Crystal Report Engine error - visual-studio-2013

i am stuck with a problem regarding Crystal Report 13. I am working on Visual Studio 2013 developing Web Application.
Previously i've developed reports and those were working fine but after some time on web page crystal report viewer stop rendering. I tried to resolve the issue by suggestions on different forums where i need to add reference of Crystal Report 13 files in my Web.Config. After all changes the problem was not resolved. Than people suggested me to re-install redistribution package of crystal report 13, i've done the same thing now there is a new problem which is quite different. Whenever i am trying to open page it shows following error:
Server Error in '/Abcd' Application.
The document has not been opened.
Description: An unhandled exception occurred during the execution of the current web request. Please review the stack trace for more information about the error and where it originated in the code.
Exception Details: System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException: The document has not been opened.
I've tried many forums and different suggestions but all seems useless, i've check the appropriate rights even try after giving full rights but still at same position.

I've found the alternative solution, before i was using 13.0.21 redistribution package which was using registry dlls version 13.0.2000.0, i was facing two problems using that particular version.
1. Unable to edit rpt file, whenever i tried to open it an error appear on screen that The operations is failed or unable to complete operation (something like that i don't know exactly what the error is but the summary is this)
2. When i try to open Crystal report viewer during execution, i've come up with error which i posted earlier.
What i have done for the resolution, that i've download Crystal report developer version 13.0.21 and install it with "Run as Administrator" because i creates some entries in your registry of windows, keep in your mind to close VS during installation. After successful installation both problems are solved but u need to change the dlls version in your code from 13.0.2000.0 to 13.0.3500.0


Visual Studio crash when Deploy SSRS Report

Using Visual Studio 2013, when try to deploy the Report, the session Crash
I attach the messages
Do you have any idea to solve this issue?
by Event Viewer
I already followed this way - BUT the issue has not been resolved.
I had the same issue here, and in my case the problem was a faulty installation of the SQL ADMd.Net components. Try and reinstall those.
There is a DLL, named Microsoft.AnalysisServices.AdmomdClient.dll, which could not be found in my case. This caused a stackoverflow exception in my case. The admin reinstalled those components, and the DLL got installed, too. Deploying reports is now possible :).
I figured this out by attaching one VS instance with debugging enabled to another VS instance, with which I tried to deploy reports.
Also, I had to enable debugging for .NET Code in the settings.
I set a breakpoint at the function
And that's where I noticed, that the same block functions were called over and over, trying to load the DLL, but not being able to find it. It is the nLoad function.
This eventally caused the Exception, and the exception code 0xc00000fd, which is a Stackoverflow exception.
I can't post images here, but I hope it's still understandable.
Best regards,

Scintilla error message on unrelated code

First off, ScintillaNET v2.6 was installed as a control and I have been able to use it and compile, so I assume the installation is ok:
This app is targeting the full .NET 4.0 framework, not the client profile)
Environment variable
ScintillaNT folder content
The error message:
The code triggering the error:
The error happens on the second line when I "step-in" the load method. Looks completely unrelated, but highly reproducible: the error always happens at that exact step.
The problem turned out to be a corrupted XML file. I still don't know why the crash page was all about ScintillaNET, but it appears this had nothing to do with Scintilla.
I am not deleting this question because I could not find any indication that this could happen (errors in different parts of the code triggering a Scintilla error page) and it would have saved me a lot of time trying to track back the "scintilla" problem.

500 Internal Server Error after installing VS10sp1-KB983509

When I tried to use an Ajax control toolkit, I get a grey out error and searching around they said installing VS10 Service pack could help to solve the problem. So I did install it and now I got a serious problem:
I can no longer load the website that I can load normally before, it shows this error:
Server Error. 500 - Internal server error.
I tried many ways and finally found this one looks quite close to what happened to me:
And I tried what it suggested:
go to C:\Windows\system32\mcfc42.dll-> properties\security\Edit\Add
Iwam_computername or computername\Iwam_computername
Also added:
Allow Full control to all.
Restart server. But still the same problem. Please help me to fix this problem, unfortunately my server did not install backup option before I install VS SP1 so I could not recover to the previous point. Any solution ? If I cannot access it, no way I can code and test my website...
I found the solution for this. At first, to narrow down the problem I load the website at server side (not at client side) then I see this error lines in my web.config file, I think when I click at property at project in VS and choose .net 4.0 then back to 3.5 it add some duplicate to my web.config file. I just add all the first lines related to .net 3.5 and keep the xml format correct then it works fine now! Many thanks !!

error in Dundas Dashboard not working

I just installed Dundas dashboard 4.0.2 and it installed successfully. However when I try to open the program, the webpage shows me error:
Server Error in '/' Application.
Compilation Error
Description: An error occurred during the compilation of a resource required to service this request. Please review the following specific error details and modify your source code appropriately.
Compiler Error Message: CS0009: Metadata file 'c:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\assembly\GAC_MSIL\System.Web.Services\v4.0_4.0.0.0__b03f5f7f11d50a3a\System.Web.Services.dll' could not be opened -- 'An attempt was made to load a program with an incorrect format. '
Source Error:
{No relevant source lines]
Source File: Line: 0
Looks identical to the error message in the following link:
Based on that, it would seem like some prerequisite was not installed. Please post if the solution proposed there resolves your issue.
Hi i had the same problem not to long ago. I resolved it by uninstalling the latest release of Microsoft Silverlight and installing version 4 of it. Solved my problem instantly. There does seem to be an issue regarding the new version of Silverligh and Windows.
I would recommend re-installing the .NET 4.0 framework on the server.
After doing this, check IIS and make sure the application pool which is running Dundas Dashboard is set up to use ASP.NET 4.0 (not 2.0).

Unknown Database Connector Error in Crystal Reports

Ok, I am probably just shooting air with this question.. but I have no idea what's happening and I have been banging my head against it for the last couple days.
I have a crystal report version I built this report against an Oracle connection string (not ODBC as it was giving me errors to use a stored procedure as a data source). Anyway, so the report was connecting to the database fine.. and I was able to build the entire report.. refreshing data with every change I made etc.. Once I was finished.. I closed the crystal report. When I open the report again and try to refresh the data I get the error "Unknown Database Connector Error in Crystal Reports". I get this error when I try to run the report straight from crystal reports.. or from the .NET wrapper that we built for this report. I also get the same error when I run the report (in CR) from another machine. In fact I get this error just trying to connect to an any Oracle database from that report..
The really strange thing is that if I open another report that we built a while ago.. I can connect to the same exact data source from it and it I go to File -> Open and open the first report.. I can connect to the Oracle data source and the report runs fine.. I can reproduce this strange behavior at will.. I don't know what is going on.... and I have been staring at this problem for the longest while.. if anyone has any ideas I will be more than happy to try them out...
This is The Resolution:
I've fixed the problem, I just needed those lines:
<startup useLegacyV2RuntimeActivationPolicy="true">
<supportedRuntime version="v4.0" sku=".NETFramework,Version=v4.0"/>
If using a stored procedure as your data source, make sure it RETURNS a RESULT SET. Once I added a 'SELECT * FROM dbo.mytable', the error went away. :-)
Are you using the latest Oracle Data Access Components?
How to check which version you are using:
During installation of ODAC, consult the ODAC Installer screen.
After installation, see the history.html file in your ODAC installation directiory.
At design-time, select Oracle | About ODAC from the main menu of your IDE.
At run-time, check the value of the OdacVersion and DACVersion constants.
Note: This was originally a comment but added as an answer after OP response on how to check for the version of ODAC
