the app's custom domains.
I did some searching to try and fix this problem, and it looks like some people in similar situations have reported success in using CNAME like I used, but Heroku's documentation seems to say that an ALIAS or ANAME is necessary for root domain configuration, and those options are apparently not supported by Google Domains.
Because of how Heroku works, they do not release the IP addresses of the apps you create on it, so I can't directly feed it an IP address.
I've gotten pretty stuck and confused in trying to resolve this. Any info on whether I can get this working with Google Domains would be greatly appreciated. Also, if it can be helped, I'd like to not pay for any additional services.
If Google Domains is a non-starter for this though, well, I'm open to other Domain registration websites.
Fixed it! :) After all that, it was just four characters that caused all this headache...
The issue was that in the Google Domains custom resource records section, in the Data field I had 'www.(dns_data_here).com.' when it should have '(dns_data_here).com.'
The site is now up and running on the new url!

My heroku app redirects to another site

this week one of my client sent me an email saying that the url of the heroku's app was redirecting to another site The name of this site is
But if I use it works fine. I checked my github repo to see if there was some redirect there but I didn't find any. I also checked the heroku's settings and there were ok.
I never had a problem like this, someone know what to do? Thanks

Fortrbbit app domain change

So I am fairly new to laravel and especial to its deploying. I set up a fortrabbit application and got my website running so that's all good. The thing is though, the app url is not the one I wanted. I have an older website running without Laravel, and that is the url I want it to be hosted on. I have the ftp credentials for the old site but I have no clue how I can sort of clone the new Laravel site to the old one.
Briefly, I have a Laravel app running on but I want it to be hosted on which an older site is being hosted on for the time being.
Can anyone help me out? There must be a way to do this. Thanks alot!
The fortrabbit "App URL" is meant for testing/development/configuration and can't be changed. However you can route other domains to your App on fortrabbit. You do so by pointing the domain to the "App URL" via a CNAME and by registering the domain in the App settings in the Dashboard.

Giving someone access to an addon website on my server

I need to give someone access to a website I made for a friend but only want them to have access to the addon domain folder. Is this possible (with JustHost)?
Figured it out. In case anyone was wondering, in the control panel on JustHost there is an FTP Accounts section where you can give access to certain addon domains such as public_html/ with its own login.
