Custom google-domain for heroku app causes IP/DNS address error - heroku

I have a heroku app hosted at that I'm trying to move to the address (I'm not picky about redirections from or https vs http, I just want to have this website launched without 'herokuapp' in the url right now.) I used Google Domains to get the domain, and used the following configurations:
On Google Domains:
synthetic records image
custom resource records image
On Heroku:
domains image
Last night when I first tried to launch this, it worked, but this morning I'm seeing the following error page (which is a total bummer...):
broken website image
Running 'heroku domains' confirms is in the app's custom domains.
I did some searching to try and fix this problem, and it looks like some people in similar situations have reported success in using CNAME like I used, but Heroku's documentation seems to say that an ALIAS or ANAME is necessary for root domain configuration, and those options are apparently not supported by Google Domains.
Because of how Heroku works, they do not release the IP addresses of the apps you create on it, so I can't directly feed it an IP address.
I've gotten pretty stuck and confused in trying to resolve this. Any info on whether I can get this working with Google Domains would be greatly appreciated. Also, if it can be helped, I'd like to not pay for any additional services.
If Google Domains is a non-starter for this though, well, I'm open to other Domain registration websites.

Fixed it! :) After all that, it was just four characters that caused all this headache...
The issue was that in the Google Domains custom resource records section, in the Data field I had 'www.(dns_data_here).com.' when it should have '(dns_data_here).com.'
The site is now up and running on the new url!


python google-api quickstart examples are poorly documented

They say its a quickstart but idk lol
Any way I have attempted to connect to the google api with Ruby for an entire week and eventually said I am going to see if its easier with python, turns out it is not.
I have added my redirect URI in the Oauth Credential. I have tried using a web applications type, a desktop app, and a tv or limited input device.
All of them return errors.
Error 400: redirect uri mismatch
Error 400: Invalid Request
Couldnt Log you in, The browser you are using doesnt support javascript, please try signing in in a browser with javascript enabled.
It keeps trying to use a localhost uri even when its set to my authorized one in the json credentials....
Is there anyone who can help me just get a basic example connection to the API working I am starting to lose hope that it is even realistic to try and build on an API as chaotic as this has been in my research so far. Everywhere you go you see devs wasting 5 days on something that should take an hour.
Edits BELOW !!!!
This has been so confusing I had to just go to trying to make a basic api call and eliminate all of the chaos brought in by these deprecated dependencies.
I have moved to just trying to get data back using post man and this tutorial >>
I have successfully been able to generate an Auth token using ONLY an OAuth2.0 Credential that is of TYPE 'Web Application'
However when trying to hit this endpoint....
I get the following error...
I know that in the end I will need to have a service account for this application configured properly, however given the wild goose chase that this has been I have been putting it off to keep the experiment controlled.
I will be working hard on trying to demystify this service account authorization for the next 4 hours atleast...
I had some difficulty getting the "quickstart" going as well.
There are a few things that should be taken into account that, in fact, aren't clearly documented.
After setting up the credentials in the respective page in Google Console as indicated in the documentation, you should download the json file and save it to the same directory as the script.
Take note that the quickstart has its own local server that it starts up when you run it. You can set the port in this line in the script. For example:
creds = flow.run_local_server(port=3000)
Then when you configure your credentials in the project, you would set the redirect URI to http://localhost:3000/
It does require some patience, because as noted, it does sometimes take several hours until the credentials settings in the Console take effect!
Same as CptCook, in my case the port defined in the quickstart is set to '0', which causes the redirect_uri error.
Removing and using the default resolved the issue.

How to associate Heroku app with a Google domain?

I purchased a domain with Google and I would like to associate it with a Heroku app. What is the step-by-step process to achieve that?
I recently connected my app to a custom domain. Although my domain is purchased from AWS route53. I think the approach generally is the same.
First of all, you can check out this page written by Heroku.
I believe the tutorial given by Heroku works. However, I am tired of all those CLI that make things unvisable XD. Luckily, we can configure it from the Heroku website instead of the CLI.
Here is my approach:
First open your app in the Heroku web page, then click the "Settings" button{your app name}
Scroll down until you see the "Domains" section, Then click "Add domain"{your app name}/settings
Input the domain name you purchased from google (eg.
After adding your domain, Heroku will give you the DNS target.
From your google domain DNS management page, you should be able to add a new record for your hosted zone.
Finally, add a new record with simple routing policy, type CNAME, and value equals to the DNS target provided by Heroku.
It is really simple if you follow these steps correctly. Due to my reputation level, I cannot upload photos. Feel free to contact me if you want some image to guide you how to locate the buttons :)
It’s only 3 steps:
1. Heroku, in your app > Settings > Add your domain:
Add www.[] (Note: www is KEY!) to your app
Copy the [DNS Target] it gives you
2.Google Domains > DNS > Resource records > Custom Records > Manage Custom Records:
www, CNAME, [DNS Target]
Now you’re basically set up. If someone goes to https://www.[] in a few minutes, they’ll see your Heroku app hosted at [DNS Target]. But if they go to any other permutation (http, non-www) they’ll get a 404 error. To solve this, we’ll set up permanent redirects to the main version in the next step.
Google Domains > Website > Add a Forwarding Address:
From Field: []
To Field: https://www.[]
Permanent Redirect (301)
Forward Path (so that []/about forwards to https://www.[]/about)
SSL Enabled
Boom. Wait a couple of minutes for DNS to catch up, and you’re done.
heroku certs:auto:refresh
In Terminal refresh the SSL cert settings on Heroku, and check the Heroku Dashboard to confirm everything’s working.
Confirm all the below permutations forward to your site correctly:
PS: So does this work for the naked domain like [] instead of www.[]? No! Google Domains does not support ALIAS domains, and therefore in combination with Heroku does not support forwarding to the naked (aka. root aka. apex) domain. Sorry! This surprised me too :( Source 1: Heroku Docs | Source 2: StackOverflow. Your only alternative here is to transfer your domain (which costs money) to something like Cloudflare.
A working answer with these explanations is taken from
Just to add to Fergus's answer, if you are seeing the warning "cant add cname records as root domain" add www to the host name input.

Custom domain redirects to Heroku domain instead of acting as alias

I've tried connecting my Heroku app to a custom domain. When I go to my custom domain a redirect happens but the url then appears as "{name}". I bought the domain from Hover and have added both www.{domain}.com and {domain}.com to Heroku. Output of heroku domains shown here:
I then added both targets to Hover (shown here):
I'm quite confused and any help would be great.
After talking to Hover customer support I found out that aliasing with Heroku isn't possible. They offer redirects but that's it. They need an IP address to use as an A name but Heroku changes your IP address regularly so it's not possible. I'm moving it to NameCheap and using that instead.

Using CNAME results in website differences

I've added a CNAME record to my domain, to redirect people to the heroku app that hosts a website.
Somehow, my website is responsive and mobile friendly when I go directly to the heroku page ( BUT not responsive and mobile friendly at all when I go trough the domain name (that redirects to the heroku app using a CNAME record)
I can only see the differences when I actually open up the websites on my phone (iphone 5). In my web browser, the website is responsive not matter what adress I browse to. So if you want to see what I'm talking about, you might have to use your phone.
Any idea what would cause the differences? And is there a way to solve it?
It's not a caching issue.
After deleting all browser data on my phone, I still get these differences.
Here's 2 screenshots to clarify:
Turns out that Godaddy wrapped the whole website in a <frameset> because I forwarded the adress with masking. Forwarding it without masking turns out to be the solution.

What does 302 redirects as filters mean?

I have an hosting account on Godaddy which has been redirected for last few days, to be precise, 5 days.
After mailing them quite few times, this is what they had to say
The 302 redirects are filters setup to maintain the integrity of the hosting server while we investigate and resolve an issue(s)
The post is not for boo-haa of godaddy, all I want to know is the technical aspect of the above term.
Why these filters are set, how they are set and what purpose they fulfill
Any sort of detailing on the issue will be helpful. Being a developer, it will only help when I plan to roll out hosting on my own.
The filter was set by godaddy to restrict access to your account until they can complete an investigation. The why would depend but if your website had illegal content on it whether you put it there, a user of yours or your account was hacked and someone else did would be some possible whys. By illegal I mean anything in violation of their policies or the law. The purpose is to protect their network and or you in the event that someone else is responsible for whatever they are investigating. I would call them.
I am in the process of pulling my website from Godaddy because of the same reason. They will randomly run a 302 redirect filter to protect their server. I found about 1/3 of my potential customers were being redirected to a non working version of my website. I spoke with a support staff at Godaddy and they had no reason but it is designed to protect their system. This is what you should look for. I use a company called Stat Counter and it shows your visitors paths my web address is What Go daddy does is take my web address and add 4-or 5 letters to the end of it and redirecting my customers to a non working version of my site.
I have had customers tell me my site was not functioning and I spent a small fortune trying to find out why. Now I know. Trying to get GoDaddy to admit that they were running the 302 redirect filters was like pulling hens teeth. I have been spending... like most of you a lot of time and money working on getting traffic to find out they are just turning away 1/3 of my traffic. How it this fair?
