AWS API gateway really works well but I can't run this on javascript AJAX - ajax

I made python function using AWS lambda and connected lambda with API Gateway
After then, I tested API. It worked well.
Testing in API Gateway was Successful
Now I tried to using this API with AJAX.
Javascript AJAX Code was like this
How ever result was
"jquery-3.4.1.js:9837 GET net::ERR_FAILED"
How can i solve this problem??
Hope for your wisdom!
Thank you

I think there are a few things. The content-type header being returned is application/json but the response is not JSON.
But I think the main problem is that the HTTP status being returned is 301. This tells the browser that this resource has been moved and the browser typically expects the response to contain information on where things are moved to so it can redirect.
I suspect if you change your configuration so that a more normal response code (i.e. 200) is returned, this will work better.


How to do a REST POST with Grafana AJAX panel?

I have a SpringBoot API with a POST end-point.
Trying to make a call to end-point from Grafana AJAX panel
It seems to be hitting the end-point but error occurs complaining about missing body.
error: "Bad Request" message: "Required request body is missing: public org.springframework.http.ResponseEntity status: 400
But the request has indeed a body.
Have been looking for possible POST examples for hrs now but no joy, e.g.
Any tips or solutions would be much appreciated.
Asked this same question on Grafana support forum.
Turns out the plugin/panel in question does not support POST with body.
Indeed, it looks like POST JSON data to backend is not currently supported. There seem to be two related issues here:
You're welcome to share your thoughts there, it looks like this feature request has been added as a future enhancement but I am not sure when that work will be completed. In the meantime, you may need to forego using the AJAX Plugin.
So it's basically useless as my backend API end-point requires a body.
try the new JSON API plugin
or AjaxPanel plugin for more control

Is there any tool to debug the rest calls made by GraphQL Playground?

I'm not able to figure out why the REST API call works just fine in Postman but not in the GraphQL Playground. If I could see the actual REST call being made by GraphQL, would be helpful to debug the issue.
Firecamp's GraphQL client lets you test the GraphQL as an API call or as a Query way.
Here is the dedicated GraphQL client
Here is REST like GraphQL client
Note: Make sure that you double-check the method and headers while using REST-like GraphQL client. IN most cases method would be post and header should contains Content-Type: application-json / application/graphql
The GraphQL playground allows to send GraphQL queries/mutations to your GraphQL server. You can see the requests that are send using the network tab of a browser dev tools.
For example, if a server is in running at the following address http://localhost:4000/graphql, sending a query/mutation, a XHR request will be sent to it. In the Request Payload of the Headers section there is the query/mutation itself.
In the Response section you can see the returned response.
You can start having a look at the returned response of your query/mutation. Perhaps there is something wrong in the related resolve function in GraphQL.

django-rest-framework: how to allow http PUT to succeed

I have a startup django-rest-framework app, which I'm using to serve data to another Django app
I have no issues with GET, POST, and DELETE, but when I issue a PUT - I get 405
What can I do to fix that?
if I'm remembering well, I has the same issue. Following the tutorial of django-rest-framework I noticed that pressing PUT botton request and monitoring network tab of chrome developer tools it did a POST request instead of PUT request.
Maybe '405 METHOD NOT ALLOWED' error message caused by request without '/' at the end of the url.
Not working
If not, check how you request it. It's similar to request DELETE method.
This is an example I've just testing using PAW http client application
PUT Method request screenshot
PUT Method request result screenshot

Trying to call cloud function using maigun route action

I'm trying to use a cloud function in a mailgun route action (forward).
My action is like this (with my app id and JS key included of course):
In the mailgun logs, I see it call, but I get the following error:
HTTP Error 401: Unauthorized Server response: 401 HTTP Error 401: Unauthorized
My function is just a simple response.send("OK");
Obviously I'm missing something.
The issue I think is that the Cloud Code calling convention requires you use special Parse headers, not just keys: it may be different if its being called from a browser with sets the referer headers. I'm not sure you'll be able to call it this way directly from Mailgun: you may need a proxy of some sort.
EDIT: I think you'll need to use the Express Webhook implementation instead, and then you can use standard basic authentication. Cloud Code is really for cases where you have control over the HTTP client you're using.

Ajax And REST: Can I send an ajax request to a REST service to recieve response?

I want to use mootools and SqueezBox class to handle a request to a RESTful service. I don't want to use any server-side script. I am using AJAX. I send a request to the following url using GET method.
but I receive a 404 error. Is it because cross-site scripting? here is my code:
new Event(e).stop();
In Firebug console, sometimes 'aborted' is shown and sometimes '404'.what is wrong with that?
XMLHttpRequest is subject to the Same Origin Policy; if the document your JavaScript is running within is not from the same origin as the service you're trying to call, the call will be disallowed for security reasons.
There is now a proposed standard for cross-origin resource sharing to address this. It may be that the service you're trying to use supports it; if so, using a browser that implements CORS (recent versions of Firefox and Chrome do, as do some others) may work. IE8 supports it but requires that you do extra work.
You cannot use XMLHttpRequest (that is, ordinary "ajax") to call a service on a server that is not in your domain.
You can, however, use the JSONP trick, which takes advantage of the fact that the browser will load Javascript from other domains. However, the service has to know that you're going to do that, and it has to understand the protocol. That particular service seems perfectly willing to give me a JSON response, but it doesn't pay attention when I give it a "callback" parameter. (I've tried both "callback" and "jsonp" and the JSON blob that comes back is the same, without a function call wrapper.)
