Open Microsoft Edge while running app in Hololens - windows

I want to open Microsoft Edge while running an app with the HoloLens. In my particular case, I'm developing a simple 2D app in Unity, where the idea is to press a button and open a pdf file, image, etc. Currently I've managed to open these files with the WWW class by pressing a button, but everytime I do it the app gets closed...
Is it possible achieve it? what would I need to implement in order to do it?
Thanks in advance!

To open EDGE or the default web browser you can use Application.OpenURL
In any case your app will go to the background, In case you need to show a website inside your app you will need to use any Plugin/Asset like this one that sadly doesn't support Windows.


Is it possible to detect if user use our PWA from desktop or from mobile?

I'm working on PWA, this is my first try with it. I have done the tutorial and few research but I didn't found anything about my problem : I would like to know if the user is using the app from his desktop or from a mobile, and then, if he uses the app from a desktop, change the start url (in order to go to a real website). Do someone have a clue ?

Cannot start web-simulator on google actions for API.AI project

I am working on Google Cloud Platform to develop a project in API.AI, I have an integration (in API.AI) with Google Actions (for Google Home or Google Assistant), they provide me to see my progress as real time in web-simulator, that you can find here:
I am trying to START the web-simulator clicking on START button, then I get a window pop-up but after open, it closes, I try and try again but I obtain the same result, I cannot open the web-simulator. I have allowed the popup windows in my browser.
Of course I have completed all steps to start web-simulator...
I don't know what is happening. Someone can help me? Thank you, have a good day.
First, are you using a compatible browser? Try it in Chrome if you're
not already using it, as Chrome is a Google product, and so is the
web simulator.
Next, are you using any Ad-Blockers or
Script-Blockers like NoScript? If so, try disabling them, as they
could interfere with the operation of the tool.
If it still doesn't work, try going to an Incognito Windows by pressing the
three dots button and opening a New Incognito Window. Go to the page, and log
in. This will ensure that no cookies are interfering.
At this point, if you're still having issues, try a different browser.
(Either Firefox or Opera)

How can I run multiple copies of the same app using Google ARC Welder?

I've installed the ARC Welder extension for Chrome. I opened it and added an apk. When I navigate to my Chrome Apps page, I see an icon of the app, and when I click on it, it launches ARC Welder and starts that app. Beautiful!
When I try to open a second copy of the app, it closes my Chrome Apps tab and sets the focus to the already-running instance of that app.
On the Chrome Apps page, I've tried right-clicking the icon to look for some option, holding control and clicking it, and opening it from a different Chrome window, but each time, it either does nothing or just directs me to the already-running instance of the app.
Is it possible to use Google ARC Welder to run multiple copies of the same app?
ARC Apps only allow one instance at a time. If you click the App icon it only refocuses the window.
It would be problematic if multiple App instances could be running simultaneously; for instance, they would share the same filesystem which was not necessarily designed to be accessed simultaneously like this.
If you want a second app instance at the same time, you would need to package it separately with a second App ID.
after loading it in ARC Welder
this can be done in 4 steps
click download zip instead of test.
After you save the zip file you'll have to extract it to a folder.
Then in chrome go to the extension page and select "developer mode".
finally click "load unpacked extension" and select the folder you just extracted
if you want to run multiple instances of the same app
you can simply make an copy of the folder you extracted en repeat step 4
Docker will allow you to run multiple ARC Welder containers simultaneously. Here is a Youtube clip showing how.

My windows phone application runs when ran though visual studio (onclick of device button) but when I disconnect and run it doesn't?

I have written file picker code in my project. When i run the project in my windows phone by clicking on device button in visual studio, the app runs fine(I mean it opens pictures library and i can select a photo and preview it).
But when I disconnect my usb and then open the app in the phone and when i open pictures library on click of a button , the pictures library opens briefly and then the app crashes immediately(My app closes).
Can anyone please help me with this??
As written in the blog post , the AndContinue method run in a different process and to do so, the current running app goes into the background or even gets closed sometimes, that is what you are experiencing in your app as far i can tell but not sure why different things happening during debug & deploy.
There must be a callback inside app.xaml.cs specifically to handle the condition when calling application(which was sent into background) comes in foreground, read this blog post carefully & you'll understand as what you need to change in your code :
I just dealt with this issue and one of the reasons why there are differences between debug and deploy is because of the suspending event.
During debug, the application does not actually get suspended until you manually do it through Lifecycle Events. This means that when you pick a file on debug and the app is put to the background to load the file picker, it is not actually suspended, while when the app is deployed, it actually gets suspended.
Look into your app_resuming method and OnSuspending methods in your app.xaml that may be causing errors not occurring during debug.

WP7 app won't launch from app list

I have a simple Windows Phone 7 application which is working perfectly when started from Visual Studio. However, if I deactivate the app (press Windows button or back button from the application's MainPage) and then click the app's icon to relaunch, the screen will flash and return to the list/home screen. I assumed this was an issue with the emulator but when I got a developer device I have the same issue.
Note that reactivating without a complete tombstone works (pressing Windows button from the app and then back).
I have no idea what causes this or how to proceed with debugging. Hopefully someone else has experienced this and knows a fix.
Turns out there is a bug, i found the solution here
In short, it turns out that the Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Media.MediaLibrary class (which I am using to display pictures on applications main page) is not properly initialized when the user has not opened a media hub prior to you calling it. So picture collection properties are null or empty. The solution is to add a call to MediaPlayer.Queue.ToString(), it will force the initialization of the native media library allowing you to invoke the MediaLibrary later on.
Sounds like an unhandled error on startup is causing the app to crash.
Trap/log/handle/display any unhandled exceptions. Also check what you're doing on startup.
IF you are saving something (to Isolated Storage) after first run and then opening it on subsequent launches then that's where I'd look first.
If it works when launched from Visual Studio then this will probably be due to the way you are rebuilding/redeploying the app before launching it in that case.
