Google Recaptcha - Safari browser getting 0.1 score - recaptcha

I have implemented Google Recaptcha V3 on my site login page, I am getting success status as true and score 0.9 in the Google Chrome browser.
But in the Safari browser, I am always getting a score of 0.1.
I am using this URL: from the server side for site verify.
How to overcome this issue with Safari and all browsers?

I having same problem, but can't find any help too. I think this is a problem with v3. In other similar problems that I found googling, one person told that is necessary some time for v3 to learning behavoir and automated tuning it. So, is necessary that your website goes live for some time to work correctly. And, he sugest to use v2 first and changing versions until all goes fine.


Recaptcha v3 issue

Suddenly Recaptcha V3 stopped working. I am getting error.
Could not connect to the reCAPTCHA service. Please check your internet connection and reload to get a reCAPTCHA challenge..
But internet is fine. On investigation found that
is throwing 404 error. This gets added by recaptcha js on the page. The strange thing is api2 is twice in the url, if I remove one it returns 200 and loads the recaptcha logo.
You might want to check that no 3rd party library or your own JavaScript files are fiddling with String.prototype. Some String methods have been added to the ECMAScript 2015 specification and old scripts are still containing these. Just search for occurrences of String.prototype. At least that fixed it for me.

Chrome Web Requests getting stuck for 8 seconds

The Problem
In Chrome some people in our company are experiencing slowness loading some pages. I've profiled this in chrome and I can see there is a task that sits there and does nothing for ~8 seconds:
The actual request is only taking about 24ms to complete the request:
Devtools network tab reflects the same results as fiddler.
This has only started happening in the past ~1 month, and slowly more people in the company are experiencing it.
Other Details
Incognito mode has no effect.
Closing all chrome windows fixes it temporarily.
Opening a debug instance of chrome is uneffected.
In the events on the request, there is a huge jump between load events:
Seems to be caused by chrome being open for a long time. I get it a lot less frequently since restarting most days.
Any idea's on what could be causing this?
The requests taking a long time was actually just a symptom of the issue. The real issue is something causing the DOM to freeze. I've tracked it down to be the footer functionality of Kendo grids. Without the footerTemplate being set, the grids load at their normal speed.
We've contacted Telerik, but they haven't had any other reports of a similar issue. I've also tried removing all extensions, analytics, and anti-virus' on our computer's but no change.
The only thing that has seemed to work is changing chrome back to an older version. So it's seemingly connected to the chrome version, and something about DOM updating.
There could be two issues as per your explanation and the screenshot you have posted here.
First, there could be some issue with google-analytics loading.
For performance boost on modern browsers, google has suggested to use Alternative Async Tag.
<!-- Google Analytics -->
<script>||function(){(ga.q=ga.q||[]).push(arguments)};ga.l=+new Date;
ga('create', 'UA-XXXXX-Y', 'auto');
ga('send', 'pageview');
<script async src=''></script>
<!-- End Google Analytics -->
I would recommend you to put this tag at the bottom just before the </body> tag for maximum performance.
Second, there could be some issue with firewall.
Please check with your network administrator if there are any request blocking.
I can't tell what's wrong, but to be sure check if this setting is set to "Online"
Though for an entire company to experience such a thing would be weird... it sounds like something malicious is going on :D, or just some bad network settings.
You could try using another network and see if the problem still happens.

Why does my Linkedin share button not work?

I want to create a share button for Linkedin, the GUI button is all set up, but it doesn't work when clicking it. I researched a bit and came to the conclusion that using the same sharing mechanism, other sites work but mine doesn't.
I narrowed the problem down and now I'm trying to figure out why works but my site doesn't. I don't use my real company website because it's personal information, but it's a website that has been on the internet for more than 10 years (in case this information is useful). When I go to the links, my website throws an error, but Google works fine.
Is there any pre-requisite I'm missing, which makes my site not work?
I realized my server was blocking Linkedin (to reduce traffic from Linkedin bots). That's why it wasn't working.
As hint: I was working on closed webpage (for outside users) and that also causing problems with Linkedin share button.
Hint 2: Website uses Lets Encrypt! SSL and information mentioned here is a fake news Work's fine!
If you ever get stuck on trying to figure out why your page simply doesn't populate nice preview data on your LinkedIn share page, then check out the LinkedIn Post Inspector.
Insert the URL of your page (i.e.,, not the URL you are using to share (i.e., You'll get detailed information on how your site will appear and why, like, for instance, sharing
Hope this helps someone else with a LinkedIn share issue!

Website with Https does not work on IE 8

I recently moved by site to https and i have many users from xp and ie8.
Just noticed website with https not working as per screenshot below:
AS per my research on similar topics:
Microsoft says, you cannot view the site until you make some changes into your browsers, which is not possible to explain to every user who has IE browser.
Similarly, when i view Google on ie8 it works fine, so any one guide me what is the solution?
any help would be appreciated.

Facebook Connect XFBML not working

I'm making a website using Facebook Connect and decided to use Facebook's XFBML tags like "fb:profile-pic" since they are so easy to use.
I haven't been able to make them work no matter how hard I look online but then I noticed that it worked on all the browser's instead of Firefox.
I also realized that even on Facebook's own "The Run Around" sample app they don't work!! You can check it out here:
If you log in with Firefox your picture is not shown, but if you use another browser it is shown. This happens with the fb:profile-pic tag or any other tag like fb:name.
I haven't found any information online so I'm asking other people that have worked with this: Are these tags simply not compatible with Firefox ? Do they have outages or something like that ? Has this happened to anyone before ? Any ideas on how to resolve this ?
I guess they do have "outages". I've spent the whole weekend trying to resolve this and now they post they had a problem and have resolved it.
From the Platform Live Status website:
We are experiencing a possible config
problem with
If you are including Connect JS
library through,
all API requests through JavaScript
would fail. This affects rendering of
XFBML tags (such as fb:name and
fb:profile-pic) as well. While we are
fixing this issue, you can work around
the problem by changing
It's also safe to keep url change
permanently because is just an alias
I wish they had updated that sooner, now I'm looking for a place to find out about this stuff before I spend days working on something before realizing it's not a problem with my code!
Open up Firefox > Preferences > Privacy and make sure "Accept third party cookies" is checked. This is needed for Facebook Connect to work. Also, when using Connect, make sure all your tags are fully closed, i.e. <fb:profile-pic></fb:profile-pic> and not <fb:profile-pic/>. From the docs:
The user's browser must be set to
accept 3rd Party Cookies in order for
it to stay connected between clicks.
FWIW, I wouldn't use "the run around" as a sample app. That thing has been the same since they introduced Connect and is pretty hacky.
do check in connect section under the canvas option.
there should be a link of your physical file.
