change packages icon in intellij idea - spring-boot

I used a plugin or theme or some thing like that in intellij idea and it make my packages even files icon in project different . Unfortunately i changed my intellij version and it gone
entities and services and controllers packages also shown differently.
if you used it can you help me to add this extensions?

Try using plugin's search for Theme and User Interface tags to search for the UI Theme plugin.

FILE >> SETTINGS >> Plugins >> install Atom Material Icons
Warning: this changes Ide icons too


Vaadin 7 - Themes compilation

In my application I've more than one theme.
When I try to compile themes it compiles only one theme (the oldest I don't use anymore).
If I cancel that old theme it goes in error.
Where are stored names of themes to be compiled ?
Can I change them ?
Running the application in debug mode it compiles on the fly the correct one.
Partially solved. I found in the plugin configuration the tag theme
and I corrected it. But I didn't find the way to compile more than one theme. Is it possible ? How ?
It should compile all the themes by default without needing to configure anything. Have you tried to remove the configuration?

Applying third-party themes to QtCreator (dracula)

So I just downloaded the open-source QtCreator and I hoped to set the Dracula theme for this IDE, but I failed to do so, and I have no clue what I'm doing wrong.
So far, every where I looked for third party themes, they've been telling me to put it in a map on location "$HOME.config\QtProject\qtcreator\styles" (windows). Fine, but after I've copied the file into that folder, the theme is not showing up in the theme list when I'm trying to set a new theme in QtCreator, selecting Tools > Options > Text Editor > Theme-button :/
I'm quite (90%) sure the path/location is correct, but I assume the themes have moved to somewhere else. I would like to set-up this theme, instead of the default dark-theme. Thanks in advance!
So I found out the themes were located in PathToQt\Qt\Tools\QtCreator\share\qtcreator\styles. The developpers must have changed moved the theme folder, but now between the other .xml files, the Dracula.xml file works just fine.
I hope I fixed every one else's problem, who came to ask himself where the heck they had to put that theme.

Is it possible to use custom icon for Xcode file template?

In our project we generate multiple swift files when using the file xctemplate configuration. However, with this configuration, there is no icon displayed in Xcode when generating the files (see attached image). We did try to add two images to the template folder: TemplateIcon-png and TemplateIcon#96.png which yielded no success. Is it possible to use a custom icon for file templates in Xcode?
Not sure if you're still looking for an answer to this, but you should be able to create an .icns icon package named TemplateIcon.icns. This should contain your template image(s) to be displayed in the new project picker.
I suspect your issue was trying to use the PNG assets directly.
See the Base Acceptance Testing Bundle for an example. It is part of the OCSlimProjectXcodeTemplates repository.

Creating custom builds of Mozilla Firefox

I am trying to build my own version of Firefox with slight UI changes and by adding some addons(extensions) to the build.
I have downloaded the source code from repo. Where would I start to achieve this?
Which all codes hold the UI structuring? Where do I put my addon xpi files?
PS: I tried to read the Mozilla documentation. Its either kinda outdated or I am not really getting it? A detailed insight would be much appreciated.
To do this, simply place the extensions in the distribution/extensions
directory in the application's distribution directory.
Here are the extension
Flags In firefox
Do more with themes
For Editing you may need XUL
Go here and customize every component you need

CKBuilder is not including some plugins that I choose

I go to CKEditor Builder and customize it´s full version adding some plugins, specifically (Upload Image, Image Browser and Auto Save)
FileBrowser is supposed to be a preset addon.
When i click to build it, it generates a zip file.
Looking into this zipfile i can´t see some of the correspondent folders inside plugin folder, like: "imagebrowser", "uploadimage".
Even the "filebrowser" that is a preset plugin for this version and "widget", "popup", "lineutils" and some of other necessary folder aren´t there.
PS: The "autosave" plugin installs correctly.
Whats going on? Does anyone knows whats wrong? I´ve tried other plugins combinations to check if the folders are included. I´ve restarted the computer, cleared browser cache, changed computers...nothing worked :(
I need Filebrowser, UploadImage e ImageBrowser.
If I install it manually it seens to work. But i´m having some troubles trying to configure it.
CKBuilder takes the plugins that you request and tries to merge all the plugin.js files to improve performance, so it's normal that you don't see many folders in the zip.
