CKeditor 5 Background Color Change - themes

So im looking to change the background colour of the text area on CKeditor5, iv tried doing it inline, using a css file but it doesn't respond.
I found this guide
But I don't understand what its saying? or feel its telling me where and how to implement this. Is anyone aware of a working demo of this or could show me how to do it?
Thanks for any help in advance - Greg


How to make a grid in threejs like the attached image?

I want to make a interface like the attached image. But i am unable to get started.
Any help would be highly appreciated.
For basic grid (GridHelper) is your friend.

Rotating a UIButton?

I am trying to rotate a UIButton so it looks more like a diamond instead of a square. I have searched a lot on the site and could not find anything that could help me. I am having a lot of trouble with this and need some help. I think it will increase the appeal of my app when it is running. This is a problem I have had for a while and have been struggling with so anything can help me. I don't know if this is a built in feature in Xcode or if I need to do this programmatically.
Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks in advance.
You could simply apply an affine transform to the button. Something like this:
import Darwin
myButton.transform = CGAffineTransformMakeRotation(M_PI/2)
However, that will rotate the entire button, including the title. If that's not what you want then it gets more complicated.

UI library for Windows Mobile 6

I need some help finding a graphic library for Windows Mobile 6 with a control to answer some quick Yes/No questions.
Something like what's shown here
Also, I need to do something like this.
I don't need to present it the information in the exact same way but that would definitively be a plus.
Thank you very much in advance. Any help will be appreciated.
The way I did it at the end was how josef said, I wrote my own control for the Yes/No answers and I designed a static class to draw over a predefined image with the format already stablished (I just draw the lines indicating what the driving did at a particular time)

Good text to image generator with edit functions, live preview?

My customer wants an interesting application. The basic functionality is quote generator. the user writes the best quote he knows, the end result is a nice image of quote. he would like that user can:
- change background color
- change font color
- change font size
- preview function, so the user can see what he made - this can probably be html preview with jquery...
Does anybody knows similar script or see something like this made before? Any tips where i should start? I will defenitly post the code when im done :)
Thank you :)

Qt: transparent QRubberBand?

I'm trying to draw a QRubberBand on a QGLWidget. For some reason the area of the rubber band is drawn as opaque and I don't see what's behind it. This kinda beats the purpose of the rubber band as a way to select stuff inside it.
I've seen in docs for QStyleOptionRubberBand that there's an 'opaque' member but I have no idea how to access this in the default style or how to change it.
Anybody ever done this?
Are you in Vista/Win7 with Areo on? If so, does it work when you turn it off?
How about Message #6?
"In the meantime I looked it up in the QT source code, and I noticed that the following will solve my problem: myQRubberBand->setWindowFlags(Qt::ToolTip);"
It would be great having any source code ?
But here are how I would attempt to fix the problem :
Subclass QRubberBand
Redefine PaintEvent method
call iniStyleOption to activate style options of your choice
Hope it helps !
