Giving someone access to an addon website on my server - hosting

I need to give someone access to a website I made for a friend but only want them to have access to the addon domain folder. Is this possible (with JustHost)?

Figured it out. In case anyone was wondering, in the control panel on JustHost there is an FTP Accounts section where you can give access to certain addon domains such as public_html/ with its own login.


Google Sign in on local virtual host

Now is 2020. I need to implement Google Sign in for my page but I cant allow using local virtual host to test it. There should be some white list but I cant find any in Google developers console. Can somebody send me a path->to->settings for this? I am lost in their admin...
So I have it. Need to go to credentials page and then click on Client IDs edit icon. There it is. Vrrrr...

Website not working on root domain with https

I am trying to deploy a NextJS website to Heroku or Vercel and add a domain name to it using
Adding the domain works but for some reason I cannot access the website at, however I can access it with and I need it to work for this url '' as the website is already ranked in google with this URL. I was wondering if anyone had any idea of how this can be done. Please ask if you need more information.
Apologies if I have posted this in the wrong place.
Thanks in advance.

Hosting Own Website and others

I might be on the wrong section to ask this but.
After signing up with Blue Host, for a personal website blog, i know i have the ability to add extra websites for free, however would it be possible for me to add someone else website that i don't own but gave me permission to add and i let them host their website on my plan.
can they still access their account without me giving them my blue host details.its kinda of a stupid question, once i think about it.
any help will do.
You can do it in one way..
You have to create different FTP accounts for all users and provide a seperate folder to all users they can access that folder only via FTP details.
They can add/update/delete files that they owns.
Tell you user to forward his/her domain to to FTP
Now what happen when someone open your users site.
lets says your domain is YOURDOMAIN.COM and your user domain is MYUSERDOMAIN.COM, now your user have forwarded his/her domain to your domain YOURDOMAIN.COM/FOLDER_ASSGIN to FTP
-In URL user see their own domain name MYUSERDOMAIN.COM actually it opens your site's folder that is assign to your user

Website access with cached Windows credentials

I am working at a company which uses an intranet site as a portal to a bunch of other local sites. Unauthorized people in the company have been accessing it, so we want to secure it. Users, when accessing the website for the first time will have to enter a username and password. If they are on a certain group in the Active Directory, they will be given access and their credentials will be stored so that they don't need to enter their username/password again. I have looked into NTML, ASP.NET, but am not sure how to proceed.
Any thoughts/ideas are greatly appreciated.
Dump your solution. Use Integrated Windows Authentication, namely Kerberos, in IIS. It will automatically pass all credenentials to your server. Note that every participant must be part of your AD domain.

FB connect and magento

As a novice developer at best, I have been tasked with implementing Facebook connect with my Magento website. I have read extensively online and don't find much help with my problem, and I see many people have the same issue so perhaps everyone can learn.
I inserted the SDK script into my header, set up my channel, and my Facebook app. Everything seems to work nicely right now, however I am lost on converting the Facebook login into an actual Magento login. I understand that my code speaks with Facebook and authorizes my website, But I don't understand how to pull user permissions into my Magento database and store the information. Currently you click the "Login with Facebook" button, it pops up asking for the permissions. I don't know how to save this information to my database and allow the user to connect and login successfully.
I think I may need to add some more code somewhere telling Magento how to store this information?
Any advice or links would be greatly appreciated.
You can use free extension Facebook Connect and Like Free from BelVG company.
