Frontend editing in Joomla doesn't work - joomla

I have made a site in Joomla 2.5, and can't edit my articles by using the frontend option "edit article".
This function is available when I am running the site in offline mode, but when I switch to online mode, it disappears.
When running the site in online mode, I login to the administrator, and then "view site"
Can some one please help me!

You need to log in on the frontend when your site is in online mode to be able to edit articles. It doesn't matter if you are logged already on the backend, it won't count.
You should either enable log in module on some page, or a menu item pointing to log in page on the frontend. After logging in there, you will be able to edit your articles.
If you don't want users to see your login page/module on the frontend, you can create a hidden menu item for it, for which only you would know the link and it won't be displayed

Just go to your website's /index.php?option=com_users
There you will be able to login to the frontend.


Joomla Submit article redirect to homepage

I have site that user can submit an article in frontend . I have create menu submit article, but when i click it , it redirect to homepage.
Thank you
The guidelines are here: Joomla : How to create an article from the front end.
Go through below:
Your menu item should not have access to only special members if you are submitting content as registered member. In short, you should maintain the access level of the page.
There can be some other cases, for which you must need to post the screenshot if any error message shown on the screen to debug. As you know there are many settings, custom code, and tweaks that Joomla CMS allows to implement.
To change the redirection when submitting an article I found it useful to do the following:
Associate the form that enables you to create an article from the frontend to a menu, and then edit the corresponding element of the menu, on the options tab, select the redirection after submission category to where you want it to redirect and that's it. Hope it helps anyone!

Joomla administrator re-directs to homepage in localhost

I am trying to access my localhost version of the Joomla Administrator, however each time I navigate to the administrator directory, my Joomla website index page loads instead?
I suspect the htaccess file may be the issue but not 100%?
Any ideas?
Ok seeing as you have some protection plugin which re-directs the user from the admin panel if they try and access the page, you won't be able to to either.
And seeing as you can't login to disable it, you will have to do it manually via PhpMyAdmin. Follow these instructions:
Enter PhpMyAdmin
Open the table called jos_extensions (jos is the prefix which may be different for you)
Find the protection extension you have installed which is causing the redirect and go to edit it.
You will find a column called enabled. You need to change the value from 1 to 0
You should then be able to login to the Joomla admin panel
Hope this helps

Change Joomla's 'Login to Readmore' url from login page to register page?

I have a blog page on Joomla which shows 'register to read more' link after each articles intro text.
Clicking this brings the user to a login page, with no 'register' option.
How would I change this to bring a user to the register page instead, and preferably revert the user back to the article after login? I have a login box on the register page so it allows the user to choose either login or register.
If you're using Joomla 2.5 and you don't see a link saying something like "Don't have an account?" then you have User Registration turned off.
Go to the Users menu and select User Manager and then click on the Options icon in the toolbar. Under the Component tab set the first option Allow User Registration to Yes.
Save you changes and then click on one of the "Register to read moreā€¦" links and you should now see the extra "Don't have an account?"
If you want more than the basic Joomla! options for site access then you may want to look at the Joomla! Extensions Directory (JED) and the section on Site Access

WordPress -- Plug-In To Assign Images To Users/Clients?

As a graphic designer, I am wondering if either:
there is a WordPress plugin that will allow me, as an administrator, to upload a client image and assign it to a user profile; or
there is a simple way to hack WP into doing what I stated in #1?
I want clients to have the ability to log-in once to my WordPress site, and to click on a "user gallery" page which will only show the images/graphics assigned/completed for them.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Seems this plugin should work...
User Specific Content
This Plugin allows you to select specific users by user name, or by role name who can view a specific post content or page content.

Custom Joomla Registration Form and Profile

I want to create a custom Joomla registration form and a profile to show the information saved. For this I followed the answer on this thread. I have cloned and changed the files of the user profile plugin. Now the problem is that the edited profile form is not displayed after I have enabled the plugin. I have a login link on my site, which on success redirects to a profile display page after that. When I click edit on the profile display page, the edit profile form is still the same old one and it is located at profile?layout=edit. All it has is:
Confirm Password
Confirm Email
Basic Settings
Why is this not working. The installation was also fine.
Is this even the right way of doing this.
Please help with this. I appreciate all the help. Thanks!
See original Joomla docs on how to add a profile plugin in Joomla 1.6
I ended up going with Community Builder. It has amazing search features.
