Visual Studio crash when Deploy SSRS Report - visual-studio

Using Visual Studio 2013, when try to deploy the Report, the session Crash
I attach the messages
Do you have any idea to solve this issue?
by Event Viewer
I already followed this way - BUT the issue has not been resolved.

I had the same issue here, and in my case the problem was a faulty installation of the SQL ADMd.Net components. Try and reinstall those.
There is a DLL, named Microsoft.AnalysisServices.AdmomdClient.dll, which could not be found in my case. This caused a stackoverflow exception in my case. The admin reinstalled those components, and the DLL got installed, too. Deploying reports is now possible :).
I figured this out by attaching one VS instance with debugging enabled to another VS instance, with which I tried to deploy reports.
Also, I had to enable debugging for .NET Code in the settings.
I set a breakpoint at the function
And that's where I noticed, that the same block functions were called over and over, trying to load the DLL, but not being able to find it. It is the nLoad function.
This eventally caused the Exception, and the exception code 0xc00000fd, which is a Stackoverflow exception.
I can't post images here, but I hope it's still understandable.
Best regards,


How to I solve a Visual Studio Fatal Error during debugging involving Desktop CLR, CoreCLR and recommending Managed Debugger

I'm afraid the error is so baffling to me I didn't even know how to word the question! I'm writing a plugin that's a class library for a Third Party Application (call it 'ApplicationX'). I had this successfully set up in a debug environment where it would build to ApplicationX's Plugin folder with the .pdb file and then the VS debug would start ApplicationX, thus enabling me to debug the plugin/class library code. This was working fine until I had a System Drive crash >.< (my first ever + ouch!).
Here's the debug setup:
I've just come back to it. I couldn't tell you all the changes, but I'm on VS2022 now as opposed to 2019. Now when I run it (the source code and ApplicationX is still much the same), I get this really weird error:
I've read through all the SO articles I could find and tried the suggesitons therein, but nothings worked. Firstly, I just can't understand the error. Secondly, Are there any suggestions on what to do. Here's what I've tried:
Installing .net Core 3.1 and 6 (full + desktop versions)
In options>debugging>general, checked "automatically close the console when debugging stops"
Some other stuff that I can't remember right now!
Be grateful of any help as this has brought my dev to a grinding halt!
Solution: I got in touch with the author of 'ApplicationX' He confirmed that he'd migrated it to .net Core. So that was the issue. I haven't got the solution in terms of solving it from that perspective, as I switched to the .net Framework version of ApplicationX instead! Non-the-less, the error's a bit clearer.

Crystal Report Engine error

i am stuck with a problem regarding Crystal Report 13. I am working on Visual Studio 2013 developing Web Application.
Previously i've developed reports and those were working fine but after some time on web page crystal report viewer stop rendering. I tried to resolve the issue by suggestions on different forums where i need to add reference of Crystal Report 13 files in my Web.Config. After all changes the problem was not resolved. Than people suggested me to re-install redistribution package of crystal report 13, i've done the same thing now there is a new problem which is quite different. Whenever i am trying to open page it shows following error:
Server Error in '/Abcd' Application.
The document has not been opened.
Description: An unhandled exception occurred during the execution of the current web request. Please review the stack trace for more information about the error and where it originated in the code.
Exception Details: System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException: The document has not been opened.
I've tried many forums and different suggestions but all seems useless, i've check the appropriate rights even try after giving full rights but still at same position.
I've found the alternative solution, before i was using 13.0.21 redistribution package which was using registry dlls version 13.0.2000.0, i was facing two problems using that particular version.
1. Unable to edit rpt file, whenever i tried to open it an error appear on screen that The operations is failed or unable to complete operation (something like that i don't know exactly what the error is but the summary is this)
2. When i try to open Crystal report viewer during execution, i've come up with error which i posted earlier.
What i have done for the resolution, that i've download Crystal report developer version 13.0.21 and install it with "Run as Administrator" because i creates some entries in your registry of windows, keep in your mind to close VS during installation. After successful installation both problems are solved but u need to change the dlls version in your code from 13.0.2000.0 to 13.0.3500.0

Codemaid did not load correctly

I have MSVS 2013 and Windows 7.
I'v tried to install Codemaid, but there is a mistake, when I launch a studio:
The 'CodemaidPackage' package did not load correctly.
The problem may have been caused by a configuration change or by the
installation of another extension. You can get more information by examining
the file
There are some errors from Log:
<errorinfo>Exception has been thrown by the target of an invocation.</errorinfo>
<description>Package failed to load; error message suppressed by skip flag</description>
May somebody give an advice?
Do you know what version of .NET you have installed? Starting with CodeMaid v10.3, .NET 4.6.2 was required.
There's some more information here:
If that doesn't answer your question, opening issues directly on the repository is usually the best way to get help.
Probably this can help you there is a known bug

cannot open visual basic 6.0 project due to component 'msconctl.ocx' not registered error

I have a project in visual basic 6.0 with an error message that,
'msconctl.ocx' or one of its dependencies not correctly registered:
a file is missing or invalid.
Can't figure out what is the problem,
i am also getting an error:- object or with block variable.
please help?
First, I'm pretty sure that you are talking about mscomctl.ocx (not msconctl.ocx), the Microsoft Common Control library, which is where you get all the common controls (text box, label, etc.) used in VB6. If you don't have this registered properly, VB6 won't run.
You haven't told us if you're using a 64-bit version of Windows or not. This makes a difference. In any case, you should be able to work out a solution by reading This.
MSComCtl.OCX was in 2012 modified in such a way that it became in-compatibable with legacy VB6 applications. MSComCtl.OCX prior to that was working fine. I ran into this and the only alternative left to me was to remove the control from the project ( in my case a Status Bar ) and use a Label field to cover the duties of the Status Bar. Once I was upgraded to a .Net Codebase I re-introduced the .Net Status Bar and things were back to normal. You probably didn't do anything wrong...its just a change to MSCOMCTL.OCX that once applied to your machine will break old VB6 projects that use that control. If you run or attempt to compile the app, VB6 should point you to the line(s) of code encountering the error. That will tell you which control is being victimized. Consider removing the control, and also the reference to MSComCtl, and creating workarounds. Sorry...just another nail in the VB6 coffin. I hate it but can't prevent it. Hope this helps.

Unknown build error, 'Exception of type 'System.OutOfMemoryException' was thrown

We have VS.Net solution with 20 projects in it.
Occasionaly, in VS.NET, when we try to build/debug our solution, we get following error:
Unknown build error, 'Exception of type 'System.OutOfMemoryException' was thrown
Only way to "fix" this issue is to reopen Visual Studio and then solution build goes well, but again after some time OutOfMemory exception occur again. It's really annoying to reopen Visual Studio couple times a day, so do you know some workaround for this issue ?
JetBrains is aware of this issue, and they provide some fix for it, using this fix solved my problems for now:
However, OutOfMemory exception is occuring again, but it's not as often as it is when I dont use this JetBrains fix.
According to what Microsoft recommends, it is not a good idea to have lots of projects within a single solution.
Check out this link .
But the solution suggested in the article is not something that be straight away used, because of the code refactoring costs involved.
Have you tried building the solution from outside the IDE. (Something like MSBUILD). That might help.
I have the same Issue if I use ReSharper and run several UnitTests (with enabled CodeCoverage).
I also assume this is a ReSharper problem. And since I disble it while I'm running Unittest the Exception never appears again.
BTW - Disabling it when the exception throws (as mentioned in the comments above) doesn't help, because of disabling it while VS is running will not unload it from memory. The only way to force the unload is to tear down all AppDomains which have loaded the DLL. In a VS Package scenario this means you have to tear down the entire VS process :(
Or you can just minimize Visual Studio for about 10 seconds (see in task manager how the memory usage of devenv.exe drops when minimized). This works for me in most cases.I rarely have to close VS to get rid of this error.
VS reinstallation is temporary solution. Jus increase your machine Virtual memory size. this resolves this issue.
ref below link -
