Applying third-party themes to QtCreator (dracula) - themes

So I just downloaded the open-source QtCreator and I hoped to set the Dracula theme for this IDE, but I failed to do so, and I have no clue what I'm doing wrong.
So far, every where I looked for third party themes, they've been telling me to put it in a map on location "$HOME.config\QtProject\qtcreator\styles" (windows). Fine, but after I've copied the file into that folder, the theme is not showing up in the theme list when I'm trying to set a new theme in QtCreator, selecting Tools > Options > Text Editor > Theme-button :/
I'm quite (90%) sure the path/location is correct, but I assume the themes have moved to somewhere else. I would like to set-up this theme, instead of the default dark-theme. Thanks in advance!

So I found out the themes were located in PathToQt\Qt\Tools\QtCreator\share\qtcreator\styles. The developpers must have changed moved the theme folder, but now between the other .xml files, the Dracula.xml file works just fine.
I hope I fixed every one else's problem, who came to ask himself where the heck they had to put that theme.


Sublime Text 3 Theme: Some sidebar Icons not rendering

I'm writing a custom theme based on kkga's Spacegray theme, and I've run into an issue with the sidebar icons.
These are NOT the file icons feature, but the icons to denote if a folder is open/closed.
It looks like this:
However, when you hover over the rows, the highlighted row's icon renders just fine. Same image, and same path specification - so it's not an issue of the theme being unable to locate the file.
Can somebody more familiar with ST3 themes point me in the right direction to debug this issue?
ST3 Theme Docs can be found here:
Ugh, I feel really silly. Turns out that the icons that were working, were cached versions (you can find the cache at /Cache/<package name> in the ST3 library folder).
I deleted the cache, reloaded the app and found that all the icons were not rendering. Realized that I had moved the whole package into the nested User directory recently, and as a result the texture paths were no longer correct.
Posting this for posterity. Mods, feel free to close this question.

Prestashop theme not detected

I'm new to Prestashop development. The first thing I've tried is to create a new theme copying the default theme directory in Prestashop 1.6. The problem I have is that, once created, the theme is not detected by Prestashop: is like the directory wasn't there.
If I create a new theme from the admin panel and replace the directory content with the same files, it works ok.
What should I do to make Prestashop detect my theme? I haven't found any information about it.
Thanks a lot.
I already answered on similar question here, there are two ways to solve your issue through backoffice
Copy default theme in Preferences -> Theme press Add new theme
button and then at the bottom Create new theme + choosing Copy missing files from existing theme.
OR if you already copied theme dir/files by FTP
Same steps, but without copy missed files (of course if you have no
missed files) and just put correct new dir name in Name of the theme's directory
This is actually the way it is done - Copying the default theme.
There could be several reasons for that:
Have you changed the name of the copied folder?
Did you use only a single lowercase word as a name?
Did you copy it to the /themes folder?
Here is additonaly info after the copying to do some cleanup:
Also it is perfectly fine to create a copy of the default theme from the backend. You can find instructions here:'s+Foundations#LayingtheTheme'sFoundations-Standingontheshouldersofgiants:copyingthedefaulttheme
For people who are using Prestashop 1.7 or higher and is facing the same problem when copying the Starter Theme, I recommend you to check if you actually have a themes/your_theme/config/theme.yml configuration file because the one that is loaded by default is a theme.dist.yml so Prestashop won't recognize it.

Fonts & Color Themes for Xcode7

Is there a way to install Themes on Xcode7.
I know that there are several themes available for Xcode. But, I am wondering if third party themes works on Xcode7?
I tried to copy the XYZ.dvtcolortheme into the directory ~/Library/Developer/Xcode/UserData/FontAndColorThemes/. Even though the theme shows up in the Xcode, I cannot see the changes in Fonts and Color after selecting the theme.
Any help?
I recommend doing what #bademi and what #CoolPenguin said. Try to close out of Xcode and then restart your computer. If those don't work I recommend contacting whoever made the theme to see if they know what's up. Hope I helped!

.master in DreamWeaver solution?

I have both dreamweaver CS5.5 and Visual Studio Ultimate 2010. Both programs I love, but I really want a way to complete all of my front end coding in Dreamweaver, and then work with the database in VS.Net.
I have been completing this by making all of the pages in VS.Net, and then clicking 'open with' Dreamweaver afterwards. Although each time I open the .master file with Dreamweaver it collapses into blank coding, propbably because it doesn't recognise it. I have researched this before,and tried to solve the problem by adding content to the documentType folder but nothing has happened. I really need some support in Dreamweaver because I am alsways changing the design of my pages, and each page uses a materpage file.
The other problem is the masterpage uses .swf files and javascript alot, which is a pain to use in VS.Net, as the code hinting doesn't work properly.
Does anyone have a solution to this problem?
I havent tested it yet, but take a look at this:
Go to **[Your_Drive_Here]:\Program Files\Macromedia\Dreamweaver MX 2004\Configuration**
Open the file Extensions.txt and add your custom extensions to the list.
Go to the DocumentTypes folder (still in the same path), edit the file MMDocumentTypes.xml\ (fullpath: [Your_Drive_Here]:\Program Files\Macromedia\Dreamweaver MX 2004\Configuration**DocumentTypes\MMDocumentTypes.xml**) with a Text Editor (i.e. Notepad or Notepad++). It’s not advisible to edit this particular xml file with Dreamweaver as the software may go crazy as it’s being used to edit itself.
Go to l*ine 67*, add the THTML extesion to the winfileextension and macfileextensionlist attributes. Here is the code exerpt
This instructions are for Dreamweaver MX 2004, but may work changing Macromedia\Dreamweaver MX 2004 for Adobe\Adobe Dreamweaver CS5.5 (I don't have CS5.5, but assuming this had not changed until CS4 (my version), it will be there.

Remove a magento theme - Rollback to default

This is my first time working with Magento and here is what happend: I spent two days reading the documentation and tweaking the settings to fit my needs. I then installed this theme:
The problem is that the theme didn't work the way I was expecting and now I'd like to rollback to the default theme and completely remove everything added by this theme to my installation.
Unfortunately, I didn't backup the installation and database before I installed the new theme and I have no idea where to start.
Thanks in advance.
1. Switching back to default theme
Go to the admin area and then system > configuration > design
Change "Current Package Name" to 'default' and make sure all inputs under the "Themes" section are empty. This will return you to the default theme.
2. Completely remove everything added by this theme
I take it from your question that you are not using any form of source control. Might be an idea to look into this for the future :)
Magento 1.7 has introduced backup and rollback features so you may also want to check that out.
If this is the case, backup everything before you start removing files and directories as described below
Anyway, to completely remove all files and directories added when you installed the module, unfortunately it will simply be a case of manually finding the files and directories deleting.
The easiest way to do this will be to find the original source code you received when you purchased the theme and removing the corresponding files from your site. When removing directories be careful to only remove those specific to the theme - It will have been sent to you structured so that you can easily drag straight in to your web root - so will contain some other directories required by Magento, simply to give it the correct hierarchy.
At the very least there will be files and folders specific to the theme located in the following directories:
and also most likely some more in the following:
I know the result for this can be different for everyone, but in case someone else comes across my specific case, it was the N98 folder under app/code/community/N98 that caused the problem. Particularly their CustomerGroupCheckout plugin as shown here:
Removing the N98 folder brought back the configuration page.
