GWT Lagging or Slow when rendering textbox - performance

Im experiencing some lag when I create a Web Application Starter Project when it renders the text box. Anyone know why and how to fix this? Its just the standard test code that comes with eclipse and is provided as a checkbox.
The video is here:

It is lagging because you are using development mode. Compile your app, than remove gwt.codsrv parameter from address.


Not able to click on AXImage

I am working on a Xamarin.Mac Application. Where I want to click an image using Appium test automation.
The driver doesn't seem to be able to click on an AXImage. Is there any known workarounds for clicking on them?
Added the capabilty MobileCapabilityType.FORCE_MJSONWP as true and it worked for me. This is a work around in java client.
[W3C] Does not support sending keys to active element for Mac

Zooming images in an Ionic PWA

I am looking to pinch/zoom images in an Ionic PWA. I can build PWA’s which work for zooming (the whole window zooms) when opened in a browser, but as soon as I save to Standalone mode this becomes disabled I assume this is due to the metadata provided when creating standalone mode.
I’ve tried the ionic-img-viewer plug-in and it doesn’t help.
I don’t know where else to go with this.
Thanks for any pointers

How to debug when using Google VR (Daydream) and Unity?

I'm using the latest Google VR SDK and Unity 5.6. I've got a Daydream headset/controller and I'm trying to develop a game. I've been stuck on a problem for a while now, which in a typical Unity environment I should be able to solve very quickly, but because I'm forced to build/run the code to the device each time I want to test I'm unable to view the console nor see any error/warnings which are thrown.
Any idea on how I can debug using Unity, or even emulate the Daydream controller/headset within Unity? I've seen that a controller emulator exists, but it appears you still have to run on the device, only in that scenario you have to have two phones; one acting as the controller and another as the 'screen'.
Check out this asset Log Viewer.
Using this asset you can see the same log console in Unity Editor in runtime. I don't know about DayDream but it worked for me on Android, Oculus, and GearVR.

The parameter is incorrect exception

I'm working on a Windows Phone 7.1 project and got most of my work done and decided to add to the project the images for my tiles (62x62 and 173x173 PNGs) plus the JPG file for the splash screen (SplashScreenImage.jpg 480x800).
Before adding these images to the project my project was running fine! After adding them and setting the tiles images to the 2 new files, my project still builds ok, but when running on the 7.1 simulator (my acer laptop doesn't have hardware assisted virtualization enabled in order to run the wp8 emulator) the app crashes when trying to load MainPage with "The parameter is incorrect" exception (in the Application_UnhandledException handler).
I've been trying to find a solution on the web for the last 1-2 days, found few mentions of this error and few possible causes, but none of my findings helped so far. The exception doesn't say anything helpful and it's getting really frustrating considering that most of the serious work is done and I'm very close to releasing the app to the marketplace.
Did anybody run into this issue before? Any ideas what could have gone wrong and how I could solve this exception? Any help is much appreciated!
Thank you in advance!
Whenever I wish to change the Splashscreen and other images, here is what I do:
Locate the file on disk using Windows Explorer.
Open the file using some image editor (I use Paint.NET)
Remove the default image and replace with your image maintaining the dimensions.
Save the image and return to Visual Studio.
Rebuild the entire project.
This works seamlessly without any errors. ;)

How can I render HTML in a Silverlight 5 app?

I'm currently working on a project that renders emails in HTML format to a Silverlight 5 app. The app is intended to be viewed via a web browser and not an 'Out of browser' app. The WebBrowser control was initially used, but I'm having issues with it. A message stating that IE needs elevated permissions and such. After reading how to properly implement the WebBrowser control by signing the .xap file and installing certificates it seems to work when I run it locally, but when I publish to the server (Windows Server 2008), it doesn't seem to work.
I tried to implement an alternative I found ->, but that didn't seem to work as the HTML I'm trying to render has many tags not supported in that example.
I also took a look at the Frame control but not sure if that would solve my problem either.
So if anyone can guide me into the right direction of either how I can get the WebBrowser control to work when pushed to the server or perhaps another alternative it would be greatly appreciated.
