Not able to click on AXImage - xamarin

I am working on a Xamarin.Mac Application. Where I want to click an image using Appium test automation.
The driver doesn't seem to be able to click on an AXImage. Is there any known workarounds for clicking on them?

Added the capabilty MobileCapabilityType.FORCE_MJSONWP as true and it worked for me. This is a work around in java client.
[W3C] Does not support sending keys to active element for Mac


Is Firefox Automation on MacOS using NSAccessibility APIs / XCUITest Framework possible?

Can Firefox on MacOS be automated using NSAccessibility APIs or XCUITest framework?
I can access only few buttons of Firefox Window. I want to perform some actions on an alert box, which is from one of the Firefox extension javascript. I have checked using Accessibility inspector as well. However VoiceOver on MacOS can access all the buttons. So I think there is possibly some way to do it.
Any help how to get this working? TIA.Please check Firefox window, which I am trying to automate, here.

Open Microsoft Edge while running app in Hololens

I want to open Microsoft Edge while running an app with the HoloLens. In my particular case, I'm developing a simple 2D app in Unity, where the idea is to press a button and open a pdf file, image, etc. Currently I've managed to open these files with the WWW class by pressing a button, but everytime I do it the app gets closed...
Is it possible achieve it? what would I need to implement in order to do it?
Thanks in advance!
To open EDGE or the default web browser you can use Application.OpenURL
In any case your app will go to the background, In case you need to show a website inside your app you will need to use any Plugin/Asset like this one that sadly doesn't support Windows.

Finding elements by xpath in Appium using XCUITEST driver

The task of updating an automation framework has fallen upon me. I'm new to iOS testing so I'm having trouble with the new XCUITEST driver in Appium-1.6.0-beta1.
I have the driver up and running, but the majority of elements are located using xpaths in the framework (not at all ideal I know) the majority of elements do not have labels, names, or accessibility tags. Thus :name locators are ruled out for 90% of elements at the moment.
The xpaths seem to be catering to the old apple framework (UIAutomation) and look like the following:
I have tried soemthing like this:
These are passed into driver.find_element(:xpath, xpath_value) With no luck. I can't seem to find any documentation on this, and have had minimal success on the appium discussion forum.
Can anyone point me to a working example, or documentation? Any better way to do this?
Any input would really help!
Not all of the XCUI elements are direct transfers from UIAutomator. The way I have been using is to run the tests without the xpaths you need and when you open onto the screen you desire go:
Then it is a matter of reading that XML to get the desired item. A lot more tedious but without the appium inspector in 1.6BetaX it's the only way I know how to get the XCUI hierarchy.
With little workaround, you can use the old graphical appium to find xpath of view elements for using with Appium v1.6 Follow the step 1 in this link on medium:
The good old Appium inspector, with a bit workaround
The above answer by JaysonP works fine but there still is a way to use the appium inspector.
Run appium you are using (appium 1.6.x ) from terminal/command line
Open appium GUI application but Do NOT run it
In the GUI, give the App Path
Make sure both the GUI version and the one you are running on terminal are using the same port. Once again DO NOT launch appium from the GUI
Click the Inspector button without launching appium
Inspector window should be opened and you can use the way you have been using it previously

How can I render HTML in a Silverlight 5 app?

I'm currently working on a project that renders emails in HTML format to a Silverlight 5 app. The app is intended to be viewed via a web browser and not an 'Out of browser' app. The WebBrowser control was initially used, but I'm having issues with it. A message stating that IE needs elevated permissions and such. After reading how to properly implement the WebBrowser control by signing the .xap file and installing certificates it seems to work when I run it locally, but when I publish to the server (Windows Server 2008), it doesn't seem to work.
I tried to implement an alternative I found ->, but that didn't seem to work as the HTML I'm trying to render has many tags not supported in that example.
I also took a look at the Frame control but not sure if that would solve my problem either.
So if anyone can guide me into the right direction of either how I can get the WebBrowser control to work when pushed to the server or perhaps another alternative it would be greatly appreciated.

GWT Lagging or Slow when rendering textbox

Im experiencing some lag when I create a Web Application Starter Project when it renders the text box. Anyone know why and how to fix this? Its just the standard test code that comes with eclipse and is provided as a checkbox.
The video is here:
It is lagging because you are using development mode. Compile your app, than remove gwt.codsrv parameter from address.
