How can I solve scratch2 textbox problem for rtl languages like farsi? - right-to-left

I'm using scratch 2.0 and for RTL languages such as farsi and arabic , I've got a problem with Textboxes . You can see the problem I face in picture below, starting the sentence from left to right.
It'd be helpful if you guys can help me out.
Is it related to Adobe Air version ?
I tried modifying locale/fa.po file but the problem in text box's still there !
Thank you in advance :)

The text box will disappear once you enter something in the input field then press Enter.


Translate an add-in in Hebrew

I'm trying to translate my Outlook add-in in hebrew but I'm facing a problem: how to write the text from right to left only for this language? I want to translate the add-in description in the XML manifest file and in the JS source code (my add-in creates an email with a pre-defined template translated in the user's language).
Does anyone can help me?
Thank you!
can you paste here a snippet of the translated text? I think that the text itself is OK. A small screen shot should also help.
Maybe only the text alignment is bad. Text direction and alignment is not the same. Hint: to see text direction, look for the "." at the end of the sentences, are they on the left? RTL direction. Right (as on this text)? LTR.

CKeditor 5 Background Color Change

So im looking to change the background colour of the text area on CKeditor5, iv tried doing it inline, using a css file but it doesn't respond.
I found this guide
But I don't understand what its saying? or feel its telling me where and how to implement this. Is anyone aware of a working demo of this or could show me how to do it?
Thanks for any help in advance - Greg

Vim airline customise settings

In this screenshot of my vimrc settings, I have installed the plugin vim-airline using vundle. After going through airlines docs, I found the set of lines to customise my airline.
The problem is the ones highlighted in red. The blue highlighted one works fine but the red one does not. The left one is same as right one. I tried using different Unicode symbols but does not work. Any workaround to this situation as this is troubling my OCD :P.
Thanks in advance.
This is a well-known issue related to the font (size and family) used in your terminal.
For a better display, you have two solutions:
Do not use arrows as separators
Configure your terminal emulator to use a patched font with the right size
If you prefer the first solution, make sure you have this code in your .vimrc:
let g:airline_right_sep = ""
let g:airline_left_sep = ""
If you prefer the other solution, take a look at this:
I have used the Hack font with size 11 for a long time and the arrows are perfectly displayed in my editor...

Entered TextField values disappeared while rotating device in appcelerator

I have an issue with screen orientation. The scenario is that, Suppose if there is 5 Text fields, and we entering different values for each Text field. After that, while we rotating the device, The 5th value got placed in all the Text fields and vice versa. if we entered only 3 out of 5 text fields, the last value in the field(null value) got placed in all the text fields.
Any help will be deeply appreciated. Thank you.
I fixed this issue by adding 'orientation' in below line for all in the tiapp.xml file,
i think it works.
I have never seen that before in the 5 years working with Appcelerator. Do you have a test case/code that replicates what you are doing? Maybe someone else testing would help...

Some line beginnings are a different color in Aptana

I've spent like an hour tying to find a way to fix this, but I just can't do it. Some lines/characters will show up a different color in Aptana (all semicolons, some tabs, and some whole). I just installed it today, so I don't know my way around the software very well.
Here's a picture to help you get the idea:
I would like get rid of the way some sections are lighter (the line saying some text is the line the caret's on, which is not the problem)
P.S. If this is the wrong place to ask this, I'm sorry, but I'm getting frustrated searching through Google and the Aptana preferences.
I too spent way too much time on this issue.
The answer by phazei is correct:
Aptana 3, php code background highlighting
But my main problem was I didn't know where to look. So to give some insight into how I found the answer:
It turns out you can see what markup the editor is using and how it classifies any block of text, by just right-clicking on the text you are interested in and pick Show in -> Properties.
